It hurts to be neglected by someone who means a lot to you, cos that someone has someone else of seemingly more importance...
Eh, I suddenly came here and realised I have nothing much to blog about. Wahahaha.
Anyway, new song up on the blog, BREAKING FREE from High Sch musical nyahaha Kimmy's coming over tomorrow to watch! So we'll be meeting up for lunch nyahaha!
Oh crap I'm so gonna die tmr it's The Clown rehearsal. BUNDLE OF NERVOUS NERVES MAN.
Hopefully I won't mess up. Practised with my bro just now. I love history.
Yes Desiree, Hail Hitler. I officially like Germany and dislike France, Britain, US and Italy now. Dang, the food from this Big 4 rocks like crap la. Dang.
I don't like history anymore.
Just kidding.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:04:00 pm
Wednesday, June 28, 2006 :)
I tell you, ending the day talking to Samuel is like the best way to end the day la. Any depressing thoughts will like, disappear! Hahaha. Super funny guy, one of the few people who go 'HAHAHAHA' online and I start laughing also. HAHA.
Anyway, he's really funny la. -POKES- I've got him about 20+++++ times, he hasn't even got me once! wahahaha.
Ok, got my contacts yesterday so irritating I couldn't get them off and I look like crap in them. hahaha. Specs still better la. And the guy was so funny! He was adjusting my specs (while waiting) then I said I didn't dare do it scared break. So he said, "Ya! You'd better not. Don't see me like that bend bend hor wait you try in the end not 1 piece but 2 piece!" wahahaha and his telling funny jokes about his client who had CHILLI at the side of the contacts box and complained the solution not good HAHAHA mom and I laughed like mad.
I love school.
Good night =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:20:00 pm
Monday, June 26, 2006 :)
nyahaha finally a decent picture of my rebonded hair (and me) wahaha! I'll be getting contacts tomorrow so that specs wont be a hindrance to make-up/mikes and so that I will actually be able to see without my specs!
Anyway, it's oh-so-depressing that Mr Yap's not gonna teach us Physics anymore!! =((( senior Teacher kia right. Haha happy for him la. But he pang sehed us! =((( Ok nvm. It was quite nice seeing my friends after so long la. hahaha was crapping with Jessica thru-out assembly, wahaha.
Ok, I'm in love with BREAKING FREE from the High School Musical nyahaha. And Wey Zi thought ITOLJEW = i totally, obviously, love JEWs! Hahaha too intellectual la. And apparently he's also acting! Wahaha the EVILs are currently all freaking out. I think I'm gonna forget all my lines on the spot. AHHHHHHHHHH!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:36:00 pm
Saturday, June 24, 2006 :)
Oh man. Now I'm really depressed about being back from camp. From being soooo high to sooo low. Ahh crap I can't wait for tomorrow. Ahhh it will be sunday tomorrow. I've got to get my priorities right. I'm living for God, not myself.
Living for God, not myself.
For the first time, I really don't mind dying. Ugh. And then when I get back to school I'll be having fun again. It's just the process of GOING back. It's always the dreading going back but after a while I love it again. Dang.
Living for God, not myself.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:58:00 pm
Comedy News This rubbish is hilarious. It's not vulgar or anything but funny wahahaha!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!6:10:00 pm
Friday, June 23, 2006 :)
i miss the kias already!
Ok, so KPC CHURCH CAMP 2006 ROCKED(as usual) ahhhhhhhhhhh I totally miss camp can we go back nownownow? =(
Day 1
Reached there in less than 2h in Evan's car wahaha. Warmly welcomed by Aunty Lay Kiow who gave us Rachel's delicious cookies =D YUMMY!!!! Then the church group arrived just when we did wahaha. Had some icebreakers (without dear group leader Samuel SMELLY boy who was shopping with Ryan, another member) so our group was kinda pathetic and we roped in all the little kiddies X)
The games were kinda fun and we made 'Fire hunter Earthquake' super funny by screaming at everything.
Telematch was kinda fun. We were right at the end so they didn't hear us cheering (though we came in second) so they didn't count our scores which made us kinda disappointed but anyway. We came in second (to us) WITHOUT CHEATING and that's the best part X) woo hoo. We almost died carrying melissa though. Not cos she's heavy la.
Played at night with Evan and Kim and watched this really cool movie on Disney but we don't know what the title is and Kim and I didn't like the ending cos the main character didn't kiss the guy she liked on the ice when she won the competition. Humph.
Day 2
Was the first to wake up WAHAHAHA. Wanted to see somebody a lot a lot =P and that was what got me out of bed but he wasn't there when I went down for breakfast =( hahaha. SO CUTE AHHHHHHH!
Anyway, had the talk which lasted an hour, way to long for my puny brain to focus on. Then group discussion was really funny cos we were sitting on the theatre chairs and all facing the stage. All kinds of silly answers =P but we were serious too ok. hahaha.
Had 'discover yourself' elective after lunch and then wanted to swim but had worship prac so just went bowling with Marianne Lee and Evan =) Songs nite that night, sing like mad after that kena sore throat hahaha! Ben was funny man. COUNTRY ROAD =P Quite a few kias came over to our room at night so played mafia and cards and stuff and retarded Christian and Edward were cheating la whatever man =P
Day 3
La la la, played with my cute lil boy sometime in the day. And Jie Xin too =) I'm finding her cute too! hahaha sweet girl XP Had lots of free time in the afternoon so we went bowling this time with lots of people so it was really fun! With all the Katong Waves and cheering and stuff =) got quite a good score too! hehe.
We went swimming after that and it was super funny. Pulled Samuel SMELLY BOY into the pool. In his clothes. Then Warren and Sean jumped in wahaha! And we pulled Desiree in too! But she already had her swimsuit inside so that was fine WAHAHAHA it was super fun! Playing all kinds of rubbish - horseriding etc etc I almost died in the water hahahaha.
Well after that had to plan for our item at night it was super fun/funny! We tried to make it as retarded as possible. Almost even called the skit 'Detergent', cos everything WASN'T supposed to be related =P anyway it was really funny and fun and stuff. Really funny! X) Love my group lots.
Anyway, the skits were all quite funny but I think ours brought the most laughter! X) from the youths la wahahaha we didn't win in the end but that's fine cos we achieved the purpose of making others laugh =) It was so retarded! Anyway we really enjoyed it and we did quite well we were 4th/5th but one judge gave us 56% so kena dragged down. haha.
Played the night away in Edward/Samuel/Christian's room and it was kinda fun. Watched Shaman King with Cheryl being totally retarded at the side. hahaha Crab Dance is now her trademark. hahaha.
Headed back to the room and had girl talk with Kim and Evan then they were both tired so we went to sleep =)
Day 4
Managed to keep awake during sermon WOO HOO. Worship was great and we were all jumping and we realised how long we hadn't been jumping cos we were tired after like, the chorus. all panting la. HAHAHA.
Had dinner which was chicken rice and I didn't get to say goodbye to my cute lil boy :( but it's ok cos i'll see him on sunday ahhhh! haha. Hmm.. played Carrom and Table Tennis and Golf (the kids one) and the left rest on the coach but a few stayed so we played and stuff. Then went shopping at this huge mall and got a nice pair of dress slippers with Marianne Lee.
tired and hungry so went to this seafood place to eat all sleeping in the car leh. haha. Shiokest food in the world man. Haha. Slept on the way home but was back in an hour + sending mama home leh haha.
Slept til about 2+ today which makes it 14h of sleep but if you minus 8h for tonight and use 6h to like, supplement the lack of sleep the past 3 nights so I'd have got 7h of sleep each night and that's not too bad.
anyway, I'm missing the kias already. How depressing to come back into the real world. No, I think that is the real world this is just... fake world. hahaha. I love the kias like mad.
Like mad mad mad and Samuel rocks. Hahaha funny mania kia. Saltyboy. And Pepperbell. And Evil POO-dle. And the Urinator. And Lightbulb girl. And Fairygodmother. And Random-shouting-passerby. And narrator. Sigh, those are the characters of SERVANTHOOD'S skit =) Love the people man.
End of year = Youth camp. June 2008 = Church camp. I can't wait already!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:28:00 pm
Sunday, June 18, 2006 :)
It's a Long Way to The Top!
Also donno why that's my title but anyway, TOMORROW CHURCH CAMP STARTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS -cheers and jumps and jumps and cheers-
I'll be rooming with KIM AND EVAN!!!!! (i hope) MY 2 BEST FRIENDS IN CHURCH WOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!! (i think) but anyway, everyone's really looking forward to it, somehow. hehehehehee.
Watched Cars with my family today; long time since we've been out. Nice show, I must say. A good 2hours worth of my (or more like my dad's) money. Towards the middle it was kinda boring and I was thinking 'maybe this isn't such a great show after all' but man I was wrong. The second half was so nice la. The ending. Wa, heartwarming man. And lots of good values too. Loved it.
Oh, before Cars there was this advert for this SUPER SUPER SUPER FUNNY SHOW. Over the Hedge kinda thing omg I SO WANNA WATCH IT. SUPER FUNNY!!! Watch with Des Kim Evan sure kena some kinda laughing stroke one.
Oh, and stay for the a little clip after the credits. First time I stayed all the way sia. Mom and bro kena inertia but I remember Pixar films having little clippets at the end so YAY my inertia paid off.
So I packed in approx 15 minutes (not bad right) HAHAHA mainly cos no need towel -_- but that's just roughly all the lil stuff I get tmr morning. Eg toot-brush etc etc.
Here, a little part from EX NS Men 3- FIRE!!!! bangbang bang bangbang bang.
Lmao. And Yao Qi was hilarious today. Act cute with soccer ball HAHAHAHA.
And Evan too. "May we worship ourselves..." What she meant was "May we (ourselves) worship God" HAHAH.
Anyway, I'M OFF TO JB!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Oh, and to my kia who came up with XYXYXY (you know who you are), I really don't know how I feel, not after today. Sigh.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:07:00 pm
Friday, June 16, 2006 :)
Hmm, was pretty upset earlier on. Mainly because he didn't trust me, and he didn't trust my friends either. Come on, we're um, good people? As in, we won't do bad stuff. Even if you did trust me, trust my friends. Cos if you say you trust me totally, trust that I'll make the right friends too, all right?
Anyway, headed to KA's house to play PS. Dom got CHOCOBO RACING AHHH! But it didn't work -_- resetted the PS 30x (ya, we counted lor) but didn't work. The disc kinda looked imitation so... maybe that's why la. haha. Played Need for speed Most Wanted. The funnest was really Drag mode la. Dom and I had such fun playing that.
Then played this Star Wars game which was super fun. hahahaha but Dom kept killing me! HUMPH. And he didn't even thank me for being blur. Like, fine! X)
Oh and KA's Chihuahuas are so cute la! Ahhhh I love Taffy! Taffy = the quiet one which lets me stroke it. The other one ah... haha noisy but cute but don't let me touch so I don't like. hahaha.
Anyway, headed to the famous Joo Chiat coffeeshop for dinner with my bro, E-VAN, Des and Shaun kia. Aiya, this kind of company sure talk crap one la X) as usual hahaha. Had prac (i almost spelt it prack) which was kinda fun.
Oh and Samuel is H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S. Seriously, his laughter is contagious. SUPER FUNNY GUY. He makes everything funny man. Even poking his face is funny LOL. 'NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!' -head kena poke on both sides- super funny. Super funny guy. Remember Kim and I once saying we wouldn't mind Samuel for a son. HAHAHA.
Anyway, here I am. Theory homework under my nose but obviously I can't be bothered. Just have to wake up early again tomorrow. Sigh. Grade 8 theory is so tough! Bahhh. Took more than an hour for 2 questions just now. That was just part of one paper. 2 more papers to go. bahhhh. (jee i sound like Kimmy)
As for the rest of my holiday homework, I've given up. Can you even tell?
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:31:00 pm
Introducing Doppleganger Inc.! A collaboration between Desiree Boey Fang and Marianne Hui! This unique company not only gives you cool, trendy, fashionable and long indian-like names, it also creates Elven names for you!
So get in touch with either Marianne or Desiree to get your name done today!
Why wait? It's free*! =)
*Terms and conditions apply
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:14:00 am
Wednesday, June 14, 2006 :)
Little additions:
#1 - CHERYL WAS SUPER FUNNY AT CAMP! With her rollie-pollie and magic show/crab dance, she was hilarious =)) and though she tends to be somewhat bimbotic sometimes, she really can be sensible. Haha oh no, I think I'm kinda bimbo now. but anyway, she's an encouragement when it comes to worship! =)
#2 - I was Irish and Karen at Hilton (ya, Irish made me blog this)
#3 - Past 2 days have been project-filled. It's really crazy. I can't do my work properly. Aiya, I'll just do whatever I can! =) Tmr's the day but we're watching Garfield -_- Bahhh. So I still have Just My Luck, She's the Man, and R.V to watch. Sure no time. hahaha.
Good night and love yoU! =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:12:00 pm
Monday, June 12, 2006 :)
Youth Leadership Training Camp
Yesyes, I'm finally blogging about it. Before everything slips my mind!
It seems like every day, youth camp just keeps getting better and better. This year it was planned by Pastor LKY, Terrence, Roy, Ron etc etc. Mainly the leaders la. And I must really say that is was great =)
Day 1 Right I was only there for the night activity. So lemme blog from there =) Went into a room filled with Song Yang, Hui Qi, Ben and Cheryl. They all looked kinda worn out. Next room they were having band prac. Bla bla. In other words, everyone looked sianified. Which kinda surprised me. Little did I know what to expect X)
Had dinner and had our night activity. It was this trust game, where all of us were blindfolded (for about 2 hours at that) and brought around by the leaders. On the roads and stuff. It was kinda scary at times cos it seemed like I was the only one left and then Roy came 'thought I left you behind right? -cheeky tone-' 'haha. ya.' lol. So anyway, it's all about trust. After a long while of almost-being-knocked-down-by-car-ness, we were back in church, still blindfolded. Then they added another layer of blindfolds and we were told to run, as fast as we could. Just run. (oh, we knew we were in church cos they told us) so presumably, we were in the car park. And after being in the same car park playing for like, 10+ years, we kinda know the place. So all of us, by instinct, slowed down at some point of time. But then again, it's about trust. Ultimate faith shown when Evan knocked into the car. hahaha.
Walked around in circles bla bla, went thru 'land mines' and stuff. Finally, trust fall. After playing pepsi cola with Cheryl and she talking rubbish that she'd won 5 times (when i was the one winning XP) they called for a girl volunteer so I went. And they led me to the chair and i was told to just fall backward. Ok, a lot of chairs stacked up. Seemed much much higher than it really was. Of course, got people catch la. THUH. So after that we removed our blindfolds and I helped catch others =) fun la. and it's really all about trust.
Ok that was a long post for one activity. This looks bad. hahaha.
Day 2 Rise and shine, all tired. haha duh right it's camp =D ok we woke up at 8 ok? haha. Had message in the morning and then in the afternoon it was CULINARY SKILLS. Very the fun =P stripped of all cash (except our 20cent coin) and ez link etc. Kinda like amazing race around katong. Where you have tasks (everything to do with food) and if you do bonuses you get $$$. Hahaha the funniest part was from pastor's house where we got lost and then we saw Lois so she said she'll chaffeur us there for $7 then we bargained that if we sang she'd send us there for half the price. So we sang ONE WAY on the road, shouting across since she was opposite X) with the actions. Bet the lady at the bus stop thought we were mad. hahaha. anyway we got the ride for free =) did lots of tasks so got lots of money.
Kinda scary when I fell on the road, trying to run across when the green man was blinking right. then suddenly slipped and fell. and the light for cars turn green. wa terror. thank God there were no cars going straight. hahaha.
Bla bla, took cab to parkway and shopped at Giant. Had some really cool ideas for our food contributed by Zhi Kai =D Oh man, hahah the way we prepared our food ah :P make roy worried only hahaha super funny. instead of cutting the fruits we were eating them LMAO.
So that was cool. Barbecued our stuff and it really turned out nice!! =D YIPPEEEE wahaha! Our dragonfruit was really cool la. Seriously. NICE.
Watched Gospel of Judas at night and one part really scared me. Electric chair. Quite scared by it =X
Day 3 Message in the morning. Left in the afternoon for school. Got back for Omega night, which really was the best night la. Worship was really powerful, quite a few were on their knees worshipping (First time in the history of KPCY) and it really was quite a scene. Pastor led in a talk, then Ron made us do some interesting things like writing a letter to God, planning our objectives for the year ahead. Spiritual objectives la.
Finally it came to putting our 20cents in the cup, which represented giving our hearts to God. Somehow a lot of us broke down. It was kinda like a chain effect thing but we were all crying and crying. It was a heavy burden on our shoulders, on my shoulders, as I realised how much I hadn't given to God, how much I hadn't really surrendered. And somehow I felt really inadequate. I didn't really know why I was crying then but I was really just crying. Prayed long and hard and dropped my 20 cents in the cup =) still continued praying and singing and crying after that. haha. but yes, we were like crying til 11.30pm. And after we put our coins in the cup we were all so happy and stuff, all playing around. Haha. And evan had evangilitis hahaha.
Went for supper and did all kinds of rubbish on the van =P in the van hahahaha. TAKING PICS OF JOSHUE IN THE CAR =P super funny. and the uncle at the coffee shop hahahah. rubbish!!! funny supper we had. on the way back too. played mafia and had lots of fun. then played murderer. and heart attack. finally, we resorted to hide and seek. in the auditorium.
Hilarious la. We gave Des 20s to find us only hahaha. Anyway we decided to play HIDE AND CATCH (since it was more challenging that way). and to top it off, we all had to hop. So that was around 3/4am, and you have 15-18 year old youths hopping around the auditorium playing catching. I couldn't stop laughing la. hahahaness.
So the more mature youths said we were too noisy hopping around so we played Pepsi Cola instead, the leg one. super duper funny. hilarious actually. then we played tai tee and bridge. hahaha. until morning. 7.40am. worship practice. all of us 3/4 asleep. And I fell asleep playing at the keyboard. Pro right? Funny. took a POWER NAP until 8am then was much better =D
but we were all falling asleep during QT. some people ah dropped their Bible ah =P hahaha funny. played more, had roti prata. Wa, i tell u, lack of sleep really makes us talk rubbish.
This is the conversation.
Somebody: Eh, the prata still hot anot?
Somebody else: Aiya, get Pyro to heat it up la!
Somebody else: Ya, the Storm use electricity heat up the curry ah!
Roy (this one I remember): Then what, Jean Gray use her powers and flip the prata!?!
Everyone: -collapses laughing-
Jeffrey: Wah, all the brains not functioning properly liao.
Hilarious man. HAhahaha rubbish =P went home slept like a pig.
Anyway, really gotta thank Benjamin for being so super funny singing Chain of Fools, I still can't stop laughing about it, and for being such an encouragement on Omega Night =)
To Song Yang, for opening up and being so fun, never knew you were so mischievous! =D
To Jonathan Yong, it doesn't really matter if you cry in front of me la =D No need pai sei one. haha. And thanks for putting your coin in the cup too =)
To Jonathan Ma, SUPER LAME!!!! thanks for being lame with me, and for being so retardedly funny and laughing so loud X)
To Hui Qi, for being such a great group leader and for being so funny too! =D
To Zhi Kai, for being hilarious and doing silly stuff with Samuel! And for coming up with the dragonfruit thing =)
To Samuel, thanks for being Samuel. Everybody loves you!! hahaha you can really make everything seem so funny just by giving your silly laugh =D
To Desiree, for always being there and going 'haloooo' when I go online and for being great fun at the camp =) AND FOR ACCUSING ME OF BEING THE MURDERER EVEN WHEN I SAID I WAS INNOCENT JUST BECAUSE I DIDNT LOOK HONEST! =P
To Evan, for being such a retarded-laughing kia =D and for putting the coin in the cup!
To Kimmy, for telling me about DONALD DUCK =P your presence was an encouragement too! =D
To Edward, for staying over on the last night and being so fun. And for believing I wasn't the murderer when i said i was innocent (altho DESIREE ACCUSED ME) and for giving me the pillow so i could have my 20 minute power nap =D
To Shaun kia, for always being encouraging and guiding me with keys and all that. Thanks for being such a great friend and worship leader, kia =)
To Roy kia shaun kia's brother kia, thanks for the advice and for treading along the lines of death when you ate the food my group cooked =P and for all the sacrifices too!
Okok this is getting kinda long and I can't think properly. If I left anyone out, it's not because I don't love you or cos you didn't move me in any way. Your presence at camp was definitely something I'll cherish =)
Love you all, Kpc youth kias.
Oh, I forgot about the TAU POK ROOM. And the KPYPP - Katong Presbyterian Youth Political Party. (ps: our plans when we become a 400-kiaed youth population! =))
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:30:00 pm
i'm lovingmy sec 3 class!
Ok, it's really interesting what YLTC did for my class cos we're like so much more on now la. Esp me, Ben and Song yang, since we stayed overnight at camp. Man, today was so fun.
Daryl was super fast with BS, finished at 10 which left us with half an hour to talk rubbish. Wahaha funny.
And we're going out on Thursday! For the first time! As a class! To watch a movie! At the new Cathay! I'm so excitedddddd =D wahaha sec 3 class rocks rocks rocks!
Oh, and worship this morning was quite good. Thanks to the band, Des, Shaun kia, Kim and just! =) And God, for holding it together :D You're the leader of the band man.
PS: and miko, i really AM JASMINE'S FRIEND xP
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:05:00 am
Saturday, June 10, 2006 :)
They don't make sense
Why have holidays when they say 'holidays are for you to catch up with your work'. What kind of rubbish is that, seriously?
They give us a holiday, and we spend half the holiday going back to school for lessons/cca. And they don't even excuse you 3 hours for a camp. And they ask you to cancel a holiday to go back for a lesson.
Man, I don't wanna be a teacher. Not cos I don't like teaching, but cos I don't want to have to adhere to MOE's retarded system -_-
Seriously, it's an overkill. Killing passion. See, studying has killed my passion/desire to be a doctor. Mainly because MOE somehow makes studying such a chore, homework such a dread. Kills me.
Give us a break. A holiday is meant for us to take a break from work, not pile us up with more work so we won't go stale. Come on, how much moss can grow on us in a month? What crap.
Anyway, if you've read til here, you might be feeling the same as me. Lets all pon school together!
No la, just kidding. I'm just being pessimistic today. No, this week. Argh.
See what an overdose of work does to you? -_-
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:37:00 pm
Friday, June 09, 2006 :)
i didn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed leh
but I was REALLY pissed when I woke up. Saw my alarm clock. 3.40. Can't be what right, so I squint and try to look at the clock on my wall. 9.30... somewhere around there. So I think: my alarm clock stopped in the middle of the night. And I change the time to 9.30. There, it's still early. I should go back to sleep. But no, I feel so awake. Let me just go out and make sure it really is 9.30.
-heads to toilet- Time: 3.40. PM. The sun is out.
-heads to living room- Time on clock: 3.40 PM. Time on computer: 3.40pm.
-pissed. very very pissed-
So there went 3/4 of my homework-chionging day. I was really mad.
Anyway, here I am wasting time again. At least I've completed the amount of hw I'd aimed for today.
Too much homework. I don't even have time to go out. How dumb is that. It's holidays for goodness sake. Stupid TYS makes everything seem 10x more. Ok, it is.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:05:00 pm
that was somewhere at the entrance. when we were leaving. no rain! City Hall in Disneyland! =) I love this hat! This one says 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' so cute right? hahaha. And my favourite =P some toy story toy. SO CUTE!! Snow white and the 7 dwarves :] Oh, I just stepped into FANTASYLAND IN disneyland!! The Golden Mickey show! Really good =) Psst: that's TARZAN'S HOUSE =P Wahahaha me and minnie! Told you- deprived childhood. Eh that's not mickey on the rock la. Must. Open. Gate. this REALLY IS FANTASYLAND. the Lion King Story! These are PROPS. Real professional performers la. Really great standard =) That's a ride that just spins. hahaha. ASTROBUSTER! that's the game. REALLY COOL! must shoot evil thingies. see that guy? WHY IS HE SHOOTING BUZZ LIGHTYEAR!?! TRAITOR!!! so rainy for what hor. spaceship! Disneyland looks kinda sad here. And little toys they were selling. SO CUTE. so i bought quite a few. heh. this was the Disney house or something. First place I went to (since it was at the entrance hahaha) COOL TRAIN RIGHT!! really nice. it was a good hair that day. unfortunately, since it got wet... -_-
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:22:00 am
Thursday, June 08, 2006 :)
AHHH!!!!!!!! I SAW HER AT THE RESTAURANT!!! AARON KWOK!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!! SO HOT!!! MICHELLE LIOW! oh man she's SO PRETTY ok i tell u. AHH! i can't believe i met 3 of them in HK LA. TOO MUCH OF A COINCIDENCE LIAO!!!! but still, COOL MAN!!!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:49:00 pm
wahahaha marilyn monroe! this is hilarious. my dad sure knows how to pose x) the joker who makes us study science. WOOO IT'S SADDAM HUSSEIN! COOL MAN! Mozart =) there shaun kia! and jollyn! william shake-sphere. there bro, and kim, and all who take lit =P erm. me and PAVAROTTIIII!!! Ladidda =) ADOLF HITLER CAME BACK FROM THE PAST TO VISIT ME! don't ask me how i did it; i just did. i didn't look too threatening. MICHAEL JACKSON! woo yabadidooda! HAIL MARIANNE, THE SUMO!!! told you i'm FAT! my dad paid Tiger Woods a visit =) they went golfing together! Yao Ming is tall. And he has a dense forest. But it's ok cos he's a guy. winter sonata! is this bae yong jun!?! errr.... whatever XP AARON KWOK!!!! just kidding I know it's andy lau =P And I got to come out of the plane with a world leader! my dad happened to see LKY there too! In Hong Kong! At Madam Tussaud's museum. I hope you've realised all the people above are wax figures. X) that was a great place, a real treat for me!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:38:00 pm
WARNING: THIS WILL BE A LONG POST Don't say I didn't warn you hor
First, HONG KONG. Was there for 4 days. Shiokadility. Shop till you drop man. Strengthen leg muscles- walking nonstop for the whole day leh. My shoes came apart -_- so I bought a nice pair of Birkenstocks on the 3rd day since I had enough left. My godma+aunt gave me a lot of money to spend. So I got them stuff too! =)
bla bla bla, bla bla bla, went to Disneyland on the 2nd day! it was between that and Ocean Park but since I've never been to Disneyland before, i wanted to go there =) just relived my childhood la. Took lots of photos. Unfortunately it was pouring from like, 10-3pm! Really sad la but it's actually ok if you don't mind getting wet. So I still enjoyed myself =)
Went to where I used to live in HONG KONG ISLAND on the 3rd day =) Causeway bay and all that. Went to our fav restaurant (when i was 3) and sat on the chair I used to play with my brother around. Hey, that's one of the few things I remember leh! hahaha. Hmmm... shopped around a lil and stuff. Oh, headed to this really cool place at the peak la. You'll see more pics later -wink-
Aiyo, seems like pictures are doing more talking. hahaha.
Ate at a Russian Restaurant at night. Really cool nice place. But super expensive. Oh! and I drank about erm, 50ml of beer! how cool right! hahahaha. the beer was really nice. Not like usual Tiger Beer that really sucks. =D
So got back, unloaded and reloaded for camp, typed out slides and went off. no regrets man. best camp i've had, really =) no regrets at all! shall blog more about that later. for now, here's all the pics i took in hong kong. enjoy! XP
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:06:00 pm
Marianne Hui
Miss M
Katong Pres. Church kia
Meridian Junior College kia