Thursday, March 30, 2006 :)
Save your time; don't read my rants (cos that's really what it is)
Case 1: I hate being misunderstood; blamed for what I didn't do. I can't stand it.
Case 2: And I think, do you do what you do for popularity, or do you do what you do because you sincerely want to help?
It's not easy to tell who true friends are. Though one pathetic incident can spoil the image.
PS: Just a sudden thought.
PSS: Don't ask why, don't ask how.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:35:00 pm
Wednesday, March 29, 2006 :)
Holy crap. I don't know what to blog about. OH YA. I got tagged by Kimmmmm. Cheeky Crazy Gurl. Or is it Crazy Cheeky Gurl. CCG la =P
Instructions: The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lovers. Specify the gender of the target. Tag 5 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their page saying that they've been tagged. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.
The perfect guy must..:
1. Love God (yes, MUST)
2. Um, Love ME =P and my family
3. Smile :) a lot (so as to keep up with me. Who wants to go home to a black face, my friend? =P)
4. Have a sense of humour (if the guy replaces the word humour with rumour, he has no sense of humour)
5. Be generous
6. Not expect too much from me
7. Encourage/tolerate me; not reprimand me
8. Not be perfect
PS: I'm running out of things to say la. Which is good; my future husband can be Average Joe! =D
The 5 people I want to do this are:
1. Jing Ming! Pek Cek Mother-in-law, I wanna know! =P
2. Shermine! Pek Cek Mother-in-law's Pek Cek friend, I wanna know too! X)
3. Jessica Lau! Cos you're funny and you might want your husband to be one who can construct green coffins. :b
4. Charmaine! Predictable but aiya. I know you're free =P
5. RAE!!!!!!! It'd be interesting, oh big weird one... -grins-
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:00:00 pm
Monday, March 27, 2006 :)
bio madness
This weekend's been happening man. But it is tiring nonetheless having to be out morning to night with events lined (or lound) up nonstop. Saturday had movie night um, at night. Migeddo was kinda cool; too bad Charmaine, Khye An and Koong Jye pang sehed =P but it's ok la. Understandable.
Sunday was cool; Shaun's birthday lunch at Kenny Rogers kia right. Well, before that had 15s (Sec 3 class) meeting for the event on 16 Apr. Games day kia =P had a hell of a time trying to resist eating wantonmee/chicken rice/yong tau foo but the company was great. Couldn't stop laughing about vomit and soy sauce and raw eggs and hair and everything.
Anyway, went back to Church and braved the rain. Hopped into a cab and headed for Suntec. Kenny Rogers food is heavenly. H-E-A-V-E-N-L-Y CAN. Cannot tahan. The ribs were great. I wanna go back on my birthday =P
Headed to Airport after playing a bit of Crazi Taxi...
PS: I managed to get a grade from D to B!!! (though I'm still out of rank) but I managed to make $3100++++++++ in a few minutes! shoke.
Chionged to Airport with Evan who also needed to 'collect' her aunt. Bryan was hilarious kia la ok. Cannot tahan. "Shuddup wudchew?" WAHAHAHA!! KPC Lingo rocks.
Anyway, something really strange happened and I felt like I was gonna cry when Amit was leaving. I mean, I knew I'd be sad but I didn't expect to feel that sad. Then I saw dear Jollyn who also looked like she was about to cry so we cried together. HA.
I guess it's interesting how someone can play such a big part in a class without you even knowing it. Interesting how you only want to know someone when that someone's gone. Strange the way the world works; yet at the same time, so logical.
I think I'm not making sense. Hmmm. PS: Bio madness is cos I'm in the comp lab but the comps aren't working haha. haha. haha. haha. laughing.
Oh ya, assembly just now was hell crappy. Sat with Khye An (tissue boy) and Koong Jye and we were trying to tickle each other and all that crap. Stupid tissue boy was wiping KJ's saliva on my shirt. Use tissue can? Tsk!
Ok then. Gonna runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
Shuddup wudchew??! =P
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!2:50:00 pm
Friday, March 24, 2006 :)
You do all things well
Yesterday, I got an sms from Shaun at about 9+pm. I thought he needed more help for the Worship Schedule, but to my surprise I realised it was something related to my previous post. Super excited, I called her, but not without praying before. Thank God, she was really understanding and allowed me to withdraw from it.
At that point in time, I almost felt like crying. I was just so happy and so thankful that God would give me another chance to serve Him, and I was also thankful that she was so understanding.
Now, I can't wait for 8 April.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!3:48:00 pm
Wednesday, March 22, 2006 :)
For once, I'm really, really feeling lost. I don't know who to talk to about this. I really don't. I think I need to sms Rachel Berry.
If I commit to that, it's only out of obligation. Not because I don't want to, I do, really, but because I can't. And if I do, I'll have to sacrifice something I've already committed to, and that I'd rather commit to.
Really, this sucks. I don't know which to choose and I don't know what to do. I don't wanna be slabbed down just because I don't choose what other people want me to choose. I want to choose what I want for the glorification of my God.
I want to do what He wants me to do.
For now, I'm not even sure what it is.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:55:00 pm
Tuesday, March 21, 2006 :)
I love Sai Kangistans. I love them to bits man. Today was a hellotta fun. Super fun. Taking retarded videos and pictures for the SS 'Racial Harmony' project. Well, lots of pics had nothing to do with them anyway. Shall upload if I have time. Well, Khye An and I had this classic. I love it so much man.
And the Dao pic of me, Dom, KJ and Steph is just... shiok la.
Video/photo upload another time.
Today was Amit's last day in school. Got a sucky photo with him but it's better than nothing! =D
Good night!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:53:00 pm
Monday, March 20, 2006 :)
So You Think You Can Dance?
Catch it FIRST on Channel 5! Monday Nights at 8.30. A Mediacorp Studios Production.
Daryl, you owe me Brownies. I'm waiting ok.
Tomorrow's Amit's last day in school. Sad, but true.
Goooooooooooood night! Gotta watch TV to feel better and know that there are worse dancers than myself. Wahahaha.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:51:00 pm
Friday, March 17, 2006 :)
dragon hunting rawkx miix world
Today was shiokness la can. Dad gave me a lift to Lavendar so I got there at 9. Left with Samuel, Edward, Glenn, Warren, and Cyril to set up the stuff first. Ended up playing street soccer on the way. LOL. Anyway, we got there and some weird guy ran right into our raffia string, intentionally pulled it to give me raffia burn and started cursing us and asking us to eat s***. (censored word due to a word-friendly blog) But, whatever.
Got to know my group members (though I just can't remember the chinese names! Ugh) How irritating. Played Captains' ball which was fun, though we pretty much got trashed by Evan's team. It's ok, at least we lost only 4-8.
Played Ultimate Friskbee which was kinda like a failure. No la, not really. My group only managed to get points by um, passing the friskbee. Siao liao la.
(when all else fails, blame the wind)
PS: If those people in those thingies ever run out (in those soccer fields during matches and whatever I DUNNO WHAT IT'S CALLED LA!) where they sit in a room with headphones and watch the match and talk crap la. BRYAN CAN GO WORK THERE. Wa lao, make me laugh until I cannot play properly can. Talk so much rubbish ok. (Please include Bryan's tone yourself, for those who know him)
Bryan: (shouting into loudhaler when Samuel misses a defence shot) SAMUEL! WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOING!
Bryan: (shouting into loudhaler when the ball flies toward the sea) EH EH EH EH! PLAY FRIENDLY! PLAY GENTLY! PLAY GENTLY!
Bryan: (shouting into loudhaler when Samuel luan luan throws the ball) SAMUEL! WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOING! PLAY SMARTLY! SMARTLY OK PLAY SMARTLY! PLAY SMARTLY AND GENTLY!
Plus the silly updates. Rubbish ok. Tsk tsk.
Then we went for lunch and had Hainanese Chicken Rice which was delicious though there wasn't much of a difference between the $2.30 and $3.30 plate. Herrmz <-- Adora and I kept talking like that. Hey, it's not easy, ok? You try la! Humph.
Well, bla bla bla, we finally went dragonboating. Shiok! It really was fun la. This time we had buoyancy test in the middle of the (is it sea or kallang river? Oh crappo, I feel so bimbo -_-) Kinda fun but I jumped in with my sandals so it trapped water. Irritating. Couldn't swim properly. Strong current la.
Did this viking thingy - you sit on the sides and ROCK THE BOAT until you capsize. No la, cancel the last part. But it was so fun la. ADRENALINE RUSH mania. Had trouble picking up the pace but after a while I kinda got it. The max we went was 120 strokes la can. In a shot. YES CHARMAINE BE JEALOUS! =P
Dragon boating as so much to do with coordination and team work; it was really fun la. Really. And now I'm red but I have this horrid tan cos I wore a shirt with sleeves. Ugh. Gross. But for the part that is tanned, NICE. hahahaha. Dragon boating rocks la. We won the other team =P heh heh heh.
Evan and I were at the front so we had to set/keep the pace. Tiring mania. Just so happened that my thigh cramped up during the race. Sucky crap. But all the same, WOO HOO! LUKE, JOHN, OLEH! =P
Ah, I'm red (hot chilli peppers). Really, the parts that are red are hot. So cool man.
Walked to Suntec (yes, this time we didn't run across the flyover/expressway =P) took a bus halfway HA. Had KFC for dinner and headed to the arcade. Played Super Bishi Bashi Champ, that thingy thingy game (sure you know what it is -__-), and CRAZY TAXI!!! Have been wanting to play it since it came out CAN. Can... SHIOK LA. Wa lao, played it 3 times before going home.
Did something not really nice. Actually, not me la. But I kinda feel bad too. Tsk tsk. The world is unfair.
Oh well, somebody's getting married tomorrow and I'm excited so BEHOLD! Maybe we'll have additions to cornerstone soon -wink-
Till then, I'll continue blogging. Not worrying about all my undone holiday homework. Yet.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:08:00 pm
Thursday, March 16, 2006 :)
interesting day kia
Watched Yours, Mine and Ours. If that's the title. Movie rocked. Made me laugh and cry (pai sei) but ya, it was a great show. Hilarious at some point in time. Ran around central looking for a cinema, ended up not watching Nanny Mc Phee (which Amanda pronounces as "pee") lol. Cute la X)
Hovered around and had dinner at City Link Mall. Some Japanese Restaurant. Wa lao, Shermine's dad, whose friend was the owner of the restaurant, got a table for us and PAID FOR THE WHOLE MEAL. ALL 6 OF US. We were all stumped la ok. So generous for what. And it's like, those 15-20 dollar per meal kinda thang. Phew. Really nice guy. Wanted to have Unaju but it was 25 bucks so I settled for Oyakodon instead. Pai sei to spend so much of others' money right.. haha.
Oh anyway, I'm really cos I met 3 people in Plaza Singapura.
#1 - IVAN HOW YI KUANG (yes I still remember the name!!!!) from 1F-4F in TAO NAN SCHOOL!! =D
#2 - FOO WEY ZI (yes I also remember the name aduh =X)
#3 - RACHEL REBEKAH BERRY (rachel = sheep, rebekah = fattened..................) XP
So I'm kinda happy. Forgot to get Ivan's number/email address. What a waste. I shall find it somehow. Oh, this is how the conversation went.
Me: Hey Ivan! (still walking)
Ivan: You still remember me ah?
Me: Of course la!
Lol good night. Dragon boating tomorrow. Shoke.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:26:00 pm
Tuesday, March 14, 2006 :)
climb over, run like mad, climb over again
Today was one heck of a crazy day. Unfortunately I can't recall distinctly. Ugh. Anyway, was kinda late for SMO today. Woke up late and couldn't be bothered to rush (I'm learning from you, Khye An! Honoured? =P) So well it was more bearable today; she wasn't teaching. Bla bla bla; skip boring stuff.
Walked to interchange with Kin Chung and Khye An, now more commonly known as tissue boy. HAHA. Suits the name perfectly. No, the name suits him perfectly.
Headed to Lavendar and met Bryan, Daryl and Glenn. They'd been there since 11 can. Recee-ed the place already la. And ate. HAHA. Waited around an hour for Samuel, Cyril and Li Hui. Talked crap la. Recalled the retarded SARS song; Bryan was singing it and he sounded retarded. So we headed to the Hawker Centre (why in caps ah!?), Bryan leading the way.
Walking a long long way. I said "eh? Why are we coming this way? I thought we walked from there..." Nobody heard me. Then suddenly Bryan exclaimed, "Eh!?! Isn't that Lavendar!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Wa lao. Retarded can. All of us laughing like crap.
Walked like siao, so far or what can. Lavendar to Kallang Sea Sports Club, to Suntec. Wa lao. Siao.
See, we were gonna go back to Lavendar when we decided to head to Suntec to buy Shaun Kia's birthday present instead. So we followed Bryan and Lihui, who'd left on their way. Everything was good until we reached the flyover. No traffic lights = no pedestrian crossings. We started walking on dry grass. Then we were walking next to the flyover. Then under. Then we didn't know where to go. There were these trees that were tied to the barrier so it won't flop or something and we were going in and under them. How stupid.
Well, we were gonna run across the part where the expressway reaches suntec at a turn, but couldn't. Too dangerous. We still want to serve God you know...
Well, so we walked down somemore. Until finally, we reached a dead end. The part where, you know, there's a traffic light and a sign that goes "PREPARE TO STOP" and blinks in amber? So well, we were gonna run across since the cars were pretty much jammed but those stupid plants were in the way. Bushes. A bit wide to jump, I must say. Then we saw this construction worker just stroll across the road, holding up a hand to stop the cars. WHAT!!!!!!! Lao. Lolness.
Oh crap, I'm mixed up. We ran across the flyover before that. So siao for what right? Walking walking then suddenly "CROSS!!!!!!!!!" All of us climbed over the barrier and chionged. Wa lao. Daryl Boey showing his impulsive leadership qualities- thanks ah. Haha. Walked along some stupid steep slops sideways (which explains the super-pain ankle) while carrying my stupid heavy bag. Finally found a way under the flyover and got to Suntec. Headed straight to Macs, bought Ice-cold water, and finished it like nobody's business. Heck the sensitive teeth man. Too thirsty. 45 minutes roaming around dodging cars. We even considered "Go lane by lane la". Hahahaha. How intelligent.
Blog so long for what. Too bad didn't have a camera. Would've stopped on the road and taken some pictures. Right...
Anyway, last night was kinda fun. Watched the Pink Panther which was really lame but had some hilarious parts. HA. HA. Get the joke? No. Lame. Ya. Had a nice time with Kat and Sam; though Sam was awfully quiet. And that funny-stuff-selling shop at the Heeren is gone! -sulks- Oh well. Photo upload soon.
Wonder where all my photos are coming from. Tsk tsk.
Choir again tomorrow. Am I in the mood?
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:46:00 pm
Retard Chinamen with round glasses that have price tags.
Better known as Shaun kia, Nonsense, The Red, and Ng Ten

Jadon kia. Cute, yes.

My hair has grown. It shall continue growing.

Me and Marilyn. Again.

Andrew's beautiful drawing. Note: That's the Titanic and those things are us; people. That red graph-like thingy is the ice berg.

What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:40:00 pm
Monday, March 13, 2006 :)
The Huis and the Lee; guess who?

Marilyn and Marianne! She's cute ain't she? =)

Justin, Marianne, Marilyn (in order of height)

Mummy Hui can do the face too!!!

Splitting (or is it spitting?) looks

The crazy Snoopy cake; yes, it's all edible.

Birthday boy kicks the cake. Thanks ah.

It's my party and I'll sulk if I want to!

Utmost concentration from my aunt to cut off Snoopy's head.

BIG KNIFE! Please keep away from children. Wait... what's that behind!?

The spinal cord. Everything's gone. See the blood? =P

This is sad man.

Mummy Hui whacks Daughter Hui

Daughter Hui strikes back!

Daughter/Mummy Hui attempt to take a nice shot.
PS: know why I enjoy poking my head into pics now? =P

Me; taken by Justin

Justin; taken by me

What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:58:00 pm
Sunday, March 12, 2006 :)
someone who does physics = physician
Hahahaha. Today was funny la. BS was kinda funny- we've got this thing about Song Yang doing Physics homework (inspiration for my title). So we were discussing scenarios.
What if your best friend of like, 6 years, back-stabbed you? What would you do?
So we were going a round, listening to different types of responses. Then we got to Song Yang.
Edwina: How about you, Song Yang? What would you do?
Benjamin: Aiya, do some Physics first la!
Class erupted in laughter man. All this crap about Physics is just... funny -grins- Lessons are getting more and more fun. Our class was big today - kinda squashed - Jonathan Yong brought 2 friends! HOORAY! Hopefully they'll come back la.
Oh, anyway, Youth worship was really good. Just thought about how gracious God has been this week especially, and it just brought tears to my eyes. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop it. I really wanted worship to go on longer but today there were only 4 songs. Sing (Your Love) is really an awesome song.
E. Group discussion today was great; as usual. Just and Jon (JJ) were inserting words into 'How Great is Our God' melody la. Tsk tsk. "How big is the box" What rubbish! TSK TSK. Andrew was really funny; drawing the titanic and stuff. Shall upload the picture soon =P His Nike shirt, and "cotton" (which he ATTEMPTED to draw but looked like a fat blob of cloud - cotton wool ma!)
Went for my nephew's 1st anniversary. No, 1st birthday. He had a SNOOPY CAKE la can. Shall upload pics soon too =P But oh my goodness. 3D/4D Snoopy cake can. Siao. We took lots of pics of it. This small guy got so many presents. Bet he didn't even have a clue what was going on. Tsk tsk.
Well, good thing; they had helium balloons. So yes; we inhaled helium again. Talked. Funneh =P Forgot to bring my swimming costume so I couldn't swim. How suckiexx. Last time I swam was in Redang- June 2005. No la, not very long... just... 9 months... not long la. -_-
Anyway, yesterday I had my theory exam. Killer la. My usual 45-min paper turned into 2 hours 45 min can. Composing SATB and writing chords were a killer, not sure why. Almost died. Was kinda pissed that I couldn't compose a 'melodic melody'. When I did, couldn't get the harmonies. So irritating.
Went on my own. I don't know how or why, but I managed to miss my TRAIN stop. I think the train was too noisy and I didn't hear it go "Toa Payoh" TWICE. Either that or I was just too anxious. Whatever.
Tomorrow will be a good day. Tomorrow I'll meet Kathryn and Samuel and we'll have fun together. Tomorrow will be a good day. This week will be a good week. This week will be a good week.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:03:00 pm
Saturday, March 11, 2006 :)
Ah ha! First attempt at paper blogging. Well, first and last. Got inspiration from erm, Roxane's blog. Go see hers for 'COMPARE AND CONTRAST'. Tata =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:53:00 am
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 :)
Unfailing Love - Chris Tomlin
You have my heart
And I am Yours forever
You are my strength
God of grace and power
And everything You hold in Your hand
Still You make time for me
I can't understand
Praise You God of Earth and sky
How beautiful is Your unfailing love
Unfailing love
And You never change
God You remain
The Holy One
My unfailing love
Unfailing love
You are my rock
The one I hold on to
You are my song
And I sing for You
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:56:00 pm
POP goes the weasel!
PS: that's just the great book I'm reading.
I realised something about myself- I'm completely irked by gory stuff. Not those fake stuff that's so exaggerated but the real gory stuff that goes on inthe world, you know? That's the sucky thing about reading a thriller-fiction novel and you have all these murders and stuff. And I picture them. Disgusting. I show it to Koon, he goes "cool!!"
So anyway, school's kinda cool. Just found out today that Amit's leaving at the end of March to return to India to find a young and pretty wife. =P Quite sad la; considering the fact that he's quite a nice/funny guy to be around and that he's part of 3E1 2006. He won't even get to be in the class photo. Sad, sad. Stuff like this always is.
Haha. Sunday we had a farewell lunch for David going off to army. (David is from church and we get to see him on Sundays only, usually) This is how the conversation goes.
Uncle Michael: Wah David, NS ah? Ready already?
David: Huh? Ya la. -grins- Mentally prepared, physically... -"giggles"- (<-- I have no better word. Limited vocab kia)
Me: Eh? When do you get to come back ah?
David: Weekends? Saturday and Sunday la! (duh face)
Me: -murmurs- Har!? Then farewell for what!?
Funny la. Bonding session. Tze Kai is funny man. Super funny. HAHAHAHAHA. Thinking of it makes me laugh man. HAHAHAHAHA. 3 tables joined together. Something happened related to Marianne Lee which was really sad. Shall not elaborate.
Went back to church to study Bio. Was smsing Khye An and it was hilarious. Kept laughing la. Stupid sai kang walks his chihuahuas! Yes, he has 2!!! Tsk. Tsk tsk. Tsk tsk tsk. We're gonna get A Maths tuition if our CT results suck. He's gonna get A Maths tuition if he doesn't get 85+.
I'm gonna get A Maths tuition if I don't get 60+.
Ok, think I'm gonna play some piano. School's late tomorrow; finished Maths revision -grins- Now that Bio's over, a HUGE burden is lifted off my shoulders. Somehow not stressed anymore. C00L.
Dragonboating on 17 March
Benefits: Free Vitamin D! Meet handsome guys and pretty girls!
Interested? SMS 91546569 to sign up today! (that's my number, fyi)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:09:00 pm
Thursday, March 02, 2006 :)
how could I forget; today's chinese lesson rocked!
1- I think I can get full marks for Ting Xie. So can KJ. Hoolayness. Dom too! Jermain too!
2- some of the lesson was spent talking crap,
3- the rest was Mr Lua teaching us Japanese and doing weird expressions with his face that caused the whole class to erupt with laughter. Kinda gay actually. Gay = happy, I guess.
So Miss Chua came in after 'Chinese' and we all greeted her in Japanese.
"Sen seh kon ni chi wa!!! -with a bow-'' Hilarious.
Ah, I love Chinese when the textbook isn't involved -grins-
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:38:00 pm
Quotes of the Dayness:
"They died as the plants had not been watered regularly."- KJ on sentence synthesis.
#1- hahaness.
""- KA on creating a hotmail address.
#2- hahaness.
"I have a brain. And it works!"-Charmaine on claiming not to be a BIMBO =P -nudge nudge tanya; we've got another one here!! XP-
#3- hahaness.
"You must learn to have self-discipline on yourself ok!"-A particular teacher on 3E1's noise level.
#4- hahaness.
Ok. LAME -shoves lame sign in your face-
Sec 3 life is cool; first feelings of flunking a test really bad. Not that the feeling is shiok; it's just a good place to pick up from. Physics la. First test 90%, second test 36%. Tell me about consistency. So spent 2.5h on it today; hopefully my paper tomorrow will be fine. -prays-
Finished my CBSI homework! ACCOMPLISHMENT!!! Guess I'll take a shower and do my theory; still got loads to do. Pity me.
Oh well; Good night to all ye who read! I'm tired; pardon the lameness today.
You don't know how much I fear that feeling...
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:21:00 pm