Tuesday, January 31, 2006 :)
No photoshop, just pure love.

Most beautiful cat I've seen - name: Jellybean - price: $1100

Her fur is soft as silk, her body limp as a jelly.

The most beautiful dog I've seen - name: Lollipop - price: i don't know, A LOT.

Toe-licking, finger-nibbling, tail-wagging, small dog.

Yes, she's like a baby. Beautiful.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!6:52:00 pm
tell me about rockin'
Yay, today rocked =P That's what explains the nick la :) So anyway, got up bright and early after sleeping dark and late this morning. 2am doing somebody's card lor. Finally went to sleep in case dad woke up and got pissed. Evangelin kia came soooo early la. Supposed to come earliest 10am but she came at 9.35 =X This is how it goes.
-my phone vibrates / one message received- "Hey.. I'm reaching" reads the message from Evangelin. At that time, I'm still in my PJs making the card.
-calls Evangelin in shock- "Orh, my dad's giving me a lift. I'm here already" "WHAT!!!! okokok" -slams down phone-
-Hui clan all panic and chiong to get ready-
So that's how the story goes. So nice right? XX <-- smiley. So continued doing the card bla bla bla and soon enough, Kim came. So 3 of us played Dai Dee. Yes, I won 4/5 rounds, tyvm. (Stands from Thank You Very Much) Then after that the kias just poured in man. So many people came over lunch.
Pastor Kuo Young's young son is adorable. Pardon me for not knowing his name, it's in chinese. Cuter than Jadon =P Really. HA! Cos this kia laughs. That's why he's cuter. Laughing babies are always cuter.
Then Wey Zi and Carista came, so did my brother's friends. Mr and Mrs Su indeed =P Haha. We played 'Snatch'. A highly intellectual game for highly intellectual people. Basically, it makes use of scrabble tiles. The referee, in this case my Dad, will open tiles and you've gotta find words within those tiles. So you find a word, you keep it. But if you see a letter that fits someone else's word, not plural or past tense, you can 'snatch' it. So in the end, the person with the most words wins.
Understand? No? Told you it's for highly intellectual people... XP just kidding. Hai Sing kias trashed MJC kias. Tsk tsk tsk. But anyway, it was fun =D
Played some cards and stuff, ya. Cards. Woo hoo. Then Alan came, along with my lil monkey aka Laetitia, Alexandre and parents. Aiyo, should be Aunty Sophie, Uncle Roy and kids right... =P Oh well X) These 2 just don't run out of energy man. I'm shocked =) They're cute. Hehe. But Alex'd pangsaied and his mum couldn't smell it. "Immuned", she says. Ugh. Anyway. OH YA.
Play play play, finally Wey and Carista had to go. She'd left her bag in my room so I went to get it. My door was locked. The horror. No one was inside. I don't know how it got locked anyway. So I got the whole bundle of keys. Approx 20 keys and I had to slowlyy figure out which one it was. How nice.
All stuck. So finally, we laid hands on the door. 'Amen'. Then we tried, and it opened. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes, it shocked all of us, really =P That really rocked. Really. Woo hoo. See? Whoever said miracles don't happen...
Bla bla bla, played with Laetitia and Alex somemore, then they all left. Everyone. Florence, Chun Wai and Alan. So since they were the last, we just sent them off. The sun was hot. I think I sound stupid. Aiya Marianne, what's new?
So that's all for the day; prolly going over to Uncle Owen's for dinner with the worship team. I've got stupid pimples on my face. What was that word I learnt again? ugh. Too many to remember anyhow. They form an isosceles triangle. How sweet. But the one on my nose sucks the most. Ugh. Bui tahan.
Now I'm exhausted; the part that sucks most is clearing up. Especially when young kids keep throwing Kueh Lapis on the floor -_- But that's ok cos they're cute X) Oh well.
Today rocked :) And Carista has a sweet voice. It actually surprised me XD but nice voice girl!
Okok, I shall not weigh myself. I fret what I may see. Thank goodness they took my weight before CNY. If not I might be classified (oh, horror of horrors) - overweight.
Ah, ok. That's all. Running out of words to say. Think I've exceeded my daily limit. But then again, I have no limit. Oh well. Photo upload shall be soon. Till then.... POP-UP CARDS ARE PRICELESS. Wait, after that, pop-up cards will still be priceless! XP
PS: Charmaine, if you're not gonna do anything with yyy's number, get the email address instead. Satisfied with the number only meh? =P
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!5:31:00 pm
Monday, January 30, 2006 :)
Ugh, stupid pictures are blocking everything. So I've gotta push them down. Don't mind the empty space =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:07:00 am
"bimbo wannabes"/beautiful 4some

The Hui Clan!! :)

Irene, Justin, Rodney, and Marianne Hui respectively =P

Awwww, what sibling love...

Speaking of yoga...

No, we're not looking at the white hairs, we're looking at the oranges!

All smiles with our greatest Godma =D

What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:04:00 am
Sunday, January 29, 2006 :)
Money money money, it's a rich man's world
What a nice, tiring day =) Was 20 minutes late for Bible Study, was bai-ing nian to my parents ma... Hui tradition man. I intend to uphold it with my kids, hopefully my husband (if I do even manage to get one) doesn't mind... XP heh.
Service was pretty interesting, singing old songs with all the funny parts and stuff. The message was full of stories, which is good. Pastoral prayer was super long, as usual. No wait, this time, it was unusually long. =P Bla bla bla.
Everyone looked real nice today so we took lots of shots. Shaun kia and Roy kia were in the exact same shirts can... So "twin" for what right... Tsk tsk tsk. Cheryl came with a beeeeg bandage on her head. Haha. Cute girl =P Donated blood, felt dizzy, knocked her head against the door, and went back to hospital. Haha.
Met my 'bimbo-wannabe-girlfriend' aka Tanya and started talking slangishly again. Oh no. Part of the blood, she says. So crapped a lot, the fridge stank like crap, and we spread the bimboism to Marianne Lee too =D Yayness. Hahaha.
After service, while we were still in the sanctuary, Desiree turned back and I saw her so I smiled. Then she burst out laughing and told Amanda. So Amanda turned back, saw me and burst out laughing as well. Like, what!?!?! Ugh.
Bla bla bla, went visiting, as usual. Dinner and stuff. Mmhmm. Collected lots of Ang Paos, but mainly it was the joy of meeting old relatives again :) That's definitely the best part. Oh well. Photo upload coming along soon XD Till then, err... continue counting your $$$
It's a rich man's world.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:06:00 pm
Saturday, January 28, 2006 :)
i not stupid too!
I watched it yesterday instead of Memoirs of a Geisha. Really, no regrets at all. The show rocked like siao. Really. Funny yet touching. Very touching. Teared quite a few times, though I didn't cry like Charmaine =P haha. Eyes red kia right... ^^ Met her quite late cos I'd just missed my bus... sorry kia =X
Anyway, went in twenty minutes late since we bought the tickets at 7.15 when the show was at 7. Sat down and in started. Wee hee! How nice. Haha. Had the usual Cheesy hotdog with ketchup =P That was funny. The guy who gave me my hotdog gave me a reaaaallly pathetic amount of cheese. So Maine was like 'HAHA' and quickly ran to another queue. Haha. Lucky her =P
Joshua Ang and Shawn Lee have changed soooooo much. Well, that's understandable. But whoa, so much older la. They should have I Not Stupid 3 (but they'd probably be big actors by then). Good looking kids, I must say. Shuan kia might see Joshua Ang in NAFA this year, eh? haha.
Oh well. Gonna wear my nice brown shirt for CNY =) Mum's cooking. woo hoo! Reunion dinners always rock because we get to play blackjack. Betting amount - $1 minimum. Used to be 10cents way back when I was in lower primary. Ahhhh! Oh well =) Must bring cards tonight. hehehe.
"Can I have a lame chop?" - XP
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!4:01:00 pm
I stood by you
though sometimes I didn't seem to bother
I listened to you
though sometimes I never knew what to say
I tried to counsel
though sometimes the words didn't come out right
I tried to be a good friend
though sometimes I didn't feel like talking
In the end, it's all a waste
For all I get is your friggin distaste
For a friend like you I learnt to care
Despite the times you left me in despair
Since you don't trust me
I won't care anymore
Don't cry out for me
When you see me walk out that door
I write this in my moment of anguish
The hurt and agony I feel in my heart
But I know somewhere you feel the pain
And I know through this I'll have no gain
So I guess I'll just get on and pass
Since you're a friend I hold close in my heart
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!3:48:00 pm
Friday, January 27, 2006 :)
Before I start, I must clarify that the poem below was stolen from Daryl's blog, explaining the title, 'Stolen Mania'. Thank you. =) On with the post.
Yay, I'm happy! Finally, a break. Long-needed. Tomorrow I'll probably never even wake up to see the light of day. In other words, I'll wake up at night. Probably. HA! Really drained the past few days. Read 3 pages of my book on the bus and sleep. HA!
All right. Soooo many things have been happening and I haven't blogged them. That's called 'sad case'. Reeeeeeeeeewiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnd!!
Saturday night
Party night. Yeah right. That rhymes. Wow.
Anyway, it was Claudia's birthday party =D That was my whole day out. Tuition, Piano, Youth Leadership Training, Worship prac, then off to Claud's party. Sorry I couldn't stay over dearie. I almost collapsed from exhaustion this week! It was really fun, anyway. The food was absolutely shiok, the water was great, everything rocked. (Here, water = swimming pool water)
The best was Claudia's present ok. Best in the world. We gave her a magic stone. Bought it on the streets, $200. It can heal any illness, anything at all. The best gift in the world, and ALLLL of us shared it and gave it to her. From the bottom of our hearts =)
You should've seen the look on her face. She opened the present, "Huh? Where's the stone?" It was difficult to keep a straight face, ok? Admire our courage already!! =P
We gave her a Rusty bag (no, the brand is rusty, it doesn't actually have some bronze stuff growing on it...) and some other stuff =)
Kena amandaritis when I walked with her around the pool. Or in the pool, at the side, since there was a step. We couldn't stop laughing for 2 rounds. Because why? Well, due to parallax error, Amanda thought the water was super shallow and stuck her foot, and slipper, in. What rubbish. Had a good time with Cheryl and Kim and the kias. Getting all wet and stuff. Samuel was, as usual, hilarious with his stupid miss dance. HA!
Oh no. I talk so much about one event. What happens with the rest man.
Okok. Speed up a little.
Sunday night
The Hui family goes international. Really =D You know, on Sky High the family of 3 are like, superheroes. We should be like, superHUIroes or something. Heh. Sang to an international crowd and they loved it so... =P Dad was super bhb la. He asked us to prepare another song in case they wanted an encore. Well, true enough, they did. So my dad said...
"Well actually, we prepared another one cos we knew you would ask for it -cheeky face-"
Now you know where I got my bhbness from? =P
School's all right. I guess it's up to us to make 3e1 rock to bits. Sounds funny eh... But really, we've got lots of work to do building up our class spirit. Cos for now, there's none at all. That sucks. Come on guys, lets all work together and build up this class we wanna call our own yeah? Hopefully it'll cause this chain effect... hehe.
Oh, shall blog about the incident that made me laugh til my ribs hurt another time. =P Gonna catch Memoirs of a Geisha now. CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN 2 IS OUT. omg omg omg omg. AHHH!
Ok, I will be normal now. =) Teerah people. -kisses goodbye to another long post-
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!4:37:00 pm
Wednesday, January 25, 2006 :)
Stolen mania =P
I haven't blogged in 5 days. That goes down in the records man. My posts are becoming less and less frequent. AHHH!! That's bad, right? I mean, there'll be so many people collapsing on the floor... regurgitating!? Oh heck.
Is this the end?
Is it over already?
Has it even started?
Was I wrong all along?
Don't make me cry
For I have no tears
I'm exhausted... nothing means nothing
Not everyone can have their happy endings
Leave me to lie here dying
Bleeding with my past happiness
I don't wanna get up
I'd rather stay down here
Give me a wall to punch
To relieve all my anger
Let my knuckles bleed red
Let pain counter pain
No more hoping
unless you want to go on
I'm ready to take all your choices
Just don't make me waste my time
Let words shout out every anger
Let rage take me over
Let my soul scream in agony
Let all pain overcome me
Let my mind whirl in confusion
Let my body fall limp
Let me be pushed from the highest mountain
And please...if you don't mean it...don't save me.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!6:51:00 pm
Friday, January 20, 2006 :)
YES! YES I AM! I think I talk better and more enthusiastically when I'm not tired at 10+. It's 6.30. PM. And I'm at Hannah's house so I'm fine =D
Today was cool. Charmaine is coming to school later. Qian da. Coming like, 15 minutes later than she used to last year. Lazy bummer =P Oh well. I'm just good. Wahaha. Ok. Right.
Anyway, I'm kinda happy cos I did well for my first compre test. And I'm even happier cos Mrs Tang gave me a 20 for my summary, the highest I've got in my life. Yes Choops, I know I'm no where near your 25/25 but it's gooooooooooood enough for me =D
And I'm also happy cos I managed to concentrate for Bio. Yes, I absorbed everything. Would you like me to, say, "regurgitate passionately" now? XP Well. I'm lazy and I don't think you can be bothered anyway. So...
Bla bla bla, Physics rocked today. Mr Yap rocks though sometimes he doesn't exactly explain definitions. He explains everything but definitions. Ugh! Haha. Maybe that's where dictionaries come in handy... Anyway, he showed us a movie. Well, movie clip la. Daytona thingy. Cos we're learning about acceleration/tracking speed. More teachers should learn from him. Talk less, show more, have more fun, um, learn a bit =P
Hey, but I learnt why they don't have air con in the car ok! HUMPH!
So anyway, yesterday I suddenly thought of playing catching/pepsi cola again. And for some strange, psycho reason, we played it. Me, Khye An, Koong Jye (or better known as Tay Koooong Joooo), and Maine. Not enough to play catching so we played Pepsi cola. Haha, yes, we did. Surprised they wanted to play =D 2E1 unity mania kiaesauraus rex man.
Ok, went for tuition, bla bla bla. Gotta have dinner and head to church. Yes, first lesson of CBSI =) Love you people!
"Ok class, is this line a straight-line curve?" -One of my teachers XP
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!6:34:00 pm
Thursday, January 19, 2006 :)
khye an is a pro(fessional idiot)
Phoa, suddenly feel like I have a whole lot of crap to blog about! Vast difference from the super-short posts I used to have (well, recently..) right? hehe.
A Maths really kills. Even if you know how to do the questions. I did 5 and my mind was really drained after that. Even though I could do them. Stupid move. After that I couldn't study Chinese, Bio and Physics properly. Ugh. Stupid Marianne. Q' 0[U'PNAD! -- denoted from slamming fingers on keyboard.
Bla bla bla. Missed Chinese. YAY. I love History, yes yes I do. But Rasputin is so confusing. I mean, blessed by Mary, supposedly, but doing all kinds of sick, indecent stuff. Doesn't match so I'm really confused. History can't be wrong; yet he can't possibly have powers like that and be so immoral. Weird.
Anyway, we were all running around doing stuff during Chinese and we saw Mr Njoo coming. So all chionged back to our seats and read our science tbs. So fake la but anyway. He looked in, we stared back, he smiled, and we burst out laughing. Haha. We don't have very good actors in 3e1, sorry.
But we have some darn good speakers like Khye An who got 10/10 for Oral. He managed to go on and on about cloning impromptuly. He was stating facts and stuff. Khye An rocks. And his stupid grin is actually cute. HA! We were having this stupid game about Physics. Trust and Dare but use Physics.
The dare he gave?
Use your fingers as ticker-tape. OR test the power of gravity by jumping down.
Rubbish mania.
I'm gonna borrow Bored of the Rings from Dominic soon. OH. I need to bring The Innocent. Have been forgetting it for days on end. Whatever.
Sec 1s joined us for choir. Kinda unexpected, really. So we were all kinda lost. Miss Ong taught me a lil bit more about conducting.
Like one coincidence isn't enough, I met Yan Han on the bus. Again. 2 times in a week- and I've only seen my bro on the bus once in 1 year 1 month. Grrr.
Ok then. 3 minutes left. Needa run. My eyes are closing already. Teerah =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:47:00 pm
Tuesday, January 17, 2006 :)
i get most pissed with myself
I went to bed last night, woke up at 11.20pm, and realised I missed the finale of Project Runway. I tell you, that's irritatingly kenasai-ish. Somehow I keep saying kenasai now. Oh well. I was so frigging pissed with myself. I fumed till water came out of my eyes ok. Was trying to control swearing. So much for watching all the eps and waiting soooo long for the great finale. And that totally forgetting about it due to overflowing homework. Screw it. I'm downloading it. Don't care.
Anyway, like one coincidence isn't enough, there were 2. On the same bus. Haha. First I met Darrell on 3 since he was coming back from work, then I met Yan Han. Siaoness man. 3 of us talking like nobody's business. Hmm... 3 on 3... sounds cool. Haha.
Oh, pray for my mum. She's going for surgery tomorrow. Detached retina again. Might have to be hospitalised for a night. Hopefully not la. Oh well. My eyes are giving in now. Gotta run then. Good night everyone!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:13:00 pm
Sunday, January 15, 2006 :)
my monkey has become a terrorist
Yes, sad, but true. I visited Laetitia (my lil monkey) yesterday, and she was talking all about killing us. Yes, sad, but true. She was going on and on about Narnia and the Snow Queen. Apparently she made herself the Snow Queen because she was naughty. And she has this fondness (which I like) of me and she made me the witch too. Humph. Oh well.
She's cute. So's her lil bro. Wee!
Ok, I took a 3h nap today that's why I'm still here. Oh well. Choir again tomorrow. -mutters- And I thought I didn't have homework right? I realised I wrote it all in the Thursday column so chionged it today. -kabish myself- Oh well.
Oh, Samuel was funny just now. Haha. Lazy to elaborate. Ok, gonna zao.
Till next time.... MISS ME (learn from Desiree, she does it best XP)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:10:00 pm
Saturday, January 14, 2006 :)
only one knows
Strangest person to tell- but all the same, only he knows. And I trust him, that's why he knows. Oh well. God will help me =) I believe so.
Haven't been here for a long long long time (a.k.a: 2 days). Overwhelming tags man. Yayness. Or maybe it's just the shock of the previous post. Heh. Anyway, kinda eventful. Been having a war within me, trying to deal with it, overcoming it, I guess now it's just me and myself. And God. I don't even know what I'm talking about.
And I don't even feel like blogging.
So, teerah.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:56:00 pm
Wednesday, January 11, 2006 :)
how you remind me
I feel like writing in the kiddish I-only-know-one-style-of-sentences-cos-I'm-in-Primary-3 style. So here goes! =P
Today, I woke up early. I went to the bus stop and took bus 3 to Whitesands Shopping Mall. Actually, there is not much to shop there. I do not think it is a mall. Because I only go there to buy food. Or stationary. Or books. Or earrings. Maybe it is a mall after all.
I met Charmaine and Naim and William and Najiy and Koong Jye and Terence and we had breakfast. I had a big breakfast and it was big. I was very full after that. We continued talking rubbish and then the Sport Leaders left. I am happy that my friends are Sports Leaders. It shows that they are Leaders to lead. I think I'm repeating myself (again). I think my friends are nice people. I think so.
Charmaine and I were singing on the way to school. It was bad. Very bad. Except maybe Lollipop which was ok until she started giggling. I think that is silly. We should be serious when we are singing. At least I am. Because I am professional. Just kidding about that.
Nothing was unusual about lessons. As usual. Everything was ok but everything was doubly-perioded. I do not know what that means. I just came up with it.
Sometimes I think I am a genius because I can come up with nice-sounding words like that. I also came up with 'dugpit' while smashing my head on the keyboard. I think it makes a good vulgarity-substitute though I do not use it. I do not like using vulgarities. It is rude.
I lost my name tag on my way to school. So I wore Daryl Bong(adong)'s instead. Thankfully, I did not get caught. I think. Tsung Ming found it on the bus. Thank goodness I went early. So my bus turned around and picked him up. He saw it and returned it to me after school. So I am happy.
And I am also happy because I understand A Maths. I did my homework in less than an hour. That is good. I am happy. And Charmaine is taking a long time in the bathroom. I think she drowned. In the shower. She is capable of anything.
And I do not like people nudging me. Neither physically nor on MSN. I think it is weird. Both ways. Oh well.
I have come to the end of this post. I have a feeling my essay tomorrow is going to be affected. I must snap out of this sort of thinking before all hell breaks loose. I want to do well for my first essay. I already have an idea and I think it is not bad. But that is only what I think. What the teacher thinks is a different story.
Oh, I almost forgot. The link to my title. I was buying dinner with my mother and I saw this boy and girl from kindergarten playing together. With drinks. They had a can of FnN and a can of sprite. They were so happy. They were mixing their drinks and the little girl was so amused. Her brother helped her and they were both happy.
I think that is very nice. I think that is what the world lacks these days. Siblings should all be like this. They should love one another and give the best for each other. Just like what my brother and I do for each other. I love him and he loves me. And we love our parents And they love us. and we love our friends and we hope they love us too. And we love God and we KNOW HE LOVES US ALL!!!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:10:00 pm
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 :)
Giving When it Counts
Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare and serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year-old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness.
The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, "Yes, I'll do it if it will save her."
As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheeks. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away?"
Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.
Just a lil story I picked off Carista's blog. Means a lot, doesn't it?...
Somehow I'm suddenly feeling so depressed now. Thinking too much; or giving up the wrong things. I just turned my dad down to go to Chinatown cos I don't really find that place much of an interest to me. He's disappointed. I know it. And suddenly I feel so bad.
Sometimes I just feel I'm not putting enough into what is most important to me. What if one day he just neglects me or just 'bo chaps' me? Why do I care so much about what will never be mine and neglect what is already mine?
I'm just so confused now. And my mum just said another thing that kinda tore me. Nothing to do with me directly, but if he goes, somehow (hopefully not), I won't survive. I won't. Cos he means too much to me.
I'm just so confused. I need to cry.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:42:00 pm
Monday, January 09, 2006 :)
i hit the terminal stage of amandaritis
Yes, I'm gonna die soon.
Of laughter.
Today's lessons rocked. English rather. I was laughing like some err... hyperventilating maniac. Nah, not that bad la. But anyway; I think I'm known too much for the way I laugh... heh. But it was so funny. KJ suddenly said ONE word that made me laugh till I cry. Unexpected lameness coming from him. Hehe.
Woke up at 5.45 and rushed cos I thought I was supposed to wake up at 5.30. Slept late la. So mind wasn't working properly (never really is, anyway,) so it took me quite a while to realise that I was actually early. Oh heck. My shoes turned from white to dark dark dark brown (aka mud) today. Oh well.
Was so pissed during A Maths. Cos I couldn't follow. Ms Ong was teaching at ultrasonic high speed and explaining while I was still trying to understand the question. Worse, the rest of the class found it easy and I got so frustrated. Think KJ got scared. Haha. Sorry kia. Anyway, managed to figure it out on the bus when I was calm and... collected.
Did lots of homework. I like SS cos I can remember everything I've learnt in the first chapter. Test me! =P Hmm.. not bad la. Like history. Hehe. Oh well. Ok. Watching Project Runway now. I can't wait for them to show their designs. It's gonna be so cool. Oh well.
Don't sell your soul; cos one day you're gonna need it.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:13:00 pm
Sunday, January 08, 2006 :)
happy kiaesauraus rex kia
I'm currently ecstatic/very happy/excited/jumping out of my skin (if there's such an expression)/having my lungs on fire. Shall not say more =) And my rib (singular) is hurting, again. It suddenly pierces me like once in a while. So pain can. Can't breathe or laugh or do anything properly (except type) =P. But it's not hurting now. Just now it was.
Anyway, youth today was funny la! Oh and yesterday I played the whole song 'One Way' on the bass -major achievement- but my fingers were rather stiff... need practice la. I'm only an amateur!! =X So anyway, first, the LCD projector exploded, then the speaker started smoking. Wah, Evan kena stressed out sia. Ha!
So anyway, God is in the House was a mess =P In a funny/bad way. Haha. But in the end it didn't really matter- since worshipping God isn't about just good music/singing but singing from the heart eh? =) It was funny la. Hehe.
Bla bla bla left church went to CHIJ St Joseph's Sch or something. Thank goodness my friend was pei-ing me via sms if not I'd have er, died in the hall. =) Haha. So an hour and a half passed much faster than expected... haha.
Played Twister (like, AGAIN!) cos it rocks and it's just about the only stretching/exercise I get la ok... -blushes- anyway, one round went on for like 20 minutes and I was like some sweaty pig after that la. My stupid brother kept calling out horrid positions for me. Made me stretch both sides of the mat. Grrr... nvm, one day he'll get it!
Had Sar Ee's birthday dinner which was really nice. I loved the butter prawns (which apparently had PUMPKIN SAUCE on it). So stupid right? Like, -kabish- la! Grrness. So... ok, packing my bag then gonna sleep. Movies on Tuesday, anyone? =P Hehehe.
I'M STILL HAPPY!!!!!! =))
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:54:00 pm
Saturday, January 07, 2006 :)
church kias are the funniest people to be around
Laughed like some crazy maniac today. Well, ok I just laughed a lot. Not like a crazy maniac. That would have to be Cheryl =P Anyway, to cut the long story short, today has been an adventurous day.
#1 - I almost slipped 3 times in my stupid, frictionless slippers.
#2 - I drank Blueberry Iceblended with pearls. Wow.
#3 - I went to church for Youth Leadership Training Course. And laughed until I cried. Because why? Well, there were these fill-in-the-blanks things. And there was one that said:
R_____ out to your fellow brothers and sisters passionately.
Answer was "Reach". Then my brother said, "Oh, I was thinking 'regurgitate'..."
Jon Ma and I laughed till we cried.
#4 - Pastor LKY read a story that was so stupidly exaggerated with the weirdest, weirdest, overdose of lame and well, weird expressions that I laughed till I cried too. And something like this team that finished 100m on a canoe and got to the finish line. What they did?
Oh, they congratulated each other and took photos.
Yes, I laughed till I cried again.
#5 - I managed to finish my A maths. Well, 2 questions only ma =P On midpoint. HA! Then got Cheryl/Desiree to help me with the previous sums. They took quite long on it too so I guess I'm not in the 'hopeless state' yet... =P got it eventually so they're geniuses. HA!
#6 - Went back to Parkway for dinner. Slipped and slid down the whole stairs of the overhead bridge. So much for not falling before that.
#7 - Crapped with Cheryl and Desiree in Yoshinoya like we owned the place. Stupid things like making the points of our fingers meet with one eye closed. I think we looked like freaks.
#8 - Cheryl told the Yoshinoya guy that we needed extra servettes (omg I can't speel), ok, tissue, because food would run down my front everytime I ate. We received a blank stare and A LOT of tissue.
#9 - I accidentally shouted 'OI!' too loudly (too much practice with use of support) and ended up having everyone looking at me. Pai sei.
#10 - I saw a HSC teacher with an older man. Together. Hopefully it was her father... names shall not be disclosed.
So that sums up my day. Tomorrow I'm gonna waste another 3 hours going to collect my Edusave award. Nevermind. It's worth $500 =P Till tomorrow, Desiree will miss me. HAHA.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:25:00 pm
Friday, January 06, 2006 :)
"it's pung seh, not pang seh" - Nick
Yay! It's finally Friday. Break time. Thank goodness for a holiday on Tuesday. I guess I'm just not enjoying class as much as in Sec 2 (sure everyone feels the same, eh?) though I do enjoy the lessons.
I kinda enjoyed Biology today. Learnt about the digestive system and all the parts, got kinda confused with bile and urine. Cos the description was pretty much the same and I was wondering why bile was stored in the gall bladder. Khye An said it should be called 'bile bladder'. Haha.
Anyway, I managed not to feel bored and could absorb some things so I liked that =) But Mrs Wan drew the appendix like something else... that didn't really look like an appendix... haha. Shall not elaborate.
Managed to finish 9.5/10 of my a maths sums. Not bad la. Considering the fact that I came to school and most of them couldn't go past Q5. Gotta find out how to do Q10 though. Maybe my genius son-of-my-mother could help me. He explained to me why the liver stored glycogen and not glucose. YAY. I've learnt quite a lot this week, you know? =P So I'm glad about that.
And I didn't feel bored during Mr Lua's lesson. That's really a miracle. Maybe because I was able to talk to some of the quieter class guys and realise that they're not that quiet after all! So at least I have Jermain who's behind me to talk to now X) Of course, plus KHYE AN and KOONG JYE and DOMINIC LOW TING HUI (somehow the teachers call him by his full name...) and Steph and stuff.
Sat with Stephanie Lau for Physics in the lab. Quite fun to talk to her la =) Quite outgoing too! hehehe. Anyway. Waited for Charmaine after school until about 1.30 but I guess she was still stuck in PSL meeting so I left first.
Chionged to Marine Terrace (from the bus stop) and bought lunch. Da-baoed XD Then it poured like siao. Since I was lazy to take out my umbrella, I just ran all the way back to Phang Lao Shi's house. It's quite far, by the way. Haha. Got drenched! Oh well, not that I mind... it's fun! =P I just like getting wet la... Sometimes I think that stupid umbrella in my bag is really just taking up space. And at this stage, I think I need a lot of space in my bag.
Ok, a longer post cos I have time. And Symptoms of You by Lindsay Lohan is a nice song. It's slow =P HAHA. Not funny. Oh well.
Till tomorrow (I think), take care! =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!6:59:00 pm
Thursday, January 05, 2006 :)
I just put that as a title cos it's the title of Lindsay Lohan's first album which Melissa lent to me and it's just in front of me... =P rubbish(ness)
Oh man. I just realised I don't have that much to blog about school anymore. Now I know where all my crap came from. CHARMAINE AND NAIM!!!!!!! So sad man. And stupid Khye An and Koong Jye keep pangsehing me so I have no one in class to laugh with. Well, not really.
Anyway, Mr Lua isn't that bad. Quite funny. And amusing. It's fun trying to stifle laughter, really. Hopefully it doesn't blow my intestines out anyway. And my ribs hurt again. Wait, rib. It comes and goes and it hurts like crap. I can't breathe properly, laugh properly, walk properly, or whatever properly. Oh well.
I don't know if I should tell Miss Ong I wanna be a student conductor. Nvm. I'll see how it goes.
Til next time...
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:54:00 pm
Wednesday, January 04, 2006 :)
i'm loving' it!
Oh yeah. Woooo!!!! Which day of school was it? 2nd day? Whoa, that was fast. Haha. I don't looooveeeee my class, but I like it; I don't like all my lessons, but I sure do love some of them =P
Got to go to school at 8.45am today. Praise God. And my Dad gave me and my bro a lift. Got there around 8.30am. Woo! Had so many books to carry though... Tomorrow too. I sense death. Ha! I think I'm getting lamer and less interesting; and that's not good, ok?
HISTORY ROCKS. Or rather, MR DAS ROCKS. Wahahaha! I'm so glad I decided to take History instead of Geography... no regrets AT ALL!! =D (I think I just might be saying Hail Hitler by the time I learn about Europe... eh Des? =P) Mr Das is so funny. We were all laughing and joking and stuff on the way back. Entered 3E1 to see majority of the class's heads on the table. HA! I just looooooveeeeeee History =P Bet Khye An's having regrets now eh? Heh heh!
Left early so skipped physics. Oops. I think our performance was quite all right. I mean, the whole choir's though we didn't sing 'Lollipop'. Not that I really did mind cos it really wasn't up to standard at all... Hmmm, after that stayed on for Sec 1 talent scouting...
Amazingly, there are a whole lotta Basses/Beritones/Tenors... Quite a lot, as compared to how many there are in choir now =P heh. Kenneth was busy looking out for Chio Bus. Unfortunately, there were none. How ironic. HA!
And there are tons of altos. Plural. And less than 10 sops from 4 classes. We're gonna have sooooo much work to do! Tomorrow going back to listen again =)
OH! And I'm really happy =D HSC CHOIR IS GONNA HAVE STUDENT CONDUCTORS!! Somehow, that was my target, which I never thought I'd achieve... since our choir isn't really one that is as forth-coming... So anyway, there'll be 2 from every level so maybe I'll express my interest to Miss Ong.. just maybe. I don't really want to pass off this chance eh. Well, first God answered Yan Han's prayer, now He's answered mine. In just a matter of days.
My God is big. So strong. So mighty.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:21:00 pm
Tuesday, January 03, 2006 :)
First day at school was great =) Mrs Tang is so cute/funny/amusing. Hahaha. Guess they were right, aiee? XP Just a lil out in class; like everyone still hanging out with old buddies. Well I will, from Friday onwards and when they ain't gone for Sec 1 orientation anymore... heh heh.
Choir drained me of energy today. Uh oh. Was kinda tired. Oh well. At least school ain't so early tomorrow. I get to sleep later, wake up later =) Use the computer to talk to some people later. WOOO!
For now, school rocks XD
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:43:00 pm
Monday, January 02, 2006 :)
Dedications? Scroll down, thank you.
Ahhhhhhhhh. I got my hair cut again. Much better now though my brother didn't notice the difference. Maybe if he'd seen it before I'd cut... haha. Man alive. So much better. Hassle-free! =P
I've been feeling weird today. Emotionally. Missing someone. Badly. But I don't think I'm missed much. I hate feelings like these. I call it 'crush'. Irritating, believe me. Arghness.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:58:00 pm
Upload from thanksgiving/concert mania =)
Me and Kim =) sweeeeeeet.
I wasn't ready yet- as you can see; look at Kim! =P
Oh, we're very very young at heart, apparently!
Fists together now... WHOOSH!! XD
Um. How original. Haha. With light. Des's phone a bit extra =P
Um, without light -_- PS: fingers meant for recognition in case phones got mixed up.
Somehow this looks obscene.... it's just our elbows.
right. This was meant to be a 'star' =P we were bored. Jon Ma spoils the pic. HA!
I like this can.. 9 feet =) Unity mania!
MY REDEEMER LIVES!! I'm on keys, heh.
1... ready...
OLEH!! The face I can't stop laughing at =P Still can't do it as well as my brother. OH WELL XD that's good. hehe.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!2:38:00 pm
I love you! To all these people down below, thank you for what you've been to me =) Just love you guys for that aiee? God bless one and all and may you have a great year!
To my Parents- First of all for doing that thing so that I can be here blogging today... =P Thank you for bringing me up and tolerating with my rubbish sometimes. Thank you for making so many sacrifices just for me; I really appreciate your love.
To my dearest Brother, Justin- Thank you for your rubbish =P I love our scrunged up faces though they really look disgusting. Heh. Thank you for guiding me all these years in life and always treating me like how a sister should be treated. I wouldn't be who I am today if not for you, really =)
To Charmaine- Yes, YOU =P my deer kia. Thanks for always being there to crap with me and for listening to me and making me laugh =)
To Emily- Thank you for being my crying shoulder, thank you for all the great times, and thank you for teaching me what it means to 'never treasure what you have till it's gone'... you'll always be my hope =)
To Daryl Bongadong- Thanks for letting me be your very-important-counsellor =P Thanks for listening (though sometimes you might not be very good at it) and for letting me listen. Basically, thanks for trusting me =)
To NAIM- hahahahahaha. What rubbish is this. I say your name and I can't help but laugh =P Thank you for bringing SO MUCH LAUGHTER to 2e1 and especially to me and Maine =P Too bad we can't keep each other awake during maths anymore... awwww... -tearxx fillx muee eyex-
To Khye An and SGT Liew!- I don't know why either, but thanks for being such a Sudoku/math master =)
To artist-in-the-making OMARALI!- for designing out AWESOME class t-shirtREALLY rocks =P I love it to the core dude. Thanks so much!
To Jing Ming- Thanks for always being able to cheer me up and help me lose my fears. Somehow you can just crap more than me sometimes; or rather, you can make me crap when I'm so not in the mood to do so =) God-given talent you've got there! Use it wisely XD
To Kathryn Loke- Thanks for being such a great girl friend and caring so much about me though you really don't need to. Thanks for listening and helping me realise some things I wouldn't have without you =) Come to KPC soon aiee? XD
To Wey Zi- Thanks for helping me realise so much this year; and for being a great friend to talk to =P So now, please return Kung Pow. Thank you for your coorporation X)
To all 2e1 teachers and other classmates- for making last year such an awesome year, you guys have really made a difference in my life. Thank you all for never giving up on me despite all my shortcomings as your chairman... 2e1 '05 will rock always =D
To Evangelin my dear buttie- Thanks for so much crappy moments and for always being hyper enthusiastic =P Love your spirit girl!
To Kimberly/Kamberly =P- My cheeky crazy girl friend. Or is it crazy cheeky girl =P HAHA. Oh well, thanks for being my great buddy for so many years now. Not as close but still X) you're a great friend man. Thanks for the pictures and the minesweeper flags stuff =P Don't think we'll have so much time anymore, aiee... -sob-
To Desireems- My most faithful blog-reader =P Thank you for being such a great listening ear and such a fun person to crap with. You know, you're one of the few people who can make me laugh till I cry. HAHAHA. Laoness. I can't take it man. 2 times within a month ok =P You go girlfriend!
To Melissa- Thanks for being such a nice girl and being so sweet sometimes though I really don't deserve it. Stay cool! =D
To Shaun kia- KIA! Thanks for teaching me so much man... about the keys la =D And the bass too! Thanks for helping me grow so much musically. I owe it to you dude =) And thanks for influencing all of us to talk like you.... kia.
To Samuel (almost-cannot-be-seen) Soon- Hey dude! Thanks for always making me laugh so much. Basically, we make anything funny. Just by laughing with ourselves at nothing really. I can't wait for CBSI to start again. More crapping =D
To Jonathan Ma- For all your rubbish as well =) And for guiding me in Programme Comm. But one thing; Please stop lying to yourself, ok? =P
To Daryl and all the Exco- thanks for making Youth such a joy to attend; thank you for planning all the programmes and looking into the welfare of all the youths. Your efforts are appreciated =D
To Aunty Edwina, Uncle Osbert, Elder Anne- Thank you for imparting what you know about Christ and His word to me and the other youths so faithfully. May God continue to bless you for your faith and sacrifices =)
To Hannah and Nathan- For being such wonderful cousins (who tend to fall and squash me a lot, actually) but still for being so hyper enthusiastic and for helping me lose weight by chasing me around your 3-storey house. Haha. Just kidding. But thanks for being so lovable anyway =D Best cousins always man. Not forgetting our dear Kevman n Darrell Hawkins as well =D You guys ain't forgotten! Love ya!
Last but not least, thank you GOD- For making this year such a spectacular year, for bringing me through all your tests and trials; for helping me learn so much from them and for letting me gain so many great experiences. Thank You for everything, God =) I love You!
My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ- Thank You for always forgiving me despite the many nails I pierce right through You; despite the many times I break Your heart without so much as an apology. Thank you for dying for me and for always being there whenever I needed You. I love You too =D
And thank you to all who are reading this X) and so faithfully supporting me so this blog can still... exist. May God bless you in every way- and have an awesome, spectacular year ahead =D
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:58:00 pm
Sunday, January 01, 2006 :)
Fun game ok. Played with Nathan at first cos the rest were like... gone. I lost, because why? He fell on me, so I fell over first, so I lose, FIRST. Injustice!! Haha. Played it with Hannah and my bro too at Aunty Amy's place. Fun la! But wa lao, Su Lin made me stay at the same horrid position for 6 turns and I was aching la. Siaoness ok. It was really a horrid position, crossing under Nathan with my leg stretched out, another behind me and my arms crossed.
Ok, wondering how I stayed in that position now... zzz... haha.
Ok, day 2 of the year, MUST MAKE FULL USE OF IT. So I'm gonna get up not THAT late as usual (aka I'll get up at 12) nah jkjk.
Ok, Dad's chasing me. Just realised I started 3 paragraphs with 'Ok'. Right, ok. I need to check out Desiree's blog before I go. Teerah!! =P
Maybe I've found what I need, just maybe...
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:57:00 pm
no new year resolutions yet =)
We're in to 2006 already. I can't believe it. Won't be used to writing dates like that =P as always... hehe. This year has really flown by. Way too fast - beyond my imagination, really. I've really loved this year so much; I can never really say which year I've loved the most since I'll never really be able to calculate from a happi-o-metre or something like that.
But, I can say I've loved oh shucks - LAST year a whole lot =) Really. It's been totally great, thanks to the great 2e1 kias, choir kias, and of course KPYouth kias right. Coming up with rubbish like KPYouthnited, and then KPYouthnited Shakers. Hahaha. Laughing like siao mania.
Today was great. YAY! Had we stayed half an hour more we could've counted down together, can? =X But it's ok, we made good use of the time we had together =D Taking rubbish photos with the kindergarten stuff and what not. Heh.
Youth thanksgiving was great; I mean, the worship part. Played lots of wrong stuff (only during solo lines -_-) but on the whole it was ok. It's great seeing the whole auditorium filled, you know? The sound's so much more... loud. And everyone's clapping together it's so great! So, thanksgiving was great =)
Bigger news - kick-off concert. IT WAS GREAT!! Really. Everything went well, except for one lil part with the family performance... heh. That one... not my fault =P But anyway. It was totally cool! Really. And you know what?
Even the adults were jumping and singing to One Way =D Of course, the youths did too la. I mean, if the youths didn't.... lol. But it was great. Wooooo! I was just having fun man. Everything was great =)
Ok. It's not 12.49pm. I have until 1 am. Promised my Dad. Sort of a 'peace/piss treaty'. Uh, if I keep my side of it, we have peace. If not, uh, he'll be pissed =P lameness kia. Sorry, my eyes are just straining to open.
More on New Year Resolutions and stuff when I uh, think of them =) But anyway...
HAPPY NEW YEAR and may you really live life to the fullest! AMEN!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:40:00 am