Saturday, December 31, 2005 :)
i can't stop laughing!
Thanks to, of course, dear Naim =P You see, we're reliving/recollecting 2e1 memories from each others' blogs and we can't stop laughing.
Even he quoting me makes me laugh like nobody's business. And when we're done he goes "haii, ive finished reading all the posts... and mi eieess are fillled with tearx"
Which got me to burst out laughing again. HAHAHAHA. Wa siao. Die. If I get Mr Rahmat next year and no Naim.... I'll need keep-awake pills la ok.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:25:00 pm
Friday, December 30, 2005 :)
a worthy post
Yay. I like today =) And it's worthy of my bloggarisation so... haha. Well, stayed up til 4am doing the Thanksgiving booklets. Justin was already sleeping on the couch so decided to just sleep and do it at 8.30am.
Once again, the alarm clock became part of my dream and I just kept snoozing it. (I fear what will happen when school starts...) Ironically, the only thing that woke me up at 9.20 was the fact that I had an awful tummy ache. Chionged to get ready. Supposed to leave by 10 right. Ended up leaving at 11, bringing the laptop and 2 thumbdrives along. (1 wasn't enough to store all the data for the booklets)
Got to church and Cheryl and Jon were there. Spent a quarter of the time opening the file, another quarter saving it, and then closing everything because it hanged. Thanks ah.... Bla bla bla, we finally got the booklets done by 3 -_- Supposed to have been binding by then, ok!
So bla bla bla, Jon became cutter, Cheryl became copier, I became puncher, then binder, ah, whatever. Finished everything by 6.45pm. All worn out, but the effort was worth it =) the end result is NICE. Hahaha. Of course right.
You know, church kias are one of the most fun people around. I mean, around them; there's no way you can NOT laugh. Really. We're all so full of lame humour and, well, crap. Really. You see.
My best (and only) buttie is of course - Evangelin.
The person I like to tease most whom I know can take it - Kimberly.
The person I laugh WITH most - Samuel.
The person I imitate most - Shaun kia. (wa pls la, who doesn't!! KIA.)
I can't think of anything else.
Anyway, we did horribly for the concert practice; or at least I think so. Sounded so airy and unsupported. Really gotta flex those stomach muscles tomorrow. AHHHH. And I'm still looking forward to Sunday. I can't wait. I'm still disappointed that programme com's gonna be GONE. Oh well, I'll still be able to crap with them on Sundays =)
Oh, and Cheryl said something that got me and Jon suddenly SO shocked.
"You know what? Today's already the 30th!!"
Both of us: WHAT!?!?! IT'S THE 30TH!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! SO FAST!?!
Zzz... so that took a while. But this year's really flown by - way too quickly. I don't like that very much. Cos I've loved this year too much.
I'm so dead.
One last thing; the only place I can leave my phone, wallet, ez link card, everything; unattended the whole day and out of my sight on a table at the main corridor is in church. I just love church. =)
Tomorrow will be a whole new year =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:47:00 pm
Wednesday, December 28, 2005 :)
Believe me, this stupid old computer can be so irritating. After a whole day's work on the Thanksgiving booklets, when I finally decide to save it, it plays out on me and hangs.
Thanks ah.
Just watched The Simple Life, Paris and Nicole are... believe me I could go after them with Ah Seng's parangs. Desiree, ya ready? =P But America's Next Top Model's a great show. I kinda like Tyra Banks. She's got attitude, in the positive way. And today Ashley got kicked out cos she had attitude - thinking she was prettaye. I'm glad Sarah stayed in; since, well, walking on heels wasn't her cup of tea.
Pretty interesting show. Ok. Rather late so till this um, morning, take care =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:56:00 pm
Tuesday, December 27, 2005 :)
Marianne, you are Left-brained
Most left-brained people like you feel at ease in situations requiring verbal ability, attention to detail, and linear, analytical ability. Whether you know it or not, you are a much stronger written communicator than many (told you I was much better writing than speaking!), able to get your ideas across better than others.
It's also likely that you are methodical and efficient at many things that you do. You could also be good at math, particularly algebra (YES!!!!!! NOT GRAPHS!!!!), which is based on very strict rules that make sense to your logical mind.
Haha. My mind is... logical? That's so... illogical.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!5:46:00 pm
Marianne, you're smartest when it comes to logical/mathematical intelligence
While others may have dreaded their math and science classes at school, these subjects were probably no sweat for you. In fact you may have even thought they were fun (amen to that!). Your logical/mathematical intelligence makes you the type who can enjoy working with numbers or thinking through difficult questions to arrive at a solution (a.k.a SUDOKU!).
Whether you realize it or not, this strength has likely been a help to you throughout your life — not just in the classroom. This is true because for work or recreation, people like you can tend to rely on your logical/mathematical intelligence to look at the world. From noticing patterns of behavior in people to being able to appreciate the visual beauty in a repeated design, your special brand of intelligence can make life both interesting and rewarding.
Mmm. This is less... superficial? Ha. I'm just bored la =X
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!5:20:00 pm
Marianne, your true color is Green!
You're green, the color of growth and vigor. Good-hearted and giving, you have a knack for finding and bringing out the best in people. Green is the most down-to-earth color in the spectrum — reliable and trustworthy. People know they can count on you to be around in times of need, since your concern for people is genuine and sincere. You take pride in being a good friend. For you, success is measured in terms of personal achievement and growth, not by status or position. Rare as emeralds, greens are wonderful, natural people. It truly is your color!
Honestly, it sounds too good to be me.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!3:33:00 pm
"my nose gonna spoil liao ah!!" -Evangelin my dear buttie =P
Wa. I haven't blogged for 2 days!! -bashes self- Well, I wouldn't really do that... though I have slapped myself before for thinking of a vulgarity/vulgarities. Really isn't very good... using vulgarities I mean. But heck, that's not the point.
Ok, lets start from yesterday morning... service was all right. Sooooooo many new faces, I tell you. And old faces, too! (I mean, uh, those who make "mysterious disappearances" la!) Kathryn didn't come after all... went out partying too late. Guess she chose sleep over salvation, but it's ok. One day, one day =)
Had lunch... stayed around (for a long while) to chat with some other youths before heading to my cousins' place less than a kilometre away. Oh, they followed =P watched some tv, helped Hannah out with her blog, went down to chat with the friends downstairs and when they left, played hide-and-catch (something we came up with say, 5/6 years ago? Yeah!) Well basically, you hide from the seeker, and when he stops counting and comes to find you, you run back to the base before he can catch you. IT'S FUN!!! Especially when you play in a huge house with like, 3 storeys! -gasp-
Okok. Headed down to Tanya's house/condo and met the other church kias there. Mainly the Bible Study group. Who happen to be the nicest people in church (aka the people I'm closest to) Chatted for a while then ate. Food, of course. Sorry, it's 1am and I'm feeling weird.
Blah. Played in the 'toddlers room' for a bit. They changed it so that soft/cushy huge slide and big big 'playpen' with balls, or as Samuel puts it, fruits, was no longer there. Oh well. Ethen kept crying la! So Samuel would go tickle his feet. Why? Smelly wad. LMAO.
Sang some carols after that; played some games, which were actually very fun. Really. Heh. Then the 'WEE WEE CHOO' thing came along and I was left heavily traumatised. Please do not ask why. Seek solace in maybe Kimberly or Desiree, who seemed as distraught as me. Oh God, what have we done to deserve this!
Disclaimer: You're probably not thinking what I'm thinking...
Went home to open the really nice presents. But then again, that's not the whole point of Christmas, is it? =)
Woke up late today. Ok, that's not new. Had lunch in front of the tv. Carmen made an unexpected appearance/visit that made all of us scramble to get changed. Ha! (and I had to clear all the dishes ok! -since only I was eating at that time of the day...-) Anyway. Changed the blogskin (as you can see, I hope) and headed to TM to meet Evan and Jon Ma to discuss some programmes.
I love the programme com! And it's so sad that it's gonna be torn apart next year. New com. New structure. New youth pastor. New leaders. New year. Everything's gonna be so different. I just love planning programmes (and buying the stuff...... -insert many dots here, please-)
Went to watch Narnia. Great show, really. We were all waiting for Sam to arrive lah. Looking out for some tall head to screech through and dash for us. (However, we missed him due to lack of body mass) It's pretty obvious; the link to Jesus Christ. Noticed it instantaneously <-- hopefully it's correctly spelt =X
Headed to NTUC after that (chionged there, actually) since it was already 9.30. Bought the stuff for 1 Jan's games. Hahaha. It's gonna be so so so fun. Really =P
Ok. I need to go now. Before my dad comes and severes my head. Good morning, my beloved, faithful post-readers. What kind of a name is that anyway...
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:27:00 am
Saturday, December 24, 2005 :)
me and sean

So cute right. I cannot tahan also. Like, really man. I think he's cuter than Jadon. No offence to him la. Not that he'd be reading anyway. Well, this guy's my cousin and young as he might look, he's 8 next year =X haha. He's really cute la. But I barely get to see him.
And he's awfully good-natured, really. So smiley and stuff. Sweet kia lah. Frownish smiles. Haha. Dad says he follows rules a lot and is upset when people break them. I think that's good la. At least we know there's hope in the world. He's mixed blood, fyi. Oh man. He's so cute.
Think I spoil the picture...
Oh well. Ocean's 11 is on now. Gonna catch it and sleep soon.
And I slept well last night; thanks to all who prayed =)
Merry Christmas everyone, and don't forget the true meaning of CHRISTmas!
Read this; it really means a lot.
As little children
We would dream of Christmas morn
Of all the gifts and toys
We knew we'd find
But we never realized
A baby born one blessed night
Gave us the greatest gift of our lives
We were the reason
That He gave His life
We were the reason
That He suffered and died
To a world that was lost
He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live
As the years went by
We learned more about gifts
The giving of ourselves
And what that means
On a dark and cloudy day
A man hung crying in the rain
All because of love, all because of love
I've finally found the reason for living
It's in giving every part of my heart to Him
In all that I do every word that I say
I'll be giving my all just for Him, for Him
He is my reason to live
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:26:00 pm
curse of the WERE-RABBIT!!
A show that will make you go 'WHAT!?!' cos it's lame but, well. Um, lame is funny. So... haha. It's rubbishy cos the storyline's so kinky but it's kinda nice. Haha. Unfortunately we missed the beginning - mini movie for madagascar penguins. The continuation to show what actually happened to them. Missed a lil of it cos we got our tickets 20 minutes late. Haha. Right.
Oh well. Headed to the city to shop/support CPC performing at the Paragon. Bought Jamie Collum's first album for Christmas. Was in a dilemma between first and second album. If you wanna get me a Christmas present... Catching Tales would be fine =P
Ok... Time to sleep. God keep me safe...
Christmas is like a spark. It only takes one to keep the fire burning. So let us all spread the warmth of this season, which happens to be my favourite.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:02:00 am
Friday, December 23, 2005 :)
fatal attraction
Jadon Lee is the cutest guy ever. He's not hot, but he's cute. Not ugly but adorable, no no, just adorable. And he's such a gentleman.
I thought he'd see me and run away but he held the door for me. Instinctively. He's such a sweetie pie. And he took an MnM and said thank you. Then I thought he would just eat it. But he reached it and took another and I thought he was greedy. Then he offered it to me. Sweetie pie!
And he's just so adorable when he talks. It's like he has to think - I think he has to think. Wait, I know he has to think. Which is so cute. Cos he sounds funny and gurgly and salivary.
Oh, fyi, he's 2.
But I'm not a paedophile. He's just so cute. See him and you'll understand =D
Anyway, Adrien Brody is like so ugh la. He goes around kissing women everytime he received an award -cringes- but he's still a great actor. Haha.
And I respect John Travolta and his wife Kelly because they've stayed together for 11/12 years. Faithfully.
Ok. I'm rushing this like nobody's business cos my dad would skin me alive if he came out of the shower and I'm still here. So good night people.
NO WAIT!!!!!! (you can never really shut me up, can you?)
We totally rocked the sanctuary/stage/hall/people/instruments when we played One Way. Totally impromptu. But not in the measley 4th floor auditorium, we were in the sanctuary. On these for-pros-only instruments. That rocked. We rocked. Really. And we impressed everyone there! 31st Dec kick-off's gonna be a hit =D
Good night!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:17:00 am
Tuesday, December 20, 2005 :)
classic contemporary
You take the ordinary and make it extraordinary. -impressed- In fact, that's exactly what everyone is hoping for from you. From basic baking to spur-of-the-moment brunches, no one cooks the classics quite like you.
Marianne, you're an Optimist!
Congratulations! You're the eternal optimist, a regular "Sunshine Day" of a person. When it rains, you think about how good the water is for the flowers and trees rather than how wet you're getting. More likely to trust someone than not, you always see the good in people. Sure, that opens you up for a few let-downs, but that's okay — your great attitude will help you deal with them if and when they come. In the long run, it doesn't really matter at all; everything's going to be all right! You like meeting new people and thoroughly enjoy their companionship. In a nutshell, you just don't dwell on small failures — you learn from your mistakes and do your best to make everyone around you happy to be alive. Keep it up!
Dude that's cool.
Congratulations, Marianne! Your IQ score is 120
Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.
Looks like my IQ is set at 120 =D heh. not bad la. For my kind of brain...
Marianne, you're Crazy Cool (or maybe just crazy)
You're taking the tried and true path? We doubt it. A wild child with lots of passion (mmhmm!), you often prefer to leap without looking. This means you don't mind taking a chance or getting in a little trouble from time to time. If you learned something new or pushed yourself, then hey, it was worth it.
Sure, you've got a sensible side, too, but you'd rather get lost in the moment and do something no one else has done before. Sound pretty cool? It certainly is.
Marianne, your vibe is Burgundy Chic
You're one class act — the perfect balance of a cool, casual attitude and an elegant, polished style (wow. sure anot...). There's a certain grace in almost everything you do. It's true, you make things look easy — even when they're not.
And while there's nothing flashy about how you present yourself, you never fail to dazzle most people you meet. You tend to take life as it comes — and it's not easy to throw you off course. A strong sense of self and a hearty dose of confidence help you handle whatever comes your way. And usually, look good doing it.
Hmmm. Don't think I can trust every test as it comes... :x
Marianne, you're a Total Opening Soon!
YOU ARE CLOSE to finding "the one!" We have carefully calculated your responses according to our scientific formula and harmonized the results to the Venutian lunar calendar. But don't get your hopes up to hear those wedding bells soon, because your bridesmaid days aren't over just yet.
YOU WILL BE MARRIED BY: Saturday, June 13, 2009
At the age of 18! HA! No, I'd be 17 and 10 months. HAHAHAHA. What a joke. Can't believe I took a test where they'd predict the date I get married. HAHAHA.
Marianne, your emotions are triggered by your underlying belief in Honesty
In other words, your commitment to leading an honest life, and your belief in the truth, directly affect how, and how often, you experience certain feelings.
For example, your test results indicate that you're most fulfilled when you can share all your thoughts and feelings — good or bad. That factor is directly related to your fundamental belief in honesty and the range of emotions it triggers.
Hmm. This sounds like me.
Ooh and I just saw the 'Enneagram Test'. Sounds so... Ennairamish.
Marianne, your best quality shines through in how Compassionate you are
The fact that you're a caring and considerate person who is typically very loving (mmhmm..), as well really draws people to you! But that's not the only thing. Your answers on the test indicate you're a funny person who is likely known for your great sense of humor (HAHAHA). You are psychologically and emotionally stable (that's good to know) and better able than most people to tolerate even the roughest situations, too.
In all, there are 15 qualities that help define you when you're at your best. Those are the traits potential employers, friends, and partners look for in you. What makes you unique is your particular distribution of those 15 qualities.
We've found that your particular combination of qualities is rare — only 5 in 10,000 people share the same general mix of traits. Those are great odds if you're trying to show a potential employer, colleague, friend, or date why you're exactly the right person for them.
Well, ironically, Charmaine took this too. Same results. HA.
Marianne, you follow your heart when it comes to romance (well I was thinking along the lines of LIFE...)
Whether you planned it or not, you just can't help but follow your feelings when it comes to matters of l'amour. You're a passionate person who can't ignore things that fit you to a T — whether it's that perfect pair of jeans, a good cause, or the love of a lifetime.
Sure, things don't always go according to plan, but with an irrepressible drive like yours, you'd better get used to it! Living life as a fake just isn't in the cards for you (YESSS!!!). So open up your arms and embrace what life throws your way — especially if it happens to be the man of your dreams!
Marianne, your sense of humor is Goofy Humour! (actually, I don't really understand that =X)
You have your standards: They may be low, but at least you have them. Sure, subtle wit makes some people grin and say, "Now that's funny." But you know the Three Stooges makes people howl with laughter. It's the physical stuff, the poop jokes and funny voices, that get you going because you have a goofy sense of humor. You have no problem making a fool of yourself as long as your moves to "fake" a fall break the ice and make people feel comfortable. think that's true...
Wit, sarcasm, and satire can get lost in the translation, but a whoopee cushion is universal. Yes, it may be lowbrow — heck, it may even be nobrow, but getting laughs is what matters to you. From ye old court jesters to the kids of South Park, you and your goofy sense of humor are in good company.
Marianne, your beauty aura is Natural! (cool!! yayNESS)
When it comes to how you present yourself to the world, you strongly believe that keeping things simple (AMEN!! pure and simple... =P)— whether it's your relationships, career, or face soap — is the best way to be beautiful. You're satisfied with what nature gave you and aren't afraid to show your confident, unadorned self to the world. (AMEN!!)
Your beauty routine is all about maintenance. You keep your skin clean, your body moisturized, and add a splash of color to lips and eyes when the situation demands it. Other than that? You feel best looking as fresh as nature intended (AMEN!!). In the course of being au naturelle you may sometimes forget to cut loose and have fun -really? nahh!!-. You should feel free to dress up now and then or splurge on a scent. Spoil yourself, now and then, as nature intended.
Hmmm... OKAY! Christmas, Christmas =)
Marianne, you're happier than 96 percent of the other people who took Tickle's Happiness Test (well, pretty much obvious considering the fact that I strongly agreed with almost everything =D)
How do Tickle's experts know this? Because they measured your overall happiness level in relation to other test takers. To do this, they examined your attitudes and behaviors in the seven proven areas of life that are known to determine your happiness: Contentment, Confidence, Gratitude, Personal Growth, Cheerfulness, Relationships, and Optimism.
For example, your test results show that your level of gratitude is one of the things that helps you feel happier overall. This means that for the most part you have a strong sense of appreciation for life's blessings. You probably also tend to view life as deep and rich with meaning. By regularly reflecting on the good around you or using prayer, you are the kind of person who can cultivate a continuous sense of thankfulness for the whole experience of living. (Thank God!)
Ok. Enough tests already! I bet nobody's reading anyway =P Oh well, for my own safe keeps. Heh. Good night.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:05:00 pm
i'm a creative theorist!!
And my super iq score is 120! Is that good? haha.
Your overall intelligence quotient is the result of a scientifically-tested formula based on how many questions you answered correctly. But it's only part of what we learned about you from your answers on the test. We also determined the way you process information.The way you think about things makes you a Creative Theorist. This means you are a highly intelligent, complex person. (thought i'm supposed to be pure and SIMPLE...) You are able to process information of nearly every kind with ease, using both creativity and analysis to make sense of the world. Compared to others you also have a very rich imagination. (mmm... heard that daryl? =P)
How did we determine that your thinking style is that of a Creative Theorist? When we examined your test results further, we analyzed how you scored on 8 dimensions of intelligence: spatial, organizational, abstract reasoning, logical, mechanical, verbal, visual and numerical. The 3 dimensions you scored highest on combine to make you a Creative Theorist. Only 6 out of 1,000 people have this rare combination of abilities. (ahem ahem, good thing weird people like me are only RARE.)
I have to pay $10 for a full report? tsk tsk tsk. maybe I'll enter 99999999999 as my credit card number. Then I'll have the cops pounding on my door. aowgbib! noooo.
Slept late; woke up late. Had this sudden spurt of inspiration to write a poem. POEM. Maybe with all that's been happening and my suddenly feeling of lost/confusion. Mmm. It sucks really. Too personal to post, anyway. I'll keep it for memory's sake =P
Cleared out my cupboard. From overflowing to half empty. Nice.
Ok. Taking more IQ tests now. Apparently my visual thingy is bad =x so don't blame me if I'm "blind". Well, if I take off my specs I would be. 400+ degrees kiaesauraus rexesauraus rex kia right. tsk tsk. Ok. Updates another time =D
Take care!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:51:00 pm
Monday, December 19, 2005 :)
ann and the kong
The movie King Kong rocks. Woo hoo. But it's like really long. Well long is good but somehow this time I felt crammed up in the cinema. Rather restless. At least my butt wasn't aching.
I think they should've spent more time on Ann and Jack than Ann and well, Kong. Really. Ann and Jack had much better chemistry. And I think I'm falling for Adrien Brody. What a joke! -chuckles-
And I think Andy something should get the 'best actor' award. He was gollum in Lord of the Rings and he's King Kong in er, King Kong. He's good man.
Adrien Brody looked so handsome la. I mean, as compared to a Jewish refugee in 'The Pianist'. And his acting rocks. Waha! Bro and I trying to imitate Ann's only expression -blank- but in such a way that it takes 20 seconds for her face to change from -blank- to -frown-. Burst out laughing between. tsk tsk tsk.
Dad's birthday today. Hehe. He's older than you think, fyi =D And I got my first batch of Christmas presents. Anyone for some Nerd Rope? =P hey it's nice, really!
As long as I live, there's more I can give
It's never enough, I'll give anything but up
As far as I go, there's one thing I know
It's never too tough, oh no, I'll give anything but up
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:07:00 pm
GIANT DROP! BEFORE the ride...

and AFTER the ride...

we're still children at heart, really -wink-

this thing ain't got brakes. FAST KIA!!

going against gravity. wee.

my bro's cowboy hat looks... NICE.

it's steph dad on her birthday =) taopoked kia.

er, i think i should tint a side of my glasses too.

fyi, we're in a cloud.

then we're out of the cloud =D

genting's real colourful at night!

3 quarters of the hui clan.

signature attraction. 10 bucks. DAMN TERROR.

spinner rocks. simple but shiok. suggest this to the IR people?

on the way up, there was supposed to be a view behind =P

me and jm mother-in-law, supposedly =P

attitude problem, siaowan, ferocious, maggot and manna.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:27:00 pm
Ok. Emily's gone. And I'm not exactly in the highest of spirits. Got there and saw the girl who said she wouldn't cry today crying - aka Maine. Very sad la. If not for my mum I'd have missed going to the airport. Thank God for Mums. They work better than alarm clocks.
Sat there in stony silence for more than half an hour. I mean. Occasional chatter, of course, but mainly it was our companionship that really mattered. After 2 years of being the best of friends; words aren't the most crucial thing in our relationship. Just knowing we're there for each other is more than enough, isn't it?
What can I say? I'll miss her for sure, but it isn't the end. We've all got bright futures to look forward to; lives to live; books to mug -_- lets not go there. But anyway, I believe she'll do just great in Australia. Top the class probably. Not uncommon, is it? I'm gonna miss her so bad.
And I'm already missing her. I love that girl. Hope.
In the years to come
Will you think about these moments that we shared?
In the years to come
Are you gonna think it over
And how we lived each day with no regrets?
Nothing lasts forever though we want it to
The road ahead holds different dreams
for me and you
Sometimes goodbye, though it hurts in your heart,
is the only way for destiny
Sometimes goodbye, though it hurts,
is the only way now for you and me
Though it's the hardest thing to say
I'll miss your love in every way
So say goodbye
But don't you cry
Cos true love never dies
In a year from now
Maybe there'll be things we'll wish we'd never said
In a year from now
Maybe we'll see each other
Standing on the same street corner though it rains
Each and every end is always written in the stars
If only I could stop the world
I'd make this last
Sometimes goodbye, though it hurts in your heart,
is the only way for destiny
Sometimes goodbye, though it hurts,
is the only way now for you and me
Though it's the hardest thing to say
I'll miss your love in every way
So say goodbye
But don't you cry
Cos true love never dies
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:06:00 am
Sunday, December 18, 2005 :)
Can I say more?
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:45:00 pm
Saturday, December 17, 2005 :)
thanks eh, maine! i'm bringing parangs the next time i see you!
01 you get one wish of anything, what would you ask for?
x. ten more wishes to be granted (i was thinking of this yesterday!!!)
02 what animal would you be?
x. preferably one that morphs into a human. or if really impossible, an otter (it's not poached or hunted, right?)
03 something you want to do in your life?
x. get a great husband and start a family (in 10 years time, fyi)
04 one time there were these ninjas...
x. who stripped a monk!? (what kind of question is this!?!)
05 one song you could listen to over and over again?
x. complicated. i just don't get sick of it! -scratches head-
06 coke or pepsi?
x. doesn't actually make a difference. they taste the same!
07 something you currently desire
x. love
08 what's a "mastoid" (no peeking of dict.)
x. i know this one! a mastoid is a person who is a master of zoids.
09 one good deed you've done lately
x. taopoked stephanie. no la. oh dang i have to think hard for this. offered to carry a lil of anyone's burden?
10 a funny moment in your life
x. any spent with choir kias, 2e1 kias, KPC kias, my family and other great pals. this doesn't answer the question really.
and the flame shall burn in
x= desireems kia (IT'S YOU AGAIN!)
x= daryl bongadong (OH YOU TOO!)
x= jon ma (OOH WHAT DO WE HAVE =P)
x= melissa (hohoho we must see this)
x= weyzi (dude, BLOG! =D)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:55:00 pm
"stir-fried sheep faeces that melts in your mouth - alex chua from new dehli"
I've learnt many things this holiday. Interesting facts, I must say. I muse.
Interesting fact #1
People in Malaysia have a very, very, very bad grammers and the people can't really speel.
Interesting fact #2
It's more fun to go to a theme park in warm weather like that of Singapore's than the 10 degrees of Genting with nothing but a windbreaker, slippers, a t-shirt and 3 quarter pants.
Interesting fact #3
Star movies shows star movies. Which means KUNG POW will never be shown.
Interesting fact #4
If you look up and the rollercoaster's in the clouds and you can't see it anymore, from up there, you can't see anything down below either. THAT'S SCARY. Really.
Interesting fact #5
Malaysia's KFC serves the nicest chicken.
Interesting fact #6
I got Yong Peng mixed up with some other Majar place or something all the while! Ouch.
Interesting fact #7
Many shops are named after people. Eg- Desiree, Ying, Miko, Clara (only managed to snap a pic of those shops when I had the camera though)
Interesting fact #8
Cars have interesting plate letters. Eg- BHB, WFT, BBB
Interesting fact #9
I bought only $100 worth of things (across the week). A necklace and earring set, a bracelet, 5 shirts, a skirt, a belt, and a pair of shoes. Not bad right?
Interesting fact #10
Well somehow, Daryl and I are promoting Kung Pow among choir kias.
Interesting fact #11
I'm now prone to falling. Again. Oh no ok.
Interesting fact #12
You can actually fracture your rib by laughing/coughing too hard. I did both. Guess what happened.
Interesting fact #13
I came back and started doing my homework.
Interesting fact #14
I still have a weakness for Naim's crap.
Interesting fact #15
I miss the cold weather in Genting although it was, well, too cold. Hot weather sucks.
Interesting fact #16
I shop very quickly.
Interesting fact #17
I have run out of interesting facts.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:20:00 pm
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 :)
a voyage of songs
I'm currently in the OM office in Malaysia awaiting the arrival of the GOH aka my parents. A voyage of songs was awesome. I totally loved it. It's really nice to watch professional choirs perform you know?
I'm addicted to Dum Bay Lay lah ok. I can't stop singing and clapping. It rocks so much. Bet you if HSC choir sings that we won't do the song justice.
The Astonian TV Children's choir was great. Awesome. Nanyang JC was great too! I was doubly impressed. They got a Gold B Diploma. Go Miss Ong! =)
HSC Choir ended up with 2 Silver C Diplomas, which isn't too bad for international standard you know. International, not national. Which means we've improved. Wee! Was rather satisfied, really. Until I saw so many of the kias crying. Took like, half an hour for the grief to hit me aiee. Saw Dennis at the lift and he tried to cheer me up. I think it worked a little. Lol.
Went to find my brother to congratulate him. Really proud of him! I think the whole choir knows him now. Megawatt smiles =D Really proud of him.
DUM BAY DUM BAY LAY!!! rocks la ok.
Went shopping without much money. Had to control like siao. Bought a necklace/earring set and a bracelet. And 2 shirts. only 20 SG$ for both. Wooo. I love them! One girl brought 400 ringgit and was obliged to spend it all in a day. My goodness. Donate it to charity, would you?
Oooh. Had a birthday bash. First time I was involved in executing/planning one. And it rocked. Stephanie dearie, it rocked, didn't it? =P Continued playing cards after all the taopoking business was done. And Amantha really loves my name. Miss M. =P
Okok. So I've really loved this voyage of songs. Mr Kwei said our choir has the nicest sound of all the secondary school choirs he's heard. SEE? WE HAVE POTENTIAL. We just lack confidence, which is what he said. AND we have a short attention/focus span. How crappy. Oh well. 2 more years =P I'll be in Sec 4. Hehehe.
Feeling again. Now I'm confused. I call it CRUSHED. That's not good you know. Yes, I know. Argh. It sucks being crushed. Oh well.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:39:00 am
Thursday, December 08, 2005 :)
From tomorrow to the 17th. You're so gonna miss my crap right. Haha. Mormaibu. I think I'll miss blogging. Sure will have a long post when I get back! (if I'm not too caught up with homework, of course)
Argh. Worrying myself. Maybe I can do another book review now. Wahaha. Have some time. Packed finish liao. Tsk tsk tsk. I'm fast =)
So take care while I ain't around to look after all you loyal readers and give you something productive and interesting to read.
Eiii hearttexx euu! *muacckieex* how corny.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!3:20:00 pm
red eye(s)
Doesn't this title look familiar... mmm mmm mmm...
Yeah, I woke up at 6am today. Hummed in the toilet a lil. Came out and looked at my scores. Read on the bus. And fell asleep. Couldn't keep awake at all la. Hard as I tried. I did ok! Hopped off the bus and was pounced upon by a female tiger (a.k.a: charmaine) Crapped to school.
And I was on time. Woo! Not that I'm usually not but just that I don't have to face the fear of i-might-be-late-if-the-bus-is-slow-and-stuck-in-the-jam thing.
Choir was all right. Final practice. Scary. I finally got pissed off with some sections yesterday. Which is a good and bad thing. Don't know how I should look at it. At least they know I CAN be serious.
Met up with Kathryn and Samuel after that. Chiongnessology man. Got our tickets to Zathura before eating at Fish and Co. My goodness. Sam's idea =P haha. Had a nice meal. But it was very amusing (to me) that we all ordered Fish and Chips. Haha. Funny. Laughing like nobody's business at the table la. All 3 of us. Siao kias. Haha.
Zathura rocks. It's a great show la!! Kept me on tenterhooks throughout. I thought it was 2h+ but it was only an hour and a half. Nice job. I actually gasped out loud at one part la! Felt a bit pai sei. Haha. Really got a shock. Jumped a few times, gasped a few times. I think if my grandma watched the show she'd have had a heart attack. 3 of us almost did la ok.
Took some neoprints after that. Interesting. And very funny. All of us chionging like nobody's business la. Then there was one 'candid shot' when we were all unprepared. LMAO man. Kat's mouth was like wide open in front of the cam while Sam and I were smiling like idiots. As usual. Nice.
Time to sleep. I'll save some money and skip breakfast tomorrow. Not that I'd wake up in time for it anyway.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:02:00 am
Tuesday, December 06, 2005 :)
sleepy sleepy
Life is so weird. When I finally wanna sleep early, I can't. Just finished uploading the choir recordings. Oh my goodness. This is really whole day choir, really. Really, really. So now I'm gonna take a shower and sleep. No reading tonight. I hope.
I have to wake up at 6am tomorrow. Good. Can revise songs and start packing. So I can read on the bus =D
Peace out.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:00:00 pm
it's half the hui clan =)

Ok. So today I'm so tired. Full day choir, literally. Came back home and recorded Balts and Tous les. Took more than an hour for both =X so tv over dinner, just finished with my tv session, and I'm still on choir. Oh my goodness.
And I have to wake up at 6am tomorrow. God blast me.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:07:00 pm
Monday, December 05, 2005 :)
they don't mean a thing
Don't know what that means but... ANYWAY.
Desiree's gone to the USA. Wah, that's so sad. One less interesting blog to read, tsk tsk tsk. What a tiring day it's been. -shakes head- choir from 9-5.30 is a killer la. Standing for 2 and a half hours straight with only one chance to sit down is leg-cramping. Waha. And Ellis' voice-cracking is laughter-resounding. Whatever.
Yesterday our Youth Pastor was introduced. Yes, we're gonna be having one XP just found out. Ha! His kids + him have all these complicated Chinese name. I think it'll actually take some of my precious brain juices to remember them. Whew.
Rachel and Glenda and some others came to our church again. Nice seeing them, really =)
Didn't have worship practice so I went to mama's house to practise the choir songs and do somemore memorising of scores. Tsk tsk. Oh yeah, evangelism discussion was good. Quite the funny, eh? But Yao Qi seemed so serious yesterday... wonder if something happened aiee.
Wanted to sleep cos I was just so tired when my cousins got back. A.k.a: Hannah and Nathan. Was bored to tears ok. They don't even have nice cartoons on Sunday! Except Ned's disoriented ideas or something. On nickelodean. Thanks, I don't even know how to spell it. Nice show la. =) hehehe.
So finally found something interesting to do; a.k.a: help Hannah create a blog. -ahem- haha. To think I used to be so stupid with this stuff. Someday I'll know -grins- Realised we have such different taste. Waha. Shall visit her blog in a bit.
Went for dinner at Pan Pacific. It was so nice la ok. Buffet. The food was -wipes drool- (eew i didn't really) but anyway. Ate till I had to walk or I'd puke/explode and everyone would have to clean up my organs/intestines. Not very nice, really. It was so nice. And I ate so much I didn't even have space for breakfast this morning. Tsk tsk.
So I'm so tired now. I'll have an early night. BELIEVE me. =)
I cried again; after so long. I can't do this. It just keeps coming back; and I just don't know why. Maybe there isn't the will; so there isn't the way. Oh, I really don't know. I really don't. I don't even know what I'm feeling. Lost, confused, upset, broken, but wanting to feel thankful, that it isn't worth it. Ok.
One word - indescribable.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:12:00 pm
I'll kill Jon Ma for this!
Rules of the game:
1. post 5 weird/random things aboutt yourself.
2. at the end of the quiz, list the names of the 5 people whom you want next to do this and leave a comment "you are tagged" in their blog and tell them to yours.
5 weird things about me:
1) i'm actually normal
2) i don't know how i feel sometimes
3) i'm not affected by people who talk about turn-offable stuff when i'm eating
4) i don't leave my phone on when i sleep (to you i might be weird, but i find YOU weird too you know =P)
5) i don't pretend to be someone else
ok, time to pass the bug =) the 5 VERY LUCKY PEOPLE whom i want to continue this weird thingy:
1) desiree boey (yes, i know you're oh-so-free)
2) maine kia (yes i know you love doing stupid things)
3) daryl bong (i think you're free...)
4) wan ling (weird people do weird things so =P)
5) umz... -thinks- JON MA (sabo time WAHAHAHA mor maibu XD)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:54:00 pm
Saturday, December 03, 2005 :)
This is so irritating. My Zen's supposed to have 5 GB but there's only 1 GB for my music and I can't figure out where the other 4 GB went -_- Searched everywhere on the com but I can't find it. Time to read the manual.
Anyway, Charmaine stayed over last night. Craziness man. Watched so many VCDs and stuff. Fell asleep watching Yamakasi. For a bit. Then I woke up and the action was... whew. Some kia lost the first movie ><
Finally retired to my room at 1am. Started this hectic lets-take-as-many-photographs-as-possible thing. Finished only at 2am. Siaoness. All the rubbish. Shall upload photos another time when SHE SENDS THEM TO ME.
Went for Mr Tay's wedding today. It was so sweet la ok. And the songs they sang... hehe. I knew them all =P Anyway. He was so nervous reading the vows! We were pretty much laughing. Too bad I couldn't TOTALLY relax because something so irritating yet unpredictable happened. Argh. Only managed to fix the situation after the wedding... tsk tsk.
Headed to Kembangan Plaza only to find it's more boring than Punggol Plaza. Rushed off to Tampines Mall and had this or something thing. Wrote some stuff and took a picture. And got a free ice cream (supposed to be at the interchange ONLY) but we ingeniusly queued up for like 15 minutes at the Tampines Mall Macs. What smart idiots we are.
Had lunch at 4pm. Pastamania mania. Which is why I didn't have dinner. And am now craving for food. Badly.
Ok. I don't really have inspiration to blog. Oh, I finally found the books I couldn't find yesterday. Got this thick, thick, thick book by Catherine Lim. What's it called? Tears in something. So pissed off cos they put it in the wrong section -humph!- and they still didn't have Left Behind #37. Decided to try my luck. And now I regret it cos I went a day late and it was loaned out. You're always too late, Marianne.
Ok. I have one minute left before I have to run away from the computer. So I'd better start closing everything. Church tomorrow. WOOOO! =)
PS: check this out =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:43:00 pm
Thursday, December 01, 2005 :)
Viewers discretion is advised. Horrific scenes of a dead bird are present.
10.38pm, November 30, 2005.

The reason for the death is a mystery.

Many saw, but none believed.

Soon, the body had to be removed.

Wrapped in but newspaper, it was dumped.

And there, the remains of the bird which invaded the Hui kitchen.

It never lived to see the light of day. What a sorry sparrow it must have been.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:40:00 pm
10 reasons to be happy =)
#1 - Charmaine can stay over tomorrow! 5 cheers! =)
#2 - We're popping corn! 2 cheers! =)
#3 - I'm bored using the computer! (gives so much more time for other things) 500 cheers!
#4 - November is over. Good and bad. Good in the way I can eat freely. Bad in the way half the holiday is gone. My dear precious holiday. 1 cheer.
#5 - I'm enjoying reading! 5 cheers! =)
#6 - I've found a solution for Chinese homework! 1000000 cheers! =)
#7 - Choir rocks now! 5 cheers! =)
#8 - I can rent VCDs instead of use the computer and the shop keeps giving me free coupons (which is weird)! 5 cheers! =)
#9 - Daryl has seen the light! Unlimited cheers!
#10 - Jesus loves me (and you, of course)! I could never cheer more. Really =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:57:00 pm
Today was kinda good, though I was rather tired. I enjoy choir practices now =) I can't wait for KL. Wasn't looking forward to it before but now, I can hardly wait. And I can hardly wait for Genting after that cos we're going to theme parks. Oh man. How I miss rollercoasters! And cheap shopping X) and swimming.
So went to Cavana for dinner with my parents. Nice food, I must say. Tomorrow gonna go for tuition then have project. So disappointed cos Charmaine isn't gonna stay over. Gimme false hope only X( was like making plans of all the interesting stuff we could do. Sigh.
Daryl gave me one massive shock today man. And the rest in the music room too, I'm sure. Please FOREWARN me next time, thank you very much.
I'm having this weird 'fetish' for Left Behind books now la ok. Reading like nobody's business. Any free time, READ. Oh no. I think I might go hysterical if I don't find the #36 37 38 39 book tomorrow. Actually... can borrow 8 books now since it's the hols but I doubt I'll have that much time.
So I think if I'm really gonna get so bored here, I might just finish off book #35. No wait, I can't do that. I won't have anything to read TOMORROW! (long journey on the bus, mind you) Oh dang.
I promise you, life is full of empty promises.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:04:00 pm