Sunday, April 30, 2006 :)
erhao --- Ch: tue morning u nvr comb ur hair... u walk in the dark
erhao --- Ch: ur family kenna frightened
erhao --- Ch: u come sch
erhao --- Ch: everyone heart atk
erhao --- Ch: hahaahaha
SMARIANNE` : hahaha
SMARIANNE` : teet tee tee tee teee tee
erhao --- Ch: ekkkkk.... looks at marianne..... runs....
erhao --- Ch: falls... -thud-
SMARIANNE` : haha eeeeeeeeediot
erhao --- Ch: haha okok.... let me change the plot
erhao --- Ch: looks at marianne...... screams.... take hairdryer blow at her...
erhao --- Ch: discovers its marianne
erhao --- Ch: rolls on floor laughing till heart atk
erhao --- Ch: hahaha okok let me change it for the final time....
erhao --- Ch: looks at marianne..... can't be bothered to find out hu it is....
SMARIANNE` : marianne sees er hao... blows hair dryer in his face... er hao kena burnt... dies haha
erhao --- Ch: sits down and start studying ss haha
erhao --- Ch: ok.... i lots of crap
YA, only retarded people as such can think of such rubbish. Gosh. HAHA.
So anyway, today. Had dinner celebration for my bro's birthday in advance at Carl's Junior. Shiok can. Western Bacon Cheeseburger rocks my slippers la. (i wasn't wearing socks) rocks la shiok. shiok. went shopping a lil but it was kinda pointless and I'm still looking for a nice white handbag which would fit my notebook for Church. bleurgh.
And I like this new blog skin! =)
But I only can show 4 posts at a go; any more than that and it'll screw up cos the posts will be like, everywhere, really!
And youth is so happening now. Youth blog can; kinda new so it's still "under construction". Ah well, kaya toast fanclub is becoming more established! haha. marilyn's staying over. Tomorrow chiong SS/History I can't wait. retarded right? at least I have something to work for =)
Good night.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:24:00 pm
Saturday, April 29, 2006 :)
After like, an hour +++++++ ARGHNESS CAN?
Solved the problem by having a pathetic 4 posts per page. But if you click on April's archives the thing screws up so don't. (now that i said it, you're gonna click it right??) but the rest are fine so i'm satisfied.
Bla bla bla. I should've been gone an hour ago. Freaking blogger. Make me pissed only.
And I finally bought slippers. HOORAY =) Black mania. $10 only from Ig's Heaven can. Haha, and I spent an hour walking around to find Wanling's present la! Hngh.
Well, tomorrow's her birthday. My one and only "mei". haha. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR -hugs-
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:56:00 pm
yes, 3E1 cheering WOO HOOOO i keep smiling when i watch this X) ELF ROCKS!

What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:59:00 pm
awaiting the start of Sec 3 camp X)

(pai sei anticlimax) a random pic of me and maine =D

camp AFTERMATH!! junk FOOD!!

i was supposed to be taking ah lian photos but i gave up.

What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:58:00 pm
Friday, April 28, 2006 :)
"Marianne is slowly but surely evolving into a chicken!" -Khye An Arhul Joel Kumar a.k.a sai kang #1!
Points above- cos lately I've been making these "ji ji ji ji" or "ja ja ja ja" sounds, unintentionally. Bahhh.
Today was so interesting la. Well, the after-school math cos Khye An and Dom were bored and decided to come to Punggol LOL. So were crapping on the bus and KA kept going "YOU SAID IT YOU SAID IT YOU SAID IT" (multiply this by about 10) and it was hilarious cos people on the bus were looking and laughing la. Racial harmony X)
So anyway, they stupidly stayed on the bus when I got off (despite my telling them it won't make a round and that they'd have to get off). And I left my Physics file with them so they just walked back. Since they'd already missed a bus they ATTEMPTED to run to the next bus stop (which is almost impossible) and obviously, missed the bus. KA's pants was like slipping off the whole time so he was havin a tough time running and it was hilarious watching him squabble around with his bag and all. Jee, I make him sound FAT. -gasp-
So I went home and looked out the window. Saw them walking towards the river -gasp- so managed to get a shot. I'll post it... some other time IF I REMEMBER (but i doubt i will haha) so yeah, they decided to walk back to Pasir Ris. How? I also don't know but they walked by the river and went by the side of the TPE. retards. bet they took a bus in the end -wink-
Bladibla. I should be doing theory. Stupid computer is becoming a distraction.
-throws computer out of the window-
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:30:00 pm
Thursday, April 27, 2006 :)
like, hahaha la. this seems inaccurate. or maybe i just study for the sake of studying - uh huh.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:21:00 pm
it's a lovely day =)
So what if I was tired? :) Hit off with 2 periods of captain's ball for PE today. Miss Seah was absent so Mr Tang took over. Hahaha. I left my NEW correction tape in the comp lab, dang. And it's pink, hello?
Went to study with Charmaine who was talking on the phone to some idiot the whole time. Hahaha. Found out some funny things about Jonathan (no i didn't ask, she told me) and he plays the BASS WAHAHAHA. Cool cool. Maths is killing me.
And Mr Lua was retarded today. Like some psycho who finds ULTIMATE SATISFACTION rubbing the white board. hilarious.
So now I've gotta chiong maths. Don't know why, havent had time to study. Only managed 1 chapter of Chem today. I'm so gonna die for Mid years. Nvm, next year then chiong.
Til then, good night, my fellow friends.
PS: candipuppx and xiiaolurbbe are now Missy M and Missy J respectively. We have turned into "sophisticated ah lians". HAHA. Peace.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:07:00 pm
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 :)
Ah lian/Twit madness
Ok, so Jess and I were being totally retarded today but it was hilarious la can.
Retarded case #1- my fart smells like chicken rice. (cos we were in the hall and she smelt chicken rice so I said I farted. but i'd eaten mee rubus...)
Retarded case #2- we considered farting into each others' faces to be... REFRESHED. so retarded right? think we're under stress.
Retarded case #3- we drew lots of stuff on the board. the bad part is = it was in 'ahlian language'/'twitish'. See Kim? I'm practicing it OUTSIDE of MSN =P even influenced my dear '~xiiaoluurbbe~'! LMAO.
Retarded case #4- we attempted (yet again) to take ah lian pics but it didn't work out very well. we're not ah lian/twitish enough. unnatural la. think we're better off being sophisticated. "hey we should try that xiaooluurbbe!" says candipuppx.
So is that retarded enough for you? I hope so; if not, head to and check out all the REAL twitish stuff they have there. btw, i just learnt what 'twit' is cos of this ah lian rubbish la X) see you guys around!
luuRbiNn eUux 4eBbas... mUacKkiEs! :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:28:00 pm
Monday, April 24, 2006 :)
so you think you can dance rocks la.
And MELODY AND CRAIG! and NICK! bla bla bla. Melissa and Ryan rocked. They rocked like mad. Woo hoo!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:48:00 pm
Saturday, April 22, 2006 :)
Okok, so I haven't blogged in quite a while. Sincerestest apologies! So much's been happening. Lets start from yesterday.
Headed downtown to MACs after sch with the usual Sai Kangs + Matthias. This time we were kinda bored. hahaha. Played heart attack with magic cards (which was kinda retarded since we were supposed to be civilised) then played murderer and that townsville game since we had 7 people. Hahaha. Quite fun being storyteller.
Rushed back for choir; bla bla bla; chionged dinner and left half of it before we had to perform. A bundle of nerves was me, but kept the smile on. The performance was quite good la; especially since the choir was smiling back at me! =D Yayness. Once the song started I was enjoying myself la =)
So after everything the seniors gave their speeches and it was like a crying session until all of them were crying and they made me cry too esp since I'm rather close to them. 3 CHEERS FOR SEC 4s YA =) So chatted with Kat for a while, had some silly nightwalk (or we attempted to at least) and decided to hide from KJ by standing as STATUES. Bet he didn't see us. "WHAT A FINE DAY IT IS!" -quote Koon XP
Headed to Townpark with KA, KJ, Dom, JM and Tehteh. Played with Sparklers and added to AIR POLLUTION. At least it wasn't cigarette smoke can?
Speaking of cigarette smoke, I can't stand it for nuts when I'm walking to the bus-stop in the morning and I smell cigarette smoke, and I see some stupid idiot inconsiderate guy smoking by the dustbin. Please man, in the morning smoke diffuses like ultra fast and I can smell it 20m away from the bus-stop can? For goodness sake, smoking kills la. And I don't wish to be a passive smoker.
So anyway, had some fun with the matches and all that esp since the wind was so strong we wanted to get Tehteh to use his body mass to block the wind but he refused so we tried our best to block and my finger got burnt by the fire cos Koon asked me to turn it the other way to let the wood burn but didn't tell me to turn it back. funny.
So headed home on bus 3, crapping on the bus with the stupid piece of plastic bag. No wait, i wasn't crapping with the plastic bag. We were crappin ABOUT the plastic bag.
Today woke up early for tuition. No piano so had a nice lunch with Dad before coming hope to take a nap and mug for Bio. Chap 2-8 test on Monday can. Only studied til 5. Nvm tomorrow chiong. Too saturated but I'm glad I tahaned 3 hours of studying. Not bad right. Haha.
Anyway, failed my Chinese again =( but honestly, I'd rather fail than do well some other way.
Oh, and I saw a joke in my Bio textbook, page 33.
"One thing scientists never do is take things for granted. They always ask "Why?"
For example. Why is it that when you go swimming in the sea, you do not find a gigantic Amoeba, big enough to eat you. Why is an Amoeba so small that you can only see it with a microscope?"
Heh. Funny.
Kim and I have just embarked on "act-ah-lian project".
1) a nickname that gives everyone else a bad eyesore
2) an act cute photo which involves u tilting ur chin in and looking up at the cam
I don't have 2 now; but my nick is....
`~`** =:hEesH! mUeeXx iShh cAndDipUppx! SweEtiExx piEesH rAwkkiExx!! i LubBx euuX 4eBbass! := **`~`
And Kim's is....
~*~ Mi LiK cHiNiSe sOnGx<>Mi iShHh ChEeNa gUrLx! HeEhEeXx.. mUaCkZx^! ~*~
So, your eyes pain yet? =P
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:59:00 pm
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 :)
Choral Exchange with Sacred Heart College rocked! The kias are all so nice (although they tower over me being the same height) made 4 friends (of whom I can remember the names) although I talked to a lot. Their accent's so strong I could barely catch the names.
Talked to Camille and Francesca first, both really sweet girls who are the same age as me, but a lot taller. Apparently, they're the 'shortest'. Argh. Now I feel short. HAHA. Then went down and met with Jacob and another girl whose name starts with B but i didn't manage to catch it. Well, her singing's awesome her voice is great and she hit a note which, to me, is ultrasound when I attempt to sing it. So Jacob was cute (personality) and he was so happy we went to talk to him so I got his autograph since he offered.
I also have the sacred heart collar pin which is quite cool but now i'm tired and i havent finished studying for chinese tomorrow so i'm gonna sleep and die tomorrow good night!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:16:00 pm
Dom's cousin has CHOCOBALL RACING the ORIGINAL VERSION ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! saw him at the busstop yesterday so was talking to him about all kinds of games all the way on the journey. hahaness.
Later Aussie kias are coming =D HOORAY. hahahaha. I think it'll be cool; hope we'll be good hosts though -wink-
Anyway I'm in school and I've finished my work so I'll go play games hahahaha byee!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:33:00 am
Monday, April 17, 2006 :)
Random Rant
Amazing the kind of stupid/retarded/spastic/immature things I do when I'm high.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:34:00 pm
Sunday, April 16, 2006 :)
JESUS I believe in YOU
And I would go to the ENDS OF THE EARTH
For YOU alone are the SON OF GOD
And all the world will see
That YOU are GOD
That YOU are GOD
Got a heart attack (remembers TEE TEE-TEE-TEE-TEE-TEE a heart attack =P) when Duane told me he didn't want to come for practice. But understandable la since he lives in Jurong. So asked my bro who didn't wanna sing; not prepared. So had to resort to Bryan who helped me out. THANKS AH.
Worship went quite well; though I figured I should've ended with an upbeat song. So solemn for what right? Anyway, was kinda encouraged when ____ approached me and told me he/she was very ministered to by the worship :) that's great. My brother thought it ministered to him too. Missionary kias.
Had games after church; chionged like mad to get everything ready. Jon and XY did a great job on the obstacles =D Had fun mixing all the gross stuff. So played Jacob's Ladder which was a disaster at first cos the guys threw water bombs at the Youth!! -KABISH- But it wasn't that bad afterall cos we played again at the carpark and let CHERYL become BLACK.
Played the gross game; obstacles. Then the uncle got angry cos we were messing up the place with water and flour so we decided not to play water bombs. So just had Easter egg hunt which was quite a success (i think). But the funnest was actually clearing up the playground (where we had our obstacle course. Apparently, the guys flooded the slide with flour <-- still ok. Then they poured water down so the playground ground was all... floury.) But it's ok cos I think the cleaning up was THE most FUN! haha. Used the hose from the 2ND FLOOR can. Can. Hahahaha. Rolled it out of the window to the playground LOLosity.
So that was really fun. Now I'm going to go to friendster to find _______! Haha. I'm still retarded.
First time ok; i'm really really retarded. And stupid. And immature. And stupid. And bimbo. And Tanya lied to me saying she was at Calvary Assembly of God last night and saw me with a guy and I'm like WHAT!? cos I was there with all my GIRL friends supporting RACHELLE. Zzz... Bleurgh.
BYEEE!!!!! =D this week's gonna be a killer.
Tomorrow 3e1 shall jia you for interclass netball. 3E1 JIA YOU! =D
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:11:00 pm
Saturday, April 15, 2006 :)
the singing was great and everything la. =)
NORRIS AHHHHHHH NORRIS NORRIS HE KNOWS AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry, being retarded.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:23:00 pm
Friday, April 14, 2006 :)

What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:13:00 pm
BIMBOS #1 AND #2 UNITE! (quite old la this thing) just that I
finally managed to change the image to JPEG format. So brave HOR?
=P this was taken on either Tuesday or Wednesday, whichever you
prefer =D
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:51:00 pm
Goooood Friday! =)
Got up earrrly in the morrrrning and headed down to EXPO Hall 2 (not to the John Littles' Sale la!) Roamed around aimlessly cos it was 9.20 and the service started only at 10. hahaha. Saw quite a few people/old but young faeces (oops) i meant FACES. This time I got Martin's email address before I did anything! Lots to catch up since Pri 4 man. Tsk tsk.
Sang lots of hymns and many unknown songs to us youth. Only the last song was something familiar to us so all our hands were raised in worship. Interesting.
The message was great. By David something from London. He started off with some funny stuff so that got hold of my attention. He spoke on Jesus as the Powerful Rescuer when he died for us on the cross, which is what Good Friday is all about. Passage was Romans 5:1-11.
"Jesus appeared to be the essence of human weakness and he looked pitiful on the cross, but what looked like defeat was actually the greatest victory when evil was banished once for all." Satan has already lost and is fighting a losing battle!
KJ didn't come cos of netball; Charmaine didn't come cos she was LAZY; Damian couldn't come cos he had to go visiting.
Anyway, met up with people from the EP camp 2 years ago =) all of them look fabulous ya! -wink- went for lunch at Changi Museum. Had soft chell crab burger but I couldn't enjoy it cos it was 1.45pm by the time my food came and I was supposed to be at Plaza Singapura by 2.30pm latest!! "Irritating right... food so shiok but cannot enjoy cos at the back of your mind you know you need to rush like mad..." -quote Bryan. Waited in the rain (with umbrella) for ages for a stupid taxi which almost never came til 2.05pm. Pouring like siao. Chionged (the driver, at least) to PS while I dozed off in the cab. Reached there at exactly 2.35pm but KA wasn't there yet so I went to pee first -_-
Anyway, watched ICE AGE 2 with Manda (bimbo #5), Jess Lau (bimbo #1), Shermine (bimbo #7), Clara, Yi Jing, Alvin, Er Hao, Wei Neng, Kin Chung, KJ and KA! 12 3e1 kias so shiok for what mania right. Had 'popcorn fight' just before + after the movie. hahahaha. It was hilarious, you should go watch it. Now I feel so bimbo for saying sloth was a tiger (cos dom described it as the one with fangs and tiger was the closest relation i could find to something with fangs. turned out sloth was the weird... thing.) but at least I knew Ally wasn't really a possum!
So headed to the arcade and wasted a lot of money. I bet you we wasted a lot on trying to get a stupid stuff toy for SHERMINE. And then wasted more money on Mariokart which is a stupid game. Time Crisis/House of the Dead/Daytona/Percussion Freaks would be more worth it. Bleurgh. Stupid waste of money.
All the rest went off so KJ, KA, Shermine and I stayed. Took some neoprints which are REALLY nice. All the crap la =D Less people, can write more rubbish. KA could even draw his trademark ALIEN. And I put a red dot on KA's forehead so he disowned that neoprint. Hilariousity.
Headed back to Pasir Ris with them (though I could take train to Punggol). crapped and took lots of pics on the way back. Hahaha. Funny la. KJ looks retarded when he smiles/doesn't smile. Conclusion: KJ looks retarded. That's an overstatement already! hahahaha. No la, he looks better "beng". Had this stupid thing about him being a vainpot (after influence from Shermine) to keep looking into MIRRORS. hahaha. Company was great la today. I loved the time we spent together, all the 3e1 kias =D
On the way back, I got a call from Damian.
Damian: "Hey Marianne? What time is your church service?"
Me: "Uh... it was in the morning..."
Damian: "Oh, ok then, never mind!"
Me: "Why, you wanted to come?"
Damian: "Yeah, but I wouldn't have been able to go in the morning anyway. Thanks!"
Something like that. Wahhhh, I was so so disappointed :( after that la. Cos the message was really, really good. One of the best I've heard. Excellent content + delivery, especially for non-christians. So I really thought it was a waste that he wanted to come but missed it. Really wasted. Really disappointed. And he can't come on Sundays cos he's got sailing.
But it's ok, I'll continue to pray. At least he's got interest, which is really important! God will make a way, when there seems to be no way... :)
Knowing about Christianity isn't enough, you need to do something.
Board the bus.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:41:00 pm
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 :)
Today rocked! =D Not because of PFT, thanks a lot, but for everything else la =) Miss Ong didn't come today so I spent half an hour playing with Khye An. HIGH TIDE ah HIGH TIDE. (or hai dai or whatever la; we anti-cheena people don't understand it!) then we progressed to more intelligible games such as ZA! and JI GO PA. (jee, think my speeeling sucks!) Then we played a highly mind-wavering a.k.a. CHOPSTICKS, before finally burning all brain matter with TIC TAC TOE. I think we're both too ingenius at TTT, I won 1ce, he won 1ce. Tsk tsk. And midway he thought of a new trick. Shall not REVEAL it =P
Then sometime in the middle of the day the Bimbo Club was formed. From Bimbo#1 and Bimbo#2, so many more Bimbos emerged. So we have Rachelle as Bimbo#3, Jocelyn Bimbo#4, Amanda (the unwilling) as Bimbo#5, and no Bimbo#6. Wahahaha. It was hilarious man; watching the #1-#4 Bimbos acting bimbo. And it's funny cos we're imitating bimbos though we REALLY don't act like that. This spine-chilling behaviour sends chills down my spine.
PFT sucked, I got D for my inclined pull-ups la! Bleurgh. Only managed to do 8 when I used to do what, 20+. Weakling is me. Skip skip skip; after that we were playing with the netball in class. Lots of furniture damaged. THE FAN AND LIGHT DROPPED!!!! no la jk. Hongjie just stupidly put his $10 note in the standing fan and went 'OH CRAP' when he realised it was stuck inside. Himbo! Wahahahaha.
Bla bla bla, played ball for a while, then Charmaine came over so we played a physically-challenging, mind-testing game called "CATCHING" which was really fun since we haven't played it in ages. After that Khye An and I wasted lots of water at the water cooler (no comments).
After much intense deliberation, we went for dinner. Wanted to play catching/pepsi-cola again but we just went to eat cos Charmaine was hungry. See how much trouble you cause? TSK TSK! Almost went to Khye An's house (with all the rest aka KJ, Dom, Tehteh, Maine) to watch Gundam Seed Destiny and order 24/7 Macs. I must've been out of my mind to actually have agreed. But no fear, we went to the food court at White Sands.
And that was just so fun. We were laughing at all kinds of rubbish; really laughing, like, A LOT. First time I laughed so much at one meal. Sincere, whole-<3ed laughter. Hilariousity. Those idiots put Tehteh's cucumber in my ban mian soup when I went to buy drinks. Thanks so much ah. So kind. So we all counselled Khye An and had this stupid thing about holding the 'MINUTE MAID LEMONADE CAN' when we wanted to speak. (somehow I got that retarded idea from Yours, Mine, and Ours! but it was really funny and cool anyway XP)
So bla bla bla, we waited for long but NO REPLY. So we left and the guys took 359 and 'abandoned me' as KJ puts it but I forgive them cos I'm nice. No la, since they're such great friends afterall and it's more convenient for them to take 359 =) Aww, how sweet Marianne! Aiya, can't help it la -wink-
And the stupid 'paper blogging' Bimbo#1 and I did is still not uploaded so I'll do it ANOTHER TIME. Stupid thing. 1h still never upload. Humph!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:53:00 pm
Monday, April 10, 2006 :)
Got back to school and took CLASS PHOTOS. I thought we might die cos we were shouting "3E1 OI!!" right outside the general office. Smart... Lol. Dumped the chips and all in class before going Downtown to Macs with Steph, Shermine, Khye an, Koon and Dom. Had a hell lot of fun there talking rubbish and all that. Came up with this:
(sing to bangali song tune)
once there was a TAY KOONG JYE, waiting for his MAC SPICY; under the shade of a MAC DONALDS. as he SPIT, as he SPAT, as he waited for his MAC SPICY, under the shade of a MAC DONALDS.
Wahahaha. Funny. After all the crap, Steph and Shermine left so the 4 of us headed to Pasir Ris park to play. HAHA. Yes. Koon said something so stupid that I was laughing like crap la. And I, the genius, was able to fold his sleeping bag. ON THE BUS. HAHAHAHA. Tell me about talent and abilities man.
I finally managed to climb the spider web!! Ok, my second time up there but this time I wasn't really scared! Maybe cos Khye An was helping me up along the way. wahaha. Spider woman in the making. WAHAHA.
Then headed for the newer spider web with all those obstacles before. KA led us thru all the stuff. Then we reached this rope with some loops and you have to put your legs over and pull all the way to the other side, then grab the pole and swing onto the spider web. Don't know what I'm talking about right? Lol. So I went last, "See no evil", they said. I have good, morally upright and decent Sai Kang friends =) First time I made it to the end then I couldn't reach the pole so I just dropped. Second time I made it and Khye An grabbed my hand but both of us were sweaty so there was a lack of friction. Ended up falling. Wahaha. But it was ok la; quite fun. Made up for the stupid rockwall. WAHAHA.
Played catching at the wooden maze while KA and KJ both felt giddy. Stupid guys stayed on that turning thing so long. LOL. Ran to the bush maze and heard a guy playing the sax so shouted "NICE SAXOPHONE" but he didn't respond. Dao kia.
Walked all the way back to the busstop and headed home =) got back around 5.45. Late mania right. Then had sooo much choir admin work to do. Ugh. Was gonna sleep before 8, ended up sleeping at 11+. Bleugh.
Next morning...
Woke up at 6.45am to go to the mangrove swamp just to pick up pongpong fruits. Tell me about BO LIAO. So tired can. It was really hard work cos it was excruciatingly hot. Got lots of mozzie bites and I have a rash now la can. But it was kinda fun and Shermine and I kept doing the Bangali cheer. Wahahaha. Had lunch with Steph and Regina at Macs. Had BEEEG BREAKFAST. Wahah. Headed home before going to True Way for the FIRST meeting of the Cast!! =D Was a little late but Uncle Tony was late too so that's ok.
NO ONE THERE WAS MY AGE LA!! Mainly young adults/older but I felt so out. Thought there'd be more youths =( Oh well. Had some ice breakers and all that which was fun before we read through the script once. The Car Decal is really nice!! I'm gonna get it X)
Headed back to KPC cos there was Youth Training on. Was so tired I was dozing off. Really exhausted la. Couldn't help it. Went to Pastor LKY's house for BBQ dinner which was really funny. Esp when we played TABOO. Hilarious la.
Hilariousity #1:
ME: You know when a baby is delivered then you have to cut something??
GROUP: Umbilical cord! (I think that's how it's spelt)
Hilariousity #2:
Uncle MICHAEL: You know there's this red dot on the world map??
US: Singapore!?!
Oh man ness. Hilariousity #3:
EVAN: I like to do this?
EVAN: -bursts out laughing-
PS: the answer was 'story'. Ok (bryan's tone)...
Hilariousity #4:
EVAN: I like to carry this! (does action which is against the rules)
ME: Umbrella!?!
EVAN: -bursts out laughing again-
PS: the answer was 'balloon'. Oh man. Hilarious.
Oh well, headed for Paya Lebar MRT and BOARDED the train to Eunos =P Evan ended up staying over so we had a nice chat before sleeping at 12+.
The next day...
I think Evan brings bad luck. We had to wait for the taxi for what, 20-25 minutes? we usually wait 5 minutes only so we totally missed worship =( But service worship was quite reflective and it was good. Pastor Tim See totally contradicted himself talking about prayer and not being long-winded/explaining the situation to God. Uh huh. Funny.
Had E-group and we learnt about God's design for Work. Quite interesting; I always learn lots from E-group and Bible Studies. Shiok. After that we had Amanda's birthday lunch. Ordered Pizza back to church. Shiok. Duane was so funny at the keyboard; he looked as if he were really playing but it was actually a pre-recorded song la. LMAO.
So went with Kim and Jon to Parkway to get Amanda's present from Topshop. Got her a card with $40 in it so she can buy anything she wants =) Kim and I saw this nice shirt but it was sooo ex la. -pouts- Did some work at BK before spotting yet again a shirt/pants that we BOTH liked. Tried it on and it was really nice. No $$ for pants so I just got the shirt. I still don't know how to tie it. HAHA.
Had a headache on the way back. Then had a fever at home. That's why I'm not in school today. Woke up feeling heavy-headed. Needa get an MC later. At least I got to catch up with my rest.
Fatigue = low immune system.
My apologies to choir; that I can't be there today to conduct when I should be there :x Tomorrow I'll be there ok! =)
When someone scores a goal.... "shiok!"
When someone makes a good catch.... "lao, so nice for what right..."
When someone misses a ball.... "pai sei!"
When calling someone.... "eh kia! kia!"
When Samuel anyhow throws the ball.... "samuel! what are you doing!"
1 Marianne clap - WHOA!
1 Amanda clap - SHOELACE!
1 Shermine clap - AH CHOO!! -hand fans nose-
1 Khye An clap - -cute face with a twis-
Yay. I think that's all. Hahahahhahahaha.
PS: the foood at the camp was nice la =D
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!3:20:00 pm
From our classroom we can see it ALL.... 3E1!! Sec 3 Camp PART II
Day 2
Event #5 = ROCK CLIMBING --> I didn't make it! -inserts 1 KIN CHUNG clap- Quite disappointed. I kept freaking out la. Wait, I was just freaked out. Thought I'd gone up quite high, then realised that stupid red--- was still in front of me la. Grrr. Kept falling cos my arms/fingers/toes were numb. Stupid me. Felt like a failure but kept cheering the rest on =)
Event #6 = PROBLEM SOLVING --> which wasn't really problem solving, but more of team-building games. First up: Everyone stands on the mat and tries to flip the whole thing over. Quite funny cos I was trying to pull the mat. . . . . . . . . . Eg. 1 2 3 -everyone jumps and i pull- (repeat 10 times) then the other group looked over and dear KJ went like "you know nothing is moving!?" so we all burst out laughing. It WAS moving ok!? erm, just, erm, very slowly. but it WAS moving! Second up: Everyone's blindfolded except the leader who asks us to move around forming shapes. Our star was quite nice, but no camera to take photo. Sad case.
Event #7 = ABSEILING --> hilariousnosityness. Okok, Khye An, Koon, Shermine and I were at the back playing Dai Dee. (though not gambling) Finally challenged ER HAO. wahahaha. Priority was given to those who didn't do the rockwall...
One by one they went...
one by one they returned.
But one could have lost her life...
JASMINE. -plays loud music- She stayed there for like, 10 minutes being counselled. Initially we were shouting encouragement, asking her to jump. Finally, Ah Koon led us in... "PUSH HER DOWN! PUSH HER DOWN! PUSH HER DOWN!" and soon, the whole class joined in. Ah, what TEAM SPIRIT.
Event #8 = CRC aka HIGH ELEMENTS --> Challenging mania for what kia right... Had to balance on this shaking log (not on the ground la please) so tried to learn from my mistake at the rock wall. Didn't think, just kept walking. Was at the end sooner than expected. Wahaha. Then balanced on this wire thingy while Er Hao intelligently chose number 9. So they got to stand on this log and jump to catch um. a pole. Like those circus thingies. I have RESPECT for KHYE AN ok. So proud of him la. He jumped, caught the pole, and managed 3 pull-ups! Under the circumstances, he deserves a pat on the back. LOL.
Event #9 = RAFT BUILDING --> missed it cos we were busy with camp prep.
Event #10 = CAMP PREP --> Came up with a song and a cheer. 3E1 rocks.
Event #11 = CAMPFIRE!!! --> First time my campfire has a, uh, fire. Shiok. Oh wait, before that...
Event #10.5 = BIMBOING/CAM WHORING --> Oh my gosh. Our class has 2 natural bimbos, I realised. Give it up for JESSICA LAU AND RACHELLE LING!! -cheers- I couldn't stop laughing at their bimbo faces la. Poor Er Hao had to suffer taking their pictures but it was hilarious nontheless. Amazing how spine-chilling such sweet people can look huh =P
Event #11 (continued)... So anyway, Jess, Rachelle, Steph and I (with Alvin and Er Hao) were sitting right at the front and we were all super enthu la. Which was, really, what made the campfire so fun. Had lots of cheers and everything. So finally, it was 3E1's turn to show the world what we have!! Unfortunately, we kinda screwed up =P But ANYWAY, here's our cheer...
We are TANGistans
Not afghanistans
VICTORY is ours
It won't take hours
Beat us if you DARE
Cos you're in for a SCARE!
Soo... (to teen titans tune)
When there's trouble you know who to call... 3E1!!
From our classroom we can see it all... 3E1!!
We're gonna crush you onto the floor
Cos we're the best in here of all
We will always be number ONE... 3E1!!...
Dm -snap- chi dm -snap- dm dm dm -snap- chi dm
Tonight we are gathered here as one
and LOVE we have man man <-- chinese word kia
5, 6, 7, 8!
Girls: I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want!
Guys: I'll tell you what you want, what you really really want!
Everyone: I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really really really wanna STAY AS FRIENDS! (super corny)
And friends are friends forever BLA BLA BLA...
11 claps- 3E1! (with star jump etc)
HOOLAY!!! not bad kia right =P Dear Mrs Tang(istan) and Mr Yap bought us chips and goodies and all that. THANK YOU!!! x) Mr Yap dotes on us cos we're his only SEC 3 class la can... and he's a Christian =D Mrs Tang looked so funny doing the cheer cos she had to squat. Not the best position for her, really. And Mr Yap was hilarious doing the Hokey Pokey. Pai sei, don't know how to speel..
Event #12 = TOILET CLEANING --> Thanks to some girls who left their pads everywhere, who choked the sink with tissue, and who didn't know how to flush the toilets after doing big business. Was kinda annoyed, really. In the end we didn't get to wash up or brush teeth cos it was PAST LIGHTS OUT. Bleurgh.
Day 3
(phoa day 2 was a long day kia right)
Event #13 = ZIPLINE!!!!! --> Yes! They opened up the opportunity for those who've never done it before! So I was so happy but kinda guilty cos Steph didn't get to go.. Sorry girl X( but anyway, while we were doing the flying fox the rest of the class was cleaning the toilet (again). Pfft. Anyway, the feeling was great and I just screamed my lungs out man. Unlike Zafiz who went down silently. How boring! Haiyo! But was really thankful for the chance cos before that I was soo disappointed about missing it. Wanted to cry man. ='( tsk tsk.
Event #14 = MORE CHEERING (against 3E2) --> That was fun man. We were like taking our own initiative to sing the BANGALI song. wahaha! Really fun =) I loved the camp.
So that marked the end of the camp! Instructor Elf and Saleha were great, though Elf didn't get to spend much time with us =( but they were great anyway. He's going to Australia to be a pilot! Shiokadility.
Camp aftermath on NEXT POST =P
To be continued...
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!2:37:00 pm
Friday, April 07, 2006 :)
WHEN THERE'S TROUBLE YOU KNOW WHO TO CALL .... 3E1!! -screams and cheers and does a star jump-
Camp rocked, rocked rocked rocked!!!!!! Instructor ELF rocks man.
Day 1
Event #1 = KAYAKING --> Ended up teaming with Kin Chung who wouldn't let me pair up with Khye An cos he didn't wanna kayak with Jocelyn. Had quite a lot of fun controlling the kayak and all that. RAFTING. Everyone's kayaks come together. Shiok. Stupid Kin Chung jumped off at the end leaving me to pedal on my own. Thanks ah.
Event #2 = ZIP LINE (aka flying fox) --> Missed this cos of DRIZZLE. UGH!
Event #3 = WAITING --> For 2 hours straight being shut up for talking. Apparently, our noise brought about thunder and lightning. Right. That was kinda irritating; but we learnt loads of cheers. Shiok.
Event #4 = NIGHT TRUST WALK --> We went through the jungle, dense vegetation, suffered hardship of being blind, and had to tahan listening to Kin Chung's crap. Ok, only the last 2 were true; we basically walked around in circles. They just said 'jungle' to scare us la; whole jungle all cement. Weird.
Pai sei, got caught up with all the choir admin stuff. 2 hours leh. SIAO, now I know why Adele's always so tired. So much for sleeping before 8, time now: 9.55pm. Will continue another time. I'm so sorry! See la, spoil momentum. hahaha. GOOD NIGHT!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:57:00 pm
Tuesday, April 04, 2006 :)
PS: OMG, the picture is GONE!?!
Anyway, today was great man. Choir was so fun today. Or maybe just to me la =X Ended up having to conduct the choir which was rather unnerving for me but nevertheless, a great experience. I guess I've got to get the hang of making use of both hands at the same time. Currently it's: Use both hands and get messed up.
So anyway, made some stupid mistakes which were kinda funny in the end. Then results of the new committee were announced. Jude and Jing Jie are the VPs!! So cool la =D Think they'll be of great help. Was shocked at Jing Jie being VP. Suddenly realised how good his attitude was today (before results were announced). So zhun right?
So somehow, I've condensed everything in there. Oh yeah, Jollyn's mum's brownies are really nice. -cheers- Sec 3 camp's tomorrow. The Clown's cast rehearsal is on Saturday. I can't wait for everything to begin.
THE PIC'S GONE!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!!!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:24:00 pm
Monday, April 03, 2006 :)
Funny conversation that got me laughing like crap....
Mr Tan: 3E1, do you want to get A1 for Chemistry??
Class: (deadlily) yes.....
Mr Tan: Wah, like that how do get A1!! Do you want to get A1 for Chemistry??
Class: (a little more life but still deadlily) yes.....
Mr Tan: Come on 3E1! Show me that you want your A1! DO YOU?!?! -desperate tone-
Class: (with fake enthuness) YESSS!!!!
Khye An: Whatever... -hand bimbo action-
Somehow it was just hilarious.
Khye An, that's just hot man. =P
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:25:00 pm
Marianne Hui
Miss M
Katong Pres. Church kia
Meridian Junior College kia
All I want is to touch lives.
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