Sunday, October 30, 2005 :)
at church they took out the old old old pics of us youth. Way back then when I was in P5 (thought i wasn't in the pictures)
Had one hell of a time laughing at all of us la. Desiree's hair was so... HAHA.
The best part - Samuel was Sec 1 then. And he was wearing the same polo tee in the photo as he was today. LMAO.
I think I'll get him a shirt for Christmas =P
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:54:00 pm
maine and i =)

retarded freaks can. hahaha.

sharifah and i =)

gloria and i =)

nadia and i =)

faith, hope, love =D

khye an, naim, alex, me =)

alan and i =)

i like this one! wei chieh and i =)

dominic looks weird...

azman and i =)

haha. william looks funneh =P

What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:38:00 pm
Ahhh. My feets are blistered; thanks the the amazing race at East Coast just now. Ran like siao. Really siao. Really siao. SIAO LA! Craziness. And I'm sick, can. Siao king. Managed to run quite a bit. 'burn the calories', as according to Jack. riiiggghhht. Haha. But quite fun. I don't know how those swimmers do it. Run all the way. Siao kias. Aiya, cos they're swimmers la please. And I sing =D Hoho.
Anyway. Was wearing my white sandals so kena sores. Skin peeled off. Ouch king man. But all the same, it was fun =D haha. And Ben fell sick. Poor boy. Asthma/fever. Ouch. Lol.
Hmm... Worship practice was horrible today. To me la. But the message in the morning was good =D And Jon Ma has this really... weird but cool bottle. Hahaha. 'Vitamin A. A for Assholes' diaooooo. Quite lame. Lame = funny wad, right? Lol.
Hmmm. Oh man, I'm actually running out of rubbish to talk about. That is so ironic. Argh. And I'm gonna be missing another choir practice. Feel quite bad really. With so many other things on which I've already committed to, then a sudden practice crops up and I can't go. And I've missed 1 performance, gonna miss another. I'm so dead can. Aiya.
OH YEAH. Just remembered. There was this line on Flightplan that I found very meaningful.
You can never move on until you learn to accept and grieve.
The irony in the line that makes it so true. I can't agree more.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:22:00 pm
Saturday, October 29, 2005 :)
and sadness creeps in. Really quite heart-breaking. But I guess this's all part and parcel of life, ain't it? Nothing lasts forever. How sad.
To all 2e1ers out there who're reading this, thank you. Thank you for playing such a big part in my life; thank you for making this year oh-so-special. Thank you for all the joy you've brought, thank you for all the irritating, corny jokes you've told. Thank you for the funny pranks you've played, thank you for the listening ears and helping hands you've offered. To all my lovely friends, thank you. Thank you so, so much. I love you guys, I really do. Not just 3 meaningless words, I sincerely mean what I say from deep down inside my heart.
So we're all going our ways now. Charmaine, Emily, Alan, Daryl, Naim, William, Najiy, Omar, Koong Jye, Gloria, Sha, Nadia, Alex, everyone. Except maybe Khye An and Dominic, whom I hope to see in 3e1. It really is sad. Some of whom I'll never see again, I think. And my dear good friends. Lets make it a point to stay close, aiee? =D
But anyway, it isn't the end of the world. Lets look forward to next year =) cos our friendship won't end here. That's for sure.
So my heart's sore. So is my throat. At least my eyes aren't.
Optimism prevails.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:32:00 pm
Thursday, October 27, 2005 :)
GEOGRAPHY OR HISTORY!?!?! Shucks la. This is gonna affect the rest of my school life? Argh. And I'm still in a dilemma as to which one to take.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:34:00 pm
Wednesday, October 26, 2005 :)
Woo. Ok, obviously I've changed my blogskin. But I think this font's a little small, don't you? Aiya, every one has its shortcomings, I think.
Mmm.. Took a nap just now. Gonna bathe and turn in soon. Feeling kinda tired. Lets see, tomorrow we're going dragonboating. NOW BABY THAT'S COOL =D
Yeah, it is. There's other stuff like bowling or rock-climbing but I think we kinda got the best. We can do the rest on our own, but how often do we et to dragon-boat, aiee? =P Look on the bright side, guys!
I was on the way home just now on the TPE, and I was totally awed by the clouds. I spent the whole trip just staring at them, mouth agape. Seriously, it was like NOTHING I had EVER seen before; ever. It was just so, so, so beautiful. Totally spectacular.
It looked... unearthly. Really, it was just so wonderful. Makes me really marvel at the hand of my great God =) Came back and got on the com. Saw Ben Chan's nick - beautiful clouds hovering over my head. Seng kang kia. Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
There is so much beauty in simplicity, isn't there.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:29:00 pm
Tuesday, October 25, 2005 :)
The stuff that's happening around the world these days; it's disturbing. Very disturbing. So much so that I pretty much fear bringing my child into the world in 15 years time. I fear for what kind of influences my child would be under. I'd rather not have a child, then one who might not be saved. It's weird. Told you weird thoughts play in my head.
Just on Sunday, on the main page, I saw this article about teenage girls having sex with men for money. Read it inside. The youngest girl was 13, and she had sex with 6 men to get money before reporting them for having sex with someone below 16. And the saddest thing is this; they don't feel regret or guilt. To them, there's nothing wrong with doing that. This world is sick. Sick. Sick. This world really, really needs God.
Really, I could never picture me doing such a thing. Selling my body just for a few pieces of laminated paper which won't be worth anything when I die. God help this world.
Then today, as I got off the bus, this man carrying his young son shouted at the driver. Well, by my stop everybody usually gets off, so it was only me left behind him, and he was scolding the driver for I don't know what. Ok, so I was sleeping the journey from the TPE onwards. The thing was, this man had his young, innocent son with him, and he was ticking this driver off for 'not driving properly'. I really don't know why. As I walked away, I could still hear him shouting at the driver with exaggerated hand actions through the bus door. Seriously, the only fault I could find with this driver was that he was going really slowly.
But come on, in front of a young child, doing that? I don't think that's a very good example, is it? What the child sees, he would pick up, that's for sure. He was probably only 3/4, and at that age, everything that goes in stays in. I think.
So much is blamed on the generation today. So much; our behaviour, mannerism, etc etc. But is it really our fault? Where could we have learnt all this from? I guess it's either the media or the real people we see in our lives. Well, both are rather... linked, right?
Obviously we have to follow something or someone, don't we? (Not saying I'm some problematic kid to society...) But dang. I'm just worried about the world. So worried.
Maybe it's about time I started praying. Yes, it IS time we all started praying.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:43:00 pm
Monday, October 24, 2005 :)
stupid old com. Internet's so slow and MSN ALWAYS hangs. So I'm using windows messenger. Tell me about pathetic.
But anyway, shall stop complaining about something so minor.
Kinda cool day today. Oh man, brother's singing some stupid self-composed song about school/exams/science etc. Oh yeah, -recalls Desiree's ACJC magazine- oh my goodness. SUPER CORNY. Bui tahan. Full of rubbish can. It was a love poem about chemical bonds. Imagine the crap that came out of it? Rubbish.
Then the definition of solid particles: students in a class confined to their seats but free to wriggle.
Burst out laughing. What rubbish man.
Went for choir today. Not too bad a practice. Realised we are rather... weak... ouch. And it's really difficult to keep in tune when there are people singing out of tune, in general. Doh.
Escaped for dental appointment. Shiok. I mean, the dental appointment, not the escaping part. Was actually a little sad I had to leave. How ironic! Polished my teeth, yay. Haha. Then walked around Junction 8 which is so totally nice now. So big and new and so many cool shops. Didn't buy anything, though. Somehow it's oh-so-difficult to find a nice skirt. What is this man. Should go design my own =P haha. Yeah right.
Oh oh oh, heard 'Swear It Again' by Savage Garden again. Ahhh, love that song so much. Remember listening to it in Primary 2. Yes, it was that long ago. Somehow they're like, extinct now. But then again, so many bands are extinct. Our favourite (I think) Spice Girls, Five, S Club 7, whatever not. Oh well. I think I've gotta go listen to Max 6 again. Makes up for all the crap these days.
School's up tomorrow. Good or bad? We'll see again. =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:31:00 pm
Sunday, October 23, 2005 :)
Warning: This is gonna be a SUPER LONG POST. (not unusual anyway. just, longer than usual. whoa.)
Currently: Chatting on msn. Blogging (obvious). Researching for choir. Helping Edward with an essay. Giving Daryl my wise advice. Listening to some idiotic kia talking 'rubbish' (see for once somebody is talking so much more than me). What else? Checking emails. Listening to music. Wow. Multi-tasking kia.
Ok, so I don't find anything for choir. Argh. Just gonna infer from the score. WOW. Anyway, I'll turn the clock back now. Don't say I didn't warn ya! =D
Friday, 21 Oct 2005
School was so totally boring. My dearest Charmaine wasn't there. No teachers in class the whole day. Bored to tears. Death, rather. Managed to do half of my CBSI homework. Then played UNO with the girls =) Finally bonding. Haha. Fun kia la. Skip all the crap. Didn't get back Literature in the end. Everyone was booing Mrs Tang. Lol. So anyway.
Rushed home after meetings etc etc. Bathed (in the hope that my hair would look better) and packed my bag then rushed off to meet Emily. Bought all the stuff for the barbecue. Mr Tan gave us a lift to the chalet. Bla bla skip more crap.
Played cards til the rest came at about 7. Took like, 1 and a half hours to get the fire started -_- I'M GONNA GET LUNG CANCER. Stood there for more than 2 hours ok. Eyes got really red. William's too. Blood/smoke-shot. Imagine those Malay guys who grill Satay the whole day. I think they're more unhealthy than smokers can. Ok, maybe not. So barbecued the food which wasn't really eaten. Had lots AND LOTS of left overs.
Played basketball for a bit. Then Charmaine taught me to dance. SO FUN FOR WHAT CAN. Shiokness. Hip hop/contemporary jazz/ballet/chinese dance is so much better than Latin. Lol. Rocked la. So shiok. Could remember the steps better than her. Haha. (like Miss Intan forgetting her steps lol) but anyway. Had great fun =P she was very encouraging....... -insert many dots please-
Bla bla bla. What DID we do? Man alive, time flew. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, Sharifah's band was good. Azman's band was kinda cool. Singing totally off though. In tune, wrong chord -_- Lol. Funny la. And Mr Tan's singing rocks ok. Really nice. He sang with the guitar. (accompaniment la not literally guitar) but it was really nice. And Tong Hua is nice can. So anyway. Played guitar with Calista later. Rather she played and I sang. Another person who came in on her note before the guitar's. Lol. Actually ok, but kinda torturous for people like me. Lol. Oh, and Daryl and I managed to duet. Haha. Kinda cool. Some song by Ronan Keating. How to spell his name huh? Anyway.
Saturday, 22 October 2005
Started barbecue-ing again at 3am. Yes, 3am. Mr Tan/Tay saw SO MUCH FOOD LEFT in the freezer so... yeah, cooked again. And William is a great chef can. Pretty much impressed =) Taught me lots of stuff about how to cook. LOL. And the fishballs he fried were so much nicer compared to Maine's and mine can -_- LMAO. Really pro kia.
Argh. And they managed to start a fire in like 20 minutes. -rolls eyes- So anyway. Cooked EVERYTHING. And played a game, loser ate. What's the game again? 1-99. Say the number and you lose. Lol. Was dozing off by 4.30+. Mr Tan kept trying to get me to lose. Haha. Once I totally dozed off until they told me I lost then I ate to keep awake. Haha. Finished up all the food by 5am. Went to biang on the bed. Woke up at 5.20 cos Maine and Em pang-sehed me and went outside.
Played Tai Tee with Mr Tan and Ce Xi and Wei Chieh, I think. Quite funny sia. Lol. and Mr Tan has this thing about talking just like us. Using stuff like 'SUPER HOT' or 'WAH SIAO' lol. Funny. Anyway. Went to play Naruto with Maine. Zz first actually. Just some weird game like Street Fighter. Just biang the buttons. So anyway. Super fun can. Ah, now I want to play =P
Kept screaming and shouting. Agreed it'd be a 'friendly match' before that. Haha man. Killing each other. Best friends killing each other. How ironic. Lol. Were like 'DIE DIE GRR AHHH BLEHASGOIHB!' Me la. Making my weird sounds, as usual. And Mr Tay goes 'my impression of you two girls.. totally wrong.. I thought you guys were gentle and angelic.. so violent man' LMAO. Funny =P
Was gonna watch the sunrise but it was drizzling so yeah. And sleeping in the air con room. Was kinda awake but when I came out of the toilet the 2 kias were sleeping so I just slept too. Woke up at 8+. Apparently made a fool of myself when I asked huh? 3 times when William came into the room and asked whether I wanted breakfast.
Hey, I barge into your room when you're sleeping and ask you whether you want Nasi Lemak or Bee Hoon see whether you'll be blur la. First time I barely heard cos obviously mind's still asleep right. Tsk.
So cleared out of the place at about 10+. We were all watching powerpuff girls before leaving can. LMAO. Funny =P Was singing with Maine (as usual) all the way out. Emily was having PMS or something, so yeah.
Headed to TM with William, Ah Koon, Alan, Maine and Em. Watched Flightplan =D Not too bad, though a little boring at the beginning. A few loopholes here and there, but yeah.
Daytona-ed with William and 2 strangers. Was doing really well til my car flipped in the 7th lap. Forever like this. Argh. Oh well, went to that 'playground' outside Gelare. Fun la. Love that spinning thing. So Emily was supposed to spin me. Then Will and KJ walked over. 'Good luck Marianne' said Em. Haha. But anyway, was kinda shiok. 12.25. Went to the theatre and realised my wallet was gone. All the tickets were with me can.
Ran back outside, realised it wasn't there. Horror. Remembered I left it on my bag which was on my lap at the arcade when I was driving. Had stood up and not taken it. Chionged back in the hope that it would be there. Chances were this slim. Somebody was at the car I was driving and I saw this thing under the machine. Only somebody looking for something would've seen it. So lo and behold, my wallet was on the floor. Oh my goodness, terror can. Thanked God like crap.
MIRACLES HAPPEN WHEN YOU BELIEVE. Even non-christians like Alan were telling me to thank God. Thank God man, really. Will dozed off during the show. LOL. And those 2 lovebirds were holding hands. -spine chills-
Headed to the Whitesands Library after that since I didn't know how to go to the Tampines Library. LOL. Read a bit then came back to TM. Programme meeting. Realised I was hungry so went to Mos Burger with Evan kia to eat. Realised they didn't have my dear unagi burger that I'd wanted. Lol. Had ebi burger instead. Had programme meeting.
Was pretty much brain-dead at some points of time as noted by Jon Ma. Haha. So pai sei can, recording minutes. My pen was scribbling rubbish and Daryl went 'WHAT'S THAT!?!' LMAO. Funny. Then when we were planning events it was really fun =D Jon Ma's turn to doze. hahaha. Saw Charmaine kia (actually spotted by Evan) so waved to her parents.
Yes Maine, I laugh with you about what you Mum said. LMAO.
What happened then? Oh yeah, went to the airport to receive the Covenant kias. Got to see old friends like Ben Chan and Rachel Berry and Hazel. Kinda cool. Had dinner with Rachel. Man alive, she's one REALLY REALLY MATURE GIRL. I was so impressed. Really the most mature 18-year-old I've ever come across. She gave really good advice. And she's just really nice. Man alive. Now I know why my brother goes to her for 'counselling'. Really mature. You go girl =) So, went home, bathed, bianged on the bed.
Sunday, 23 October 2005
Worship was good. I don't know, it was so quiet-like. Really was able to talk to God, link that little bit. Played bass for one song. Impressed Shaun? haha. Kinda cool =D Though I don't think I was heard. But that doesn't matter =) Did this skit for Primers. Shaun's school of fine arts? LMAO. Maybe one day eh, kia? =P Service. Message was good too. Kinda applicable. Unexpected, as usual. Somehow the good messages are those I don't expect to be of much use to me. Made my own commitment to God today. And I'm kinda excited about it. KPC kias will know what I mean. 01.11 =)
So had committee meeting after church. Kinda cool. First meeting kia right. Cool. Looked at Samuel's minutes and compared it to mine... err.... okay... i've got A LOT to learn about taking minutes.. lol.
Went to visit my Big Uncle. His condition's improved! -cheers- Bed-ridden for so many years now. Really glad that it's getting better. He'll be able to stand soon, I hope. Yeah. After 3 years? Man alive.
Dinner at West Plaza. In the East. And I found out Siglap Sec's in Pasir Ris? Man alive, this is SO WRONG. Confuse people only. The dessert was so cool. Ice rainbow. Really nice. Milk ice or something. Shiokness kia.
Been having funny thoughts as usual. Oh yeah, and that day I dreamt of 7 songs I would lead for worship. I remember 4. Those 7 had their reasons too. Argh. And I can't remember now! But that was really cool la. So anyway.
Had a GOOD HAIR DAY TODAY. Forgot to bring my comb out so had to do without. And it stayed kinda nice =) amazing. Truly.
Dental appointment tomorrow. Yay. Bleah. Ok then, think I'll go biang on my bed in the air con later =) Think I'll turn it on. Choir tomorrow. Zzz... but anyway.
Today, I choose to follow You.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:26:00 pm
Thursday, October 20, 2005 :)
Haha. Ok, so we got back all our results today. Except for Literature. Results aren't all that impressive, but I'm rather satisfied. Happy with myself la. Basically cos this time I'm competing with myself and not others. Hit MY target =) which is what's most important, right?
Was rather disappointed with English. Somehow I do better with class work, aiee? Results sucked. For my standards. And dear Daryl Bong had to go tell me that lots of people got 40+ so my almost 40 which I would have been very happy with made me disappointed. Tsk tsk. And only 2 people I know got higher than me? But anyway, decided I'd just accept anything I got since I couldn't do anything about it. God's will =P
Math results were fine, although not all that high. Compared to others, I can't complain. What else? Science. Did better than expected, so that's good. 1 mark short of an A1 -_- Suay kia. Thanks to Bio. Lol. But still, happy with it =D
Did very well (to me) for Geography and History. I think I'll be taking Geography next year. And that island WAS Pulau Tekong, my dear Afiquah and Charmaine =P Amazed at my correct answers for Map Reading. HAHA. Oh well. Thanks to Risk, which gave me 'Argentina' (actually a wrong answer but oh well)
Chinese. Err... what can I say? I just pray for the gift of tongues. Nah, I don't really. But anyway.
Charmaine did really well =D really happy for her. Hopefully we can both get into 3e1? =P haha. Yeah, hopefully, judging by the way people get 97/100 for Science, or 94/100 for Math, while I lag 20 marks behind. -mutters-
Hmmm, just had a Ramley burger. Courtesy of malay stalls at punggol plaza -big idiotic grin- Then had Cornetto. Shiokness kia. And now I've gotta go catch Villa Wellness. Joey's last ep was today? How depressing is that man. But anyway.
Gotta do CBSI later. Class chalet tomorrow =D Can't wait! -jumps around- gotta catch up with sleep man. Slept like shiok on the bus. Got on, got into a shiok position and slept all the way =D first time I was actually comfortable sleeping on the bus. Now I know how to sleep =P haha. Ok.
Hope you all are satisfied with your results =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:13:00 pm
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 :)
Yes, been painting on my shoes the whole day. Not too bad la. Don't think I'll sew though, just draw lines and bluff my way through. RIGHT LIKE SHE'LL BE FOOLED. But anyway. It ain't looking too bad. Using marker instead of paintbrush. If not it'll be a complete mess. Not that it isn't already, but it'd be worse, so yeah. 5+ hours straight can. Of course with distractions from my tv.
Watched THE CINDERELLA STORY (heard that maine? =P), Bulletproof Monk and National Security. Was looking for some action stuff but yeah. Realised I'd only be listening to them fight instead of WATCHING it so. Just grabbed anything that seemed interesting. I mean, compared to some penguin documentary (which I don't even know what it was doing in my cupboard -_-) So ya.
Gotta meet Mr Njoo tomorrow. ARGH. Stupid environmental project. Have to make a presentation about dengue fever. What the heck la. Got myself caught up in all this rubbish. Who can I blame? ME ME.
Tsk. Ok, gotta run back to my shoes.
Lollipop rocks =D
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:29:00 pm
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 :)
What day is it
And in what month
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time
Cause it's you and me and all of the people
Nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you
All of the things that I want to say
Just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words, you got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here
Cause it's you and me and all of the people
With nothing to do, nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off you
Something about you now
I can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right
Cause it's you and me and all of the people
With nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of
You and me and all of the people
With nothing to do nothin to prove and
It's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you
What day is it
And in what month
This clock never seemed so alive
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:49:00 pm
What the heck. Choir again tomorrow. Can I copy Daryl's nick and paste it here or something -_- Not that I don't enjoy choir, just that I have to get up so early on a day I can sleep in. Planned to do other things tomorrow but now I can't. Argh kia.
Gonna spend the whole afternoon to finish my shoes. Yay. Now watching Tiramisu, kinda interesting really. And man am I bored to blog. I think going back to school and listening to Naim's crap is so much more entertaining. Super bored man.
So I'm gonna stop here and not cause everyone's spirits to drop like mine. Although I'm feeling all right now. Just. Sianified.
And my fingers are RAW. Ouch man. But still, shiok =P Can't stop playing the bass. Just love it. Haha. Ok then, back to tv. Fastest post ever or what man. Haha. Ciao guys =D
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:26:00 pm
Monday, October 17, 2005 :)
CME and EL P3 were killers today. We so didn't have enough time to finish CME. I mean, 1 hour? 20 questions? They were SO thought-provoking ok. I would've taken 5 minutes for each but had to rush. Only 4 minutes for each. And those guys were making a hell lotta noise. How inconsiderate. I mean, yeah, it's CME and I forgot to study, so yeah. Tsk.
And this new skin's weird. Might change back or find another one after all. And I can't really type properly. Internal bleeding, so it seems. Maybe I should do what ingenius Jon Ma did. Poke it with a hot needle to 'disinfect it'. RIGHT. Disinfect my own blood. Intelligence prevails. Lol. Hardened/raw-ed fingers. Woooo.
So anyway. Went to cut hair with Emily/Charmaine/Mum. Lol. Ended up waiting for her for ages and had to use a map to find our way -_- Zzz... But anyway. Looks better now =D haha. So bla bla bla. Hmm, went to catch Corpse Bride with my corpse friend aka Charmione XP Haha. Took some neoprints which are nice =D hahahaha. (yeah IT seems so, aiee? =P)
Currently attempting to view webcam with Des, talking on msn, blogging (DOH), and trying to get Glenn to do something that will make him less bored -_- zzz... Choir again tmr. Chiong shoe on Wednesday. Woo hoo. Managed to get my stuff just now =D yay.
Oh, and corpse bride was nice. Beginning was somewhat boring, but the ending was very touching. I wouldn't give it 4.5 stars, though. Hmmm... none the less it was a good film. Animation or whatever. Cool =D and maine was so noisy next to me. Hahahahahaha.
Ok so now what? Hmmm. K la I shall shut up now. I think. Ya. I think I will. Woo.
Oh, all the best to everyone I know who's taking 'o' levels aiee? =D God be with you :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:00:00 pm
Sunday, October 16, 2005 :)
what a word. Lol. Ok, so this is rushed. Blog skin looks... WRONG. can't remove that idiotic navigation bar on top. Zzz... blocking some stuff. Haiyo. Haven't updated all my links yet. But anyway.
I GOT SHAUN'S BASS FOR THE WEEK!! -jumps around- So shiok for what right. Woo. numbness fingers kiaesauraus rex. Shiok.
Watched Quidam yesterday, then Kim stayed over. Slept at 2am, 2 super tired kias in church today. Lol. Quidam was great la. Simply great. Hilarious. Seriously. Was whacking my brother next to me (well, if I clapped like siao it'd be kinda distracting for others so hitting him would be less... soundful.) Dad was stomping on the steps by the aisle. LMAO. Just so funny. But it was great, worth the money =D
Ended up going for supper at Macs. Haha. Got home at almost midnight. Talked to Kim until 2 la. Lol. Lots of catching up to do =) Wanted to watch Yamakasi part 2 but we were all too tired so.. yeah. haha.
Church today was great. The message was very moving. Eye-opener. Was really touched. Inspired. Almost cried watching the video/hearing the stories. A little really does go a long way. And people can be so evil. Uncle David Greenfield talking about his ministry in Cambodia. Haven't seen him for so long; he's really aged! Surprised me really. But he's still the same nice man =D
Worship prac was cool la. Had a shot at the bass with 'God is in the house' =D turned out pretty well. SHIOK CAN. Woo. So now I have the bass; went through all the songs impromptuly (is there even such a word man) and it wasn't too bad =P Dad impressed. Heh heh. Ok la. Gotta run.
Paper 3 tomorrow. What a joke. Programme com meeting =D then corpse bride mania. Hopefully Jon Ma won't spoil the show. Or maybe Evan and I will whack him unconscious before he does. =P On kia? Haha.
Ok then. Jia you =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:48:00 pm
Friday, October 14, 2005 :)
Argh. Something just spoilt my week. And I've lost inspiration to blog (or so I think). It's either fatigue or disappointment hitting me now. Sigh. Disappointed cos I don't think I'll get a shot with the bass in the worship team. Apparently too many people becoming interested in this stuff. Guess I'll just stick to keys for the rest of my life or something. Oh well, maybe getting Shaun's skills (which I am) makes it less... depressing. Ok la. Actually it's cool =) Keys are nice. I can always pursue the bass on my own aiee? XD
This week's been great. Simply great. I think it's the first time I've actually FELT the power of God working in me/with me. Believe me, the feeling's awesome. He's really brought me through these exams. I don't know, somehow He's just been helping me all the way. With every test, every exam, he just helped me remember everything I'd learnt. Maybe I wasn't as confident this time; so I relied more on Him. Whatever the case, I'm very encouraged =) And with that, I seem to be so much more thankful to God. The praises just don't stop. :D I love this.
Science today. Argh. Made me so pissed. Physics. Argh. Made me think the whole Science paper was difficult when Bio and Chem were actually quite all right. Or so I thought until I realised I drew covalent bonds instead of ionic bonds. Changed my answer can. (That's another reason why I was so pissed). Kept cussing in my mind during the paper. God, forgive me. Felt like punching myself. Let the devil take control there. Argh. But anyway. Managed to do it.
Decided just to forget everything for Math. Not my formulas and stuff la duh. I mean, my anger. Ya. So just prayed that God would be with me and He was. Finished the paper with 20 minutes left. Was able to do all the sums!! EVEN GRAPHS CAN. Ya, was so shocked at myself and the power of God. Man. Left out the first sum though. Flipped back to the 3rd page instead of the first. God knows how many sums I might have left blank there. Just hope I didn't make careless mistakes. Was really encouraged la. =)
So bla bla bla. Had a great time after school. Yes, the stupid shot at teaching me to dance Latin didn't really work, did it? =P HAHA. Super funny. Laughed till I coughed. Lol. Went to TM and had pastamania. Then went to take Neoprints which turned out really nice. woo! Sat outside for an hour since we were too tired to do anything. Had a nice talk didn't we? =P Froggy olympics indeed. LOL.
Then this woman behind me fell. Gave me a shock. She looked old at first, but I realised she was crippled. And she fell. Instinctively went over to help but she was picking herself up so I went back. Only saw she was crippled when she limped on. Heart broke. I'm glad I can walk up straight. And face the world.
Been thinking of all sorts of funny things. As usual. Like, realisations? Haha. Interesting la. And I'm so darn tired. NO TUITION TOMORROW MORNING!!! -cheers for self- Gonna take a self-imposed break. Haha. Learn from Andy =P Lol. So can do my theory homework in the morning and maybe change blog skin =D wooo. Found a nicer one. haha. Less depressing too -winks-
CBSI was good. (I don't seem to be able to run out of things to say despite my brain being almost dead) Learnt lots. Well, everything was good except maybe the closing hymn la hor. ARGH. But anyway. Couldn't stop laughing after CBSI (AS USUAL). Thanks to irritating Samuel and his NEW handphone. Hor Desiree? Rubbishness la =P
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, giving thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:21:00 pm
Thursday, October 13, 2005 :)
So we say.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!3:05:00 pm
Ok, Literature and Math paper 2 down. Was so exhausted ok. This morning too. I think it's psychological. Gulped down Brands and was instantly refreshed. So fake right? Haha. Reminds me off Heartlanders. Ricky and what's her name? Lisa. Ya Lisa. Sitting on the couch drinking Brands with the name facing outwards toward the camera. Wonder who's their sponsor huh?
Math was argh la. Got stuck at question 6. (Yes Alan I know you know) 6 marks gone. Irritating. And thanks to my dear ingenius brother yesterday I finally understand graphs. The basic, at least. Amazing. 3 hours of literature and I feel good. Chapter 9 on Maths and I'm drained. Ironic. Last sum was terror. Do until like siao and got confused by my own working. LOL. Should get at least 3 marks la I hope =) I can kiss goodbye to my A1 now. Hopefully Paper 1 will be fine. -sigh-
Literature. Tell me about miracles. I had 25 minutes left. Yes. Compare that to the usual 'SHUCKS SHUCKS SHUCKS CHIONG CHIONG CHIONG -hand cramps up like siao-'. Weird right? Maybe cos I chionged like siao at first. Haha. Usually it'd be super neat at first and then the back is messy like... Whoa. This time it was almost unreadable in front and the back was so darn neat. Neat... Funny. Was very satisfied. God pulled me through and I was able to recall everything I learnt =) Praise Him man -cheers-
Oh ya, supposed to right some essay for Mr Tan. To 'improve our vocabulary' it seems. By writing about him. LOL. Sure sure sure, a lot of vocab can be used =P Argh. Quite tired queen man. Think I'm gonna take a nap (no desiree not 20 minutes, maybe an hour =P) then do Science. Somehow quite confident about that. Shucks. That ain't good, ya know?
And the 8 days cover is... thou shalt not comment.
Trust in God, He works wonders ;D
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!2:56:00 pm
Wednesday, October 12, 2005 :)
Yes, twice today. And now I might die cos I'm eating a filet o fish that was bought on Saturday. God bless me. Well if I really did die aunty siok can make tau suan for me (since my dad loves it so much). Haha.
Taking a break now. Been doing literature for 2.5 hours =) somehow I don't get bored or distracted doing it la. Ironic. Anyway. Why I almost died?
Close shave with death #1 - 2e1
Somehow I was like the first person to smell it. Some ultra terror terrorist-killing fart or whatever la. At first I thought it was -kia- since I always smelt it when I was around -kia- after recess. Almost died ok. The smell was just.. overpowering. Like I said, it'd make a bomb go off. (thank goodness my classroom was bomb-free) but anyway. Realised EVERYONE was smelling it. (Emily excluded) the guys on the other side too. Classroom evacuation man. Diffused like SIAO. They were saying Terence/William farted. LOL. Miss Faten came by, 2e2 kias also evacuated. Oh, Wayne farted. LOL. Funny la.
Close shave with death #2 - Shaw Theatrette
Literature last-minute lessons. No air con. 3 fans. No windows. (or have la but closed la). Closed door. 2 classes. One teacher. No oxygen. Get it?
Geog paper today. TERROR. Section A was short answer questions. B was mapwork. C was mapreading (aka reading maps -_-) and D was essay questions. Thought I wouldn't have time so chionged like siao. Well guess what? I was starting on section C. Only person in class with my map opened. Apparently Emily was still at question 5 of section A -_- lol. Then I was on my second last question of Section D. Looked up and saw everyone's maps open. -FWAAA!?!?- Terror ok. Thought I had a page less than everyone or something. But the paper was good =)
Anyway, met Mrs Teng AGAIN on the way to the bus stop. Had a nice talk with her AGAIN. Nice woman, she is. Migrating to NZ. Sadded queen man. 2 hours away from my godma =) woo. More reasons to visit? XP
Almost cried just now reading To Kill a Mocking Bird. First time can. Not too sure why. The part when Tom was convicted (i think) and Jem cried. Oh ya. The part when the blacks all stood up for Atticus. Somehow was very moved. But didn't cry la duh. haha. Great book. And one part I couldn't stop laughing can. Can't remember which part though, sorry.
So, Dad brought some German friends home. Is it my luck or what? Just so happened that when he walked into my room, I'd decided to save a note on my handphone. First time I touched it in more than 2 hours. And he goes "WHAT!? I thought mum said you were studying!? bluff only la!" ARGH. INJUSTICE!! But anyway =)
Okok I'm kinda neglecting people on msn now. Gotta go pay some attention to them since the orange boxes keep blinking like nobody's business. Haha. Ok then, all the best for Literature tomorrow. OH. MATHS. GRAPHS. Still haven't got it yet.
God bless me. Oh, and you too =)
PS: I'm using a different computer. Mum screwed the other one up again (blaming her cos it actually broke to pieces when I threw it outta the window)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!6:23:00 pm
Tuesday, October 11, 2005 :)
Just remembered. I'd like to be a postwoman if I can't be a doctor =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:20:00 pm
Wahaha. Just talking to Edward about Geography and stuff. Accidentally typed 'mehx' and said 'oh no that's ultra kawaii.' And he said 'maybe jux pass bahx' and I thought it was intentional. Apparently not. LMAO. Oh shucks, just said 'mahz'. I'M SO DEAD!?!?!
So I've been studying. With the occasional distraction of my dear computer. Using it to play music, you see? Lets see, Sixpence None the Richer and now Enya. Lol. Just need something I can't sing along to, ya? =P
Papers today were TERROR. History wrote until Miss Faten said 'down'. Pens down la. Fullstop just then man. Ultra relief kiaesauraus rex mania.
Oh shucks. Been here longer than I should. Computers are stupid (actually v smart), irritating (yet super nice) machines. Distract me only. Hngh.
-throws computer out of the window-
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:47:00 pm
Monday, October 10, 2005 :)
to EVANGELIN KIA =DD Buttie. Kawaii talk to be inserted here.
HAPPIEEX BURFDAESHX MUAAE LURRBEXX!! (ouch. no i am not les, lol.)
You're getting old =)
And I need to go dissolve myself in books again. Just finished History. Time for Math/Geography. Whichever I feel like doing. Since Math (graphs) sucks so bad I think I'll pick Geography. Hehe.
All the best to everyone reading this =))
Ps: Jing Ming, you can have THAT bass XP
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!4:01:00 pm
Sunday, October 09, 2005 :)
with a bass guitar. I LOVE IT.
Guess which is the next instrument I'm gonna be picking up in the band? -wink-
Play until fingers numb SO SHIOK FOR WHAT RIGHT. Ahhh. Brother says he's gonna get a guitar at the end of the year; either electric guitar or bass guitar. Oh man I can't wait. AHHH.
Is this TRUE LOVE? Or just an infatuation? -laughs head off- I think I'm getting stressed out here.
Well all the best to everyone yeah? =)
Quoted Daryl Bong: To those who have a God, may the Lord be with you. To those who don't, may the force be with you.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:16:00 pm
Saturday, October 08, 2005 :)
Had a very weird dream last night. Kinda interesting really; glad I decided to go later for tuition if not my dream wouldn't have ended properly and I'd have been awoken by this idiotic piece of mechanism called the alarm clock.
The thing is that the most unexpected people appear in my dreams when I don't even THINK of them. AT ALL. Like, that time it was Yu Hang. This time it was Calvin Tan from KPC, who was in the airport playground gonna plant a bomb -_- (in the dream la pleass don't arrest him) But of course there are people who I think of la. Like you were in my dream. ZZZZ!!
So anyway. Had a good day today; got 9 hours of sleep last night mania right. Gonna get 8 hours tonight =) if I sleep by 11 that is. I must, I must! Mmm... had a great dinner. Chilli crab (which wasn't very nice actually) and this other crab. Salted egg something something but it was really good. In chinese it's Salty/fragrant crab. Super shiok. Mooncake eggs inside right. Aka duck eggs ah. Lol. Butter prawns, hotplate beancurd, SAMBAL KANGKONG <-- BEST, sotong kia =P (yes, that's what it's called -stupid grin-) Man tou for the chilli crab, I think that's about it eh? MUMMY'S BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!! -CHEERS-
Oh ya, had a good hair day last night and today. Oh my goodness, haven't had a day like that for like years now. Anyway, took shots with lots of people after BS. Lol. Daryl, Evan, Desiree (who BLINKS ALL THE TIME), Samuel. Samuel. Tsk tsk. Take so many times for what right. All the rubbish included. LMAO. Blame Desiree blame Desiree BLAME DESIREE! =P
Did lots of studying today. I think. Not bad la, quite satisfied.
Ok, gotta go sleep liao. But before that,
JING MING LIKES VETO!!!!!!!!!!! -jumps around and falls out of window-
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:51:00 pm
Friday, October 07, 2005 :)
Oh, I just realised blogger's back to normal. How enlightening! -stupid idiotic grin-
Today was super dumb. Maybe yesterday included. Well you see, it goes like this. Aiya. We've been talking in dishx weiirdx supposedly kawaiixx tok larrhx. Shoox funniex lorrs. (it is torture typing like this ok. YOU TRY LA!) So anyway. We pronounce the words literally. Yes, imagine that. Me, Naim, occasionally Charmaine and Khye An. Then we decided to speak with a British accent and include as many stupid idioms as possible. Man alive, I couldn't stop laughing.
You'd better pull the pin out of your shortgun, pull up your socks before you become all sixes and sevens at the eleventh hour and be a bob in the lorry.
Like, WHAT THE!?!?!?! -roflmao- Couldn't stop laughing. And Naim was saying it in err... someone else's voice la. Wah. Ta boleh tahan. And we don't even know what's 'pull the pin out of your shortgun' la. Seriously. Some 'idiom' our teacher used which left us giving the -huh!?- face. Super funny. And bob in the lorry is pure crap. Goodness. He kept forming stupid sentences to tell Charmaine off with idioms which totally don't match. Which I, as usual, stomp on the floor laughing my head off.
So hmmm... got a lot of hints for final year exams. Zzzz... if the exam is really to see what we've learnt and that marks aren't so important then why do they do this huh? Zzzz... but then again, I won't complain =P
Didn't get much into my head yesterday. Regarding History la. But got a lot in for Geography today. Read through a new chapter once and everything, EVERYTHING stayed in. WHOA KIA. Happy la. Still in a dilemma bout what to take next year. Wise advice, please?
HA!! Desiree kia smsing me again. Told you you need to go to a rehabilitation centre didn't I! -evil grin- Oh what am I blabbering about.
All right so I gotta run. Do CBSI homework before tonight =) come back. Sleep. Tuition in the morning. Piano at noon. Revision in the afternoon to night. Phew.
Take care everyone! =D
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!4:46:00 pm
Wednesday, October 05, 2005 :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:11:00 pm
Ok, I wonder how many people actually see this.
I wonder how many people look beneath the surface and bother to go deeper. So many just skim through. Wow.
So anyway. Just opened Auntie Anne's email. Got encouraged. Plus Ben Chan's advice from yesterday. Thanks man, it really helped.
Feeling really tired; mentally and emotionally (maybe) worn out. Physically too la. Gonna have an early night tonight. Wanted to study again after dinner but nah, no time liao. Not that anything will go in anyway.
Amazing how I can study like, 13+ chapters of Lit in one day, and 2 chapters of History + 1 chapter of Physics on another. Argh, that seems so irritating. But oh well. I guess History/Physics require more brainpower? Lol.
Just realised I haven't started painting on my shoe. Not that I'm worried or anything since I can hand it in after the exam, but I think she'll expect to see something tomorrow.. UH.. God bless me.
Got back my essay today. At first I didn't think I did too well but I converted it to % and got an A1. I think it's my highest compo mark since Sec 1. Yeah. Haha. So not too bad la. Dad said it was very good although my brother only liked the beginning. Haha. But anyway =)
Ok, I've blogged enough. Just watched Heartlanders just now. Had it on tape la. Realised there were SO SO SO many mistakes. This girl jumped from like 20 storeys or something and survived -_- Wasn't even in the ICU or anything. Like, WHAT!? Zzz.. Bro asked if he could call in to complain. Haha. Then he would produce his own with less corny lines and unrealistic scripts. Haha.
Okok. I'm gonna get ready to sleep liao. Exhausted.
"For I know the plan I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me & find me when you seek me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29 : 11-13
Amen. I guess all this was part of His plan after all =) And I accept it. Thanks again, Ben, for helping me realise that better.
And that spells the end of my post. God bless =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:56:00 pm
Tuesday, October 04, 2005 :)
Ah, yet another day has gone by. -snaps fingers- just like that. Ok la, and a lot more la. You get the point la. -mutters-
Today's been quite funny la. I mean, quite funny = funnier than usual, meaning more stupid incidents/corny jokes. Ya. I'm repeating myself. Tsk tsk.
Got off the bus. Saw a kitten. Awww, SO CUTE. (sounds like Kung Pow, doesn't it? and no, I didn't pick it up, say bye bye and throw it off the cliff. Mainly because there wasn't one) BUT ANYWAY. Ya. Liying and I heard the mewing. Awww. (no it didn't sound like awww it sounded like meew. The aww is my sound effect, fyi) So anyway. It was very very far from the school gate and it was trying to get out. Yeah. Kept purring/mewing and stuff. So we tried to get it to the side gate. Which was quite far, as a matter of fact. Had to make these weird sounds to get it to follow can. It was leaping like a leopard, kinda cool for a cute lil kitten like that. Got it to the gate. Wanted to go in and pick it up but I was afraid it'd run or something. So we pretty much got stuck there. LOL. Then this upper sec guy took the kitten and stroked it and placed it outside. Ah, what motherly love.
Went to class and saw Naim complaining about his stupid calculator which got wet due to the heavy rain yesterday. Quite funny la, I must say. Took his to do my work since I was so lazy to reach down and take mine out. Pressed '3'. It appeared and disappeared. All the buttons also la. Like never appear or something. So he started going on and on about how the water molecules had caused the electric data to be transmitted from the numerical buttons to the delete key BLAH BLAH BLAH. All rubbish la.
With no other solution, he threw it on the floor. Yes, he threw his calculator on the floor. Twice. Hard. Then he picked it up and tried it. Well guess what? It worked. -insert thousands of LAME faces here- We couldn't stop laughing can. STUPIDITY.
Had to run 2 rounds round the school. Sia la. My chest/lungs/heart was gonna explode or something. Chiong. Walk. Chiong. Walk. Chiong. Walk. Ya, you get the point don't you? Couldn't breathe properly sia. Hey, I chionged v far can. Mmm, running for buses does help =P
Got our modular test back. Did ok la. At first. Not v satisfied but still ok. Daryl beat me by a mark and was bragging la. Hngh. So after that I went to get 2 marks (which meant I beat him by a mark, just in case you can't count). Had a splendid time rubbing it in. Ah, felt so good, didn't it? XD
Then Naim had this sudden illness or something. Didn't look too good and for once he kinda shouted at his dearest Terence. Evidence that he wasn't feeling good. So Charmaine kept bugging to take him to the sick bay (partly with ulterior motives of skipping math). But anyway. She took him down and I went along. Met Bernard along the way and he kept insisting on piggy-backing Naim. I couldn't stop laughing man. Suddenly Naim seemed all right enough to run from Dran. LMAO.
Nothing much else to say. Studied Chemistry today. Argh. Forgot everything I learnt before. Somehow feel like I haven't done as much today. Wasted day, aiee? Shucks. And I just watched so much tv. Tsk... Shucks. And my brother asked if I had a life. -_- cos I studied once I got home. Haiyos. -shakes head- Yes, I do have a life. What am I doing now? Tsk tsk.
Anyway, gotta run soon. Catching up with some old but young friends. Lol. But anyway, take care guys. Take care.
I keep thinking and I can't stop. I've let go but I can't forget. I said I wouldn't run; I wouldn't hide, but look at what I did. I ran. I hid. Why can't I just face it. Face you. Face myself.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:05:00 pm
Monday, October 03, 2005 :)
Today's been... interesting. Somehow I never find it a 'bad day'. Even if things don't go my way, somehow I still think it's a good day since I've learnt something from it. Which is good, right? Right.
Did like, chapter 18-31 (which is the end of my book, fyi) today. 3 hours. Not bad right? Kinda satisfied. This is my first break since I got home. WHOOOAAA. Haha.
Woke up today feeling really discouraged. Like, really. Every morning I've been waking up with the same stupid thought that's been preying on my mind for the past week. But this morning so many things seemed to cram into my puny brain. Suddenly so many regrets; so many mistakes; so many things I realised I haven't done right and KNOW I won't do right. You know, that ain't too good?
So went down - nice and cool, as usual. Prayed, committed everything to Him again. I guess maybe that's what got my through today.
To all the 2e1 kias out there, I'm sorry. I really am, and I guess I take full responsibility for what happened though it might not have been my fault. I feel the guilt, though not as badly as I did just now. Burdened.
It's amazing how sometimes, the most unexpected people, and I mean MOST, can just step forward and encourage you when you really need it. I don't know, sometimes I doubt who my true friends really are. Or maybe it's just the doubt of how many true friends I really have; and how I don't even realise it. I don't count my blessings. Thank you to all those who helped cheer me up in the most subtle ways, Shu Juan, Nadia, Yenny, Naim (yes, you did help), and of course Mr Tan.
-sigh- I'm starting to think I'm a failure. Wait, I WAS starting to think of myself as a failure until I thought I couldn't let people down anymore. I've done it so many times; as a chairman, as a vice-pres, as a daughter, as a friend, as a sister, as anything I actually am. I can't do it again. I won't do it again. I'll try my best. I promise. And I keep my promises.
Which makes me wonder WHY people don't keep theirs. It gets me hurt especially when I trust one so wholeheartedly with a promise and get betrayed. As Daryl says, that's when one doesn't trust anyone else. But nah, I still do trust. Some. I don't know what's the point of making a promise when you're gonna break it. For goodness' sake guys, whoever I'm referring to here, I don't know, don't make a promise if you know you're gonna break it.
I'm just thinking so much these days. Either I'm immaturing or maturing or just thinking to much. I guess I ain't as mature as I THOUGHT I was, as they said I was. I'm just a teenager, wandering around, searching for life. Life in people. Love in people. Hope in people. Faith in people.
Man alive.
This world's in urgent need of love.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:12:00 pm
Sunday, October 02, 2005 :)
Mmm... so it was a good day today. That's good, right? Well, minus the little bad, it was good =)) God's day is always good =D
Youth Worship was good. Surprisingly. Haha. Had to chiong type Marianne Lee's slides for extended worship in 15 minutes can. Pressure pressure. But anyway. Got it done. Yay. Haha. Breakfast fellowship wasn't as good as expected la. The truth is never nice to hear. Ok, just sometimes. Somehow although I wasn't guilty of what was said I felt like it was arrowed at me or something. Paranoia.
Went for service with a somewhat unsettled mind/heart. But worship changed everything. Was really touched. Somehow all the songs sang today really spoke to me. They just made me so ashamed of myself. With all that's been happening, how I've dealt with these situations. Relying on myself and not God. How stupid can I get?
Managed to keep awake during pastoral prayer. Yes, that is an accomplishment. And I WAS praying. Yes, bigger accomplishment. A very good message. Very. Good. I didn't think it would've appealed to me but I was wrong. "What to Leave at the Communion Table". Doesn't seem like much right?
Wrong. It really spoke to me. Really. Touched me deep down inside. So during communion, for the first time although I don't actually take it, I prayed. Like, seriously la. Committed everything into His hands. Left behind my guilt, my burdens, my grudges, my bitterness. Left them all with Him. I know He's in control. And that's VERY nice to know, by the way.
So well. Had this publicity thing for Camp Orion. Wasn't very interested initially but it seems really cool now. Can. Only thing's that I'm like, Sec 2, so won't be with the majority in the Sec 3/4 batch but that doesn't really matter. I'm not sure if I can even make it but oh well. Had Evangelism Discussion. And this line has been preying on my mind for like, 2 weeks now. You know that's really irritating!?!?!
To say that absolutely nothing is absolutely true is affirming absolute truth.
Like, what right?!? RIGHT. Wurgghh. And when I finally got it last last friday, my mum confused me again. Aiyo. -tests self to see if I still understand- Yes, I do. Oh thank God. I've finally got it. So it's the irony la? So many 'absolute' for what kia right. Makes people like me who tend to think too much (cos TOO smart, or maybe stupid) confused mania. Tsk tsk.
Worship practice. Tried out drums. Feel like giving a shot at it now ;P -winks and sticks out tongue- Just realised that's a kinda retarded face but anyway. Tried 'One Way' without knowing a proper beat. Turned out like 'WHAT!?!?' yeah. Lol. So after that my brother taught me a teeny weeny bit and I drummed much better. Amateur.
And idiotic Shaun kia kept playing that piece. SO PRO FOR WHAT RIGHT. Diaoo. Haha. Fingers like not even touching the keys can. So swift mania. NAFA kia.
Mmm hmm. So yeah. Gotta ascend the throne, take a shower and get back to literature. HAIYO. To think Glen's already started studying and is memorising and has read the History textbook 7 times. Siao mania.
So well. Take care guys =)
I cast all my cares upon You
I lay all of my burdens down at Your feet
Anytime I don't know what to do
I will cast all my cares upon You.
1 Peter 5:7 - Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.
That's exactly what I'm gonna do. You should too.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:30:00 pm
Saturday, October 01, 2005 :)
HAPPY CHILDRENS' DAY. -jumps around-
Won't deny it: I'm still a kid at heart ^^
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!4:12:00 pm
Wahaha. Came home to an 'air-conified house' can. Courtesy of my ingenius brother. Who air-conified the whole house except the toilet and MY ROOM. Thanks ah -whacks back-
Read his funny tags. Gosh, for a minute I thought that was Naim trying to be funny -_- Lol. Had a good talk with him that day. Well since he read my blog. Uh huh. So just told him stuff; for the first time. We seem to be having more personal/mature conversations nowadays. Goes beyond corny jokes. La. Lol.
Anyway. Researching dietary fibre now. I'm almost sure Mrs Choo won't even collect it. -rolls eyes- Gotta go study History now. Dinner tonight with my dad (and family la duh?) He's coming back from London. How I wish I could go THERE.
Oh well. I feel like watching the Cinderella Story again. Haven't caught it in a while -wink- Wanna come over Charmaine? Surround sound kia =P
It's over. I don't care now.
Or so I think.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!4:05:00 pm