a dedication
faith heart love
my fellow retard. always :)

To my deerie Maine, I think I've owed you this for really long :) Here goes!
Well for a start, this girl's a hell lot of fun to be with. Well, like I've said, fun is 2-WAY, so, yeah, you get the point? =P She's always really bubbly and happy, and it's been great knowing her for the past 2 years. Somehow, the flame in her still burns. Her laugh never fails to bring a smile to my face, no matter how loud or sudden it is. In fact, the louder and the er... suddener, the more contagious it is. Which is a good thing, aiee? Keep showing all those teeth, girl -winks-
She's really a great person to talk to. It's always nice to crap with someone who appreciates it. You appreciate my rubbish, right? Right? You'd BETTER!!! Lol. Since you won't get to have a daily taste of it anymore... how gloomy. But anyway.
So many secrets shared, so many experiences lived, so many corny jokes told, so promises made, so many mysteries unravelled, so much fats liposucked... Oh, sorry. Wrong person =P But all the same, we've had so many great memories together, it's kinda hard to expect us to ever really become just friends. Somehow, for some reason, I have this feeling we'll still be the best of friends, despite being s e pa ra ted. Some things just don't change, and I hope this is one of them :)
Well girl, thanks so much for who you've been. Thank you for being that spark in my life, for letting my flame never go out. This may be a short testimonial, but it's written from the bottom of my heart, with all sincerity. No words could mean more. Lets never forget each other, and our smiles, and our retarded pictures, and all our crap shared. Plus, of course, our best fweenx, our dear Naim, who kept us awake during Math lessons =D
2e1 2005 will always remain in my heart, and so will you, my deer Maine :)
love to faith, love.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:17:00 pm
Monday, November 07, 2005 :)
So much medicine for what right. -sigh- 5 types. Siaoness. Came up to $45. Siaoness. Got an MC for tomorrow. Siaoness. Or should I say... INTIMIDATING!!!!!!!!!
Felt really tired this morning, but for some reason goodness got the better of me and I decided to go to school. Since, afterall, I was the one who'd called the meeting. Need to be responsible right. Argh. Spent a loong time in the canteen. 6 hours straight. Siaoo. Didn't even go out of the canteen/eat. Siaoness. But managed to do quite a lot so... yeah. Lol.
So much work. Argh. At least I can sleep in tomorrow. Much-needed rest. And my head still aches. Ouch. Oh well.
Oh YEAH. I waved to CaristaR today! LOL. See? I'm nice =P hahahaha. riighhhtt, whatever Marianne.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:18:00 pm
Sunday, November 06, 2005 :)
sick kia
Argh. retyping this post. How sucky. Super sick now. Headache, fever, phlegm, flu. Argh. School tomorrow. Environmentalist project. Killer. Super busy.
Went to give our tissue pacs today. Street evangelism, but my pair didn't really get to share to anyone. Quite a let down. But the distributing was kinda cool. The tissue pacs are cool la. I kept one for myself. Stickers on the back. Desiree was sticking them super slanted la. 'trademark' indeed. Haha.
Gotta run. Hell. So many blinking, orange boxes at the bottom of my screen. Oh yeah.
All the very very best to all those taking their exams these few weeks. God bless man =) You shouldn't be reading this but if you are, may the force be with you =D Take care to all!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:46:00 pm
Saturday, November 05, 2005 :)
Haha. Ok, after going to my friend's church last night... KPC Rocks. Hmm, not because it was bad or anything. I guess I'm just so used to how I've been worshipping God the past 14 years of my life. The church had like, escalators and lifts and all. Christmas decor even. And there was so much empty, unused space! Compare that to KPC, with only one lift for disabled people that ascends at 10cm/s. Lol. And you need a key to work it =P The irony.
But it's ok, we have games on the stairs. Bond on the stairs. Sing on the way up and fill the whole stairway with our echoes. It's nice =D
Worship was like, whoa. Power-packed. Didn't really know any of the songs, though. Message was hmm... I don't know what to say. From Joshua 12:1-27, but Joshua 12 has 24 verses = haha. Interesting, nonetheless. Kinda funny pastor who fumbled with pronunciations. Lol.
In the end they had this altar call thing. Kinda weird for me. It's like everyone just went up so automatically. Kinda unnatural for me. So Just and I stood where we were. For a while. Then I just stood on the aisle. I guess it was supposed to speak to me but it wasn't really. Maybe too new an environment, too fast for a change. Ahhh. That's bad, you know? But anyway.
Got up earrrrly this morning. 6.30am on a Saturday morning. UNNATURAL. Got there super early. Half an hour early, in fact. Lol. So just read my book til Zi zhao. Talked to him about our class. -sigh- and our next year's classes. Visit to the old folks home was kinda cool, though the smell was kinda bad initially. Like, sickness kinda smell. Sing sing sing. Zao =P
Chionged to piano, then to Bong's house. Super fun can.
Finally got it. Played for like 2 hours? 3? So fun for what right. Oh, and Daryl has this super cute cousin, aka Christabelle's brother, who helped me at first. Really cute la. I thought he was like lower primary or something, then found out he was in P5. Okaayyy... haha. Gobbled down pizza at dinner. Hungry mania = then musicked with Bong on his totally-out-of-tune guitar. Argh. Haha. Quite nice la. Managed to sing a few songs. And I played 'everyday' on the guitar? Whoa. Haha. Shifted to the piano and Bong didn't let me tune his guitar. PLEASE MAN. Lol. Ended up I tuned it after a lot of convincing. So much better. Not bad la. Can go make album liao.
I pray tomorrow goes well. I pray really hard tomorrow goes well. Lets all pray eh.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:47:00 pm
Friday, November 04, 2005 :)
Woo hoo. Caught tom yum goong last night with my family. Woo hoo. The show totally rocked la ok. Seriously. Best show I've seen in a loooooong time. Really good action. Non-stop, power-packed. Siaoness! Tona Jaa rocks =D makes Jackiiieeee seem amateur. Isn't that ironic.
Man alive. I wonder how many bones were broken. Ouch can. Justin and I are gonna get the VCD and count the number of crunches we hear =P thought it was kinda low-budget at first... But looking at the amount of property destroyed. Heart pain.
And I'm happy cos today I woke up at 9.30 on my own, without my alarm clock! Wahaha. So I managed to do some homework. Yaaayyy! I think it's better to sleep slightly earlier and wake up a lot earlier, than to sleep very late and wake up verryy late. You guys know what my verryy late is right. Hmmm...
Currently smsing Charmaine. Haha. So funny for what right =P She sent me our recording of me and her singing and stupid Naim in the background. Couldn't stop laughing. HAHA.
Okok. Gotta run soon. Choirrrr =D Ladidada. Then I'm gonna check out my friend's youth service. Cool. I need inspiration for Sunday. Badly. Hopefully it'll be good. :)
Streaming results out today. Good luck man =) Peace.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:01:00 am
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 :)
Yes, if you found an article in the newspaper on tuesday morning saying 6 KPC youths were missing, they were probably camping out at the Boey's residence.
According to Daryl, it became a refugee camp. Lol. Can't help but laugh.
Yay. Finished updating the whole choir's details for our trip can. -phew-. I guess this only happens during holidays right. Ahhh. So much to do. Thank God it is holidays.
I need it. Need it. But it can wait. Lord help me wait.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:59:00 pm
Tuesday, November 01, 2005 :)
Wee. What a nice day yesterday was, right? haha. Woke up at 1.20pm can =P so shiok for what right. air con somemore XD -rubs it in- but anyway. Didn't get to sleep until 6-7am la so... quite fair right? haha. Lets see what happened...
Ok, so left home at about 2.45 to meet Desiree at Boon Lay at 4. This is what I call siaoness. Bla-de-bla bla. Oh, kinda ironic. Saw this woman with her 2 toddlers. Right under the 'no eating/drinking - fine $500' sign, she took out a piece of ham, gave it to the older child, and opened a packet of sweets for the younger one. Man alive. Oblivious? Hmmm. Wonder how I'll take care of my kids in 15 years time... -ponders- WHOA. Marianne Jr. SCARY.
So got to her house and went to the gym. WAHAHA. Not as easy as it looks can. Can. But still quite shiok la. Althought I don't really know how to use the stuff there. Hmmm... I need FBTs.
Dinner was great la. Pizza/pasta/sushi/fried rice. Wah, what more can I ask for! =D Hehe. Quite fun la, with people like Samuel/Edward/Claudia around. Sia la, eat and choke can. And Ben was super h.l about his marks can.
Wah lao. I topped my level for Geography again leh. -wah AGAIN sia- Ya lor. Third time only! (starts complaining about the mid-year exam that he got overtaken by another guy) TA BOLEH TAHAN.
So anyway. Had table tennis showdown. All the rubbish la =P Quite fun. Then played Risk. Had to evacuate by 10 so only had half an hour to play. Haha. rubbish. Then Amanda came along and spilled the drink over the whole board.
Samuel: TSUNAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Argh. Total rubbish. Cannot tahan. Haha. Cut the cake (which was really really nice) and went back up. Played tai tee and whatever not. Stress. Then Risk. 6 hours, can? Started at 11pm, ended at 5am. Siaoness! I felt kinda sian by like 3.30am or so. All formed alliances and so nobody was really attacking anyone. While Duane built up forces in Europe. Every country 22 men. Kiasee =P
Quite fun la. So finally felt quite sian, all went to sleep. In the hall. At 5.30am. Oh yeah, suddenly EVERYONE stayed over. Siao king. From Evan and Claud, to Sam and Ed, then me, then Ben, then Shu Hui. Totally steady poom pee pee la. Really quite siao. And Ben's nose-blowing, cough-spitting antics kinda grossed me out. Aiee.
Couldn't get to sleep cos once I lay down my throat had this tingling sensation. Very ticklish la. So kept coughing non-stop. Took so long to get into a position whereby my nose wouldn't run (got Ben's flu) and I wouldn't cough my lungs out. Haiyo.
Had leftover dinner for breakfast. Haha. Shiokadelic food. Then had our bowling competition. Not too bad la =) It was fun, I guess? Haha. Bowling is always fun =D
So I'm gonna take a nap and wake up for dinner, I hope. Lol.
The month has begun. So far, nothing much. But the hunger isn't really a major problem. Resisting the temptation is.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!4:23:00 pm