Thursday, August 31, 2006 :)
Sec 3s playing Twister in Class. Thank God for rain- no KICK BALL CHANGE! =P But anyway, it was so fun, yet sometimes so wrong... weird positions la huh? Lets just leave it at that. My loveliest friends :) From left- Jollyn, Clara, Me, Lao da, Jocelyn and Rachelle! =)

LAO DA! Looking retarded with water balloons (i.e. balloons filled with water...) and those delicately beautiful hands behind. Wonder whose they are... xP

Alvin looking exceptionally retarded while playing whacko =P
So today was awesome. Had teachers day celebration kia right. It was a bash la. We kinda didn't bother about packing up by 11 until the teachers came to chase us at 10.45 so we had to stop playing =( whatever, it was awesome! Only the stupid English files really spoiled it la. But it was fine anyhow :) Mrs Tang's day today so I forgive her. hahaha.
Next post will be on my beloved pri sch friends XP
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:13:00 pm
Wednesday, August 30, 2006 :)
Celebrate yes woo hoo!
But no, I spent the whole day until 6.30pm with Rachelle doing filing. Irony.
Haha, anyway. Hist/SS was good! Although my hand was aching like crap. Like crap. And it was so hot at the back. argh. Stupid fan pointed to Jessica when I turned it to me. What rubbish =P Anyway, E Maths sucked la. Didn't know how to do 10m worth of questions! But nevermind, the goodness of humanities balanced off the Maths. HA.
I'm now craving for Tim Hughes - When Tears Fall. But WRONG COMP! ahhh -dies- so anyway. Going back to taonan tmr. I really can't wait! AHHH! we all seem so hyper enthu this year =P I miss Joanie bravo and all the rest! Yes Miko, you too.
So anyway, I can't believe I forgot to thank LAO DA, RACHELLE, JOCELYN, JOLLYN, CLARA, SHERMINE AND AMANDA for the lovely 1kg cake on my birthday! I LOVE YOU GUYS =) and the cake also la of course =P
Ah, gotta go boil some eggs. Partayyy tomorrow! woo!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:07:00 pm
Monday, August 28, 2006 :)
My creative speakers! Just that mine are white. heh =P
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:31:00 pm
Birthday Dedications
I must first thank GOD for creating my PARENTS; who created me. xP
Okok. Seriously, I must thank my family for always sticking by me and being so tolerant of my rubbish 24/7. Ok, I'm not such a bad daughter/sister, but still, I must thank them for always being there to support and to love :)
I also must thank my extended family; THE KIAS! You guys make my life so much more colourful and exciting. Really, just by being around you guys, anyone can contract kiaritis man. I love you guys to bits, thanks for all the encouragement and the fun! =D
Next, my beloved classmates/schoolmates. All you sexy people out there! What green gang, powerpuff girls, whatever nonsense =P Thanks for all the surprises and enthusiasm from people I don't expect it from! :] I LOVE YOU GUYS! Go 3E1!! :D And the other people who just wished me in school too! :D
Ok, now I shall zoom in on some lovely people <3
Those gorgeous people who stayed up till 12am just to sms me (when I went to sleep... xP)
In order of message appearance...
Moyra! Claudia! Samuel! Jing Ming! Khairunisa! Wendy! Desiree! Yan Hua! Shermine! Ron!
More gorgeous people who smsed me in the morning (while I was sitting for tests :[)
Jasmine! Beatrice! Daryl Boey! Miko! Evan! Jessica L! (who smsed me while she was sitting behind me =P)
Other randomly gorgeous people who wished me some time in the day (while I was doing some other thing)
Jessica N! Glenn! JULIEN!! (primary sch friend still remembers... touched kai :)) Wanwan! Felicia! Joyce! Priscilla! (retarded mania flooded me with 200+ testimonials. Thanks ah =P) Elsen! Ben Chan! Sean!! (another pri sch kia leh!)
Ok la. As long as your name's there of if you wished me (in school or wherever) THANK YOU! *runs around hugging everyone*
Thanks for all the lovely presents everyone! I really love them! And to my wonderful parents, who got me creative speakers -screams in delight- but I just realised they're huge. Ok, good motivation to finally clear the crappy mess off my table... heh.
Till next time, PEACE OUT :D
I thank God for the blessings He's showered me with; for the friends He's given me; for the family He's used to show me more of His love. Thank you, God :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:53:00 pm
Saturday, August 26, 2006 :)
My sincerestest apologies for being so anti-blogger lately.
Been so busy chionging and mugging like mad. Today was chiong-studies day. -Sigh-
Quite sad you know, knowing that you'll spend your birthday taking exam papers and then going home to bury your face in books/notes. Sigh. Next year worse still, prelims. Wah, sianded. Nvm, I shall take time off to enjoy myself. I MUST I MUST I MUST!
Ahhhh, starting to slack with The Bible Challenge; not that I'm not reading, just finding it a little tedious cos the chapters seem to be getting longer and longer... diao. Used to read a chapter a day so jumping to 3 is quite a lot la hor.
Anyway, it's scary when you're caught in a fix with your best friend. Tough tough. Oh well. I'm gonna sleep. I need my rest. Rest because of fatigue caused by toxic lactic acid produced during vigorous muscular contractions. Crap, I can't remember the rest. Oh no.
Never mind. Thou shalt not worry. Stupid Miko can't come tomorrow and didn't reply me after I told him he needed Reality therapy. hahaha. whatever la.
Good night! Photo-upload on GET LOST will come during september holidays, STAY TUNED =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:29:00 pm
Saturday, August 19, 2006 :)
Yes, the name of the amazing race today. Not asking you to get lost la lax lax. haha. Crazy time of running around like mad; and I really mean LIKE MAD, not like YLTCamp when you can hitch rides from Pastor's wife/run short distances. This seriously is RUN LIKE MAD. for 6 hours somemore. then you travel super far, and they just give you a clue to another destination. Like, wahh! Madness.
Anyway, it was a good chance to interact with other youths from other churches since we had to 'trade' and 'negotiate' etc. quite fun I must say. Travelling around with Prinsep kias really was fun. It's so much better to travel around with others than just with your group :)
Rachel mad woman triathlon kia made us run so fast somemore. Of course we tried to keep up but a bit lag. Ok la, a lot lag. Stupid Ben and Sam and Jon didn't run. But we forgive them because we are nice.
Whatever it is, THE AMAZING RACE WAS A HIT. Until it poured around Telok Kurau but quite shiok la except I was more worried about my shioking Adidas WHITE bag getting wet. Lol.
Worship was interesting; Chinese songs nia. 'Jesus shall take the Highest Honour' everyone just gave up and sang in English. LOL.
Ok, I'm dead beat. Dang, I've got lots of work to do. Suddenly don't feel like I can make it for Wild Empire concert tomorrow. Cannot make it. Plus I don't get to sleep in the afternoon. I'm so dead this week.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:04:00 pm
Friday, August 18, 2006 :)
I have turned anti-blogger.
Not that I wanted to, I just haven't had time to blog. ack. Anyway, this post is dedicated to my class, 3E1 xP
In 3E1 there's a whole range of strange/funny/interesting personalities, everyone's had their moments. Damn funny ones. Lets start from those of highest authority. Teachers.
Mrs Tang- Cheekily funny teacher! Supposed-to-be-retired-kia who still comes back to teach us; gave an example of herself being pregnant. hahahaha!
Ms Lindy Ong- NEVER gets names right! Damn funny. Stacy was called Tracy, then Stella, then ESTELLA. hahahaha. Koong Jye was pronounced Koong Ju. Khye An was called Khye, then Tay Khye An (Tay = KJ's surname, KA's is ARHUL.) Calls Kin Chung Kim Chuan. hahaha! But she's a really nice teacher, I must say :)
Mrs Usha Diane- Who calls Denise, (Stacy's twin), Daisy. LOL. She doesn't teach me but the geog students aka KJ and KA told me :P
Mr DAS!- who uses Alex in his examples. Alex used the OHP machine to whack Wayne, then ran out of the lecture theatre screaming, "HELLO KITTY!!!!!" LOL.
Kairu- death-defying taekwondo-ian wants to kill people by making them eat metal. THE HORROR!
Yi Jing/Jessica Chan- who asked Jessica Chan where her skirt was. (actually she was wearing her skirt). Jessica Chan said, "I don't know."
Khye An- who'll suddenly turn to me in the middle of lesson and either smile (of course i smile back!) or do that HNGGHHH! thing which is damn funny when he opens his eyes so big and flares his nostrils. LMAO.
Amanda- who looks tough but is easily scared LOL. But she's damn funny and always trips over her own feet. LOL.
LAO DA aka Jessica Lau- who goes red in the face when she laughs. And she laughs a lot. HA! a can of coke and a clown =P
Ok, I'm pretty much running out of people to talk about.
I'm so sorry I haven't been blogging; really been sleeping late lately =(
Amazing race tomorrow! I really love my sampan friend; my sampan friend's really a wonderful friend man :) Good night!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:59:00 pm
Wednesday, August 09, 2006 :)
I think my Titles are Dumb.
Anyway, yesterday was aweeeeeesome :) Although my lousy school celebrated National Day with the Principal reading the National Day message. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. And of course the UGs bringing in the flag. ah Lau was next to us so we tried to make her laugh but realised it wasn't very nice to make her laugh so we tried not to make her laugh.
Headed home after sch with Jocelyn and Jasmine whom we saw at the BS (bus stop) and talked lots of crap. Then my #1 fan Jocelyn started smsing me, the goddess, she says. NYAHA. Rushed to change/pack/etc cos Jocelyn is always very fast. Called her when I was on the bus.
Nyahaha. Anyway, Jas coincidentally got on the same bus, and Jocelyn did too (that part was planned) then we headed to TM and saw Jollyn and we saw _____ so Jollyn and I were stalking him HAHAHA. While Joc ran away. But we ran into ______ again so Joc was still trying to hide. Funneh woman =P
Crap, I'm getting long-winded.
Headed to East Coast Park to cycle. Spent an hour waiting/wasting time lol. Finally got our bikes while some went rollerblading. Jasmine, next time, please just cycle. Lol. Anyway, had a good talk with Rachelle (for approx the first time!) while cycling. Hehehe. Quite happy about that :) Stopped by Bedok Jetty and the rest caught up so we were cam-whoring there and trying to scream but no resonance so we gave up. Hngh. Wind to strong.
Jollyn and Clara were taking a picture doing the star jump thing. Then Jollyn's slipper flew off and -poof- it was in the sea! HAHA. It took around an hour for it to reach shore. Thanks to Shermine and I, the SLIPPER-SAVERS, the slipper was rescued! -loud cheers-
Anyway, it was fun la! Haha. Next time all just go on bikes then shiok, poor Amanda and Yan Hua were just tagging along Ming Hui and Jasmine. lol. Tsk tsk!
Wanted to go for a movie but no one else could :( so it's okayyyy. Headed to TM (again) with Shermine and Jollyn (who got off earlier at her house). Grabbed fries/Mc Flurry with Mine then went home. Slept all the way. Shioking one hour nap on the bus. shiokamania.
Anyway, that was yesterday :) I slept early, like, 11. And I'm here cos Desiree smsed me at 11 (JUST after I turned off my phone) saying that the thing is at 9.45 so I could've got an extra 45min of sleep but it's ok, Ii'll just stay here and rot. Or maybe I'll catch a shut-eye on the sofa. Mmhmm. Sounds nice.
man, doesn't this sound corny.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:55:00 am
Monday, August 07, 2006 :)
Everytime I'm so happy; I'll think of something that'll make me cry.
Self-inflicted pain.
Crap me.
Never mind, I'm happy already; cos I've shoved that out of my head. Shall not let it spoil my awesome day =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:12:00 pm
The Power of Love
Today's been such a good day, I've just gotta blog about it! :)
Firstly, NDP performances went well, especially the one for the lower sec :) was rather pleasantly surprised at all the nice + encouraging comments I got :) I felt kinda bad during the upper sec one but at least no one was sleeping so that was an accomplishment :)
Anyway, I got to miss lessons too :) but I managed to enjoy one lesson of Physics! :)
Had some NDP briefing after school then went shopping with JM for Miss Ong's birthday present + Miss Yeap's farewell card. Shopped for really long la. Anyway, around 5+ we got there and there was this old lady standing outside the MRT station, selling tissue for $1. I looked at her for a while, and just walked on.
Shopped around till about 7+ and went to eat before getting some last-min stuff. Was complaining like mad about aching feet (which really were aching, thanks to the lousy support of North-Star canvas shoes). Had Mos Burger and I saw Er Hao the Monster who didn't see me. Nyahaha. :) So I called him and went, "I can see you...." nyahaha freaked him out!
Nyway, at around 8 as we were walking back to the staion, that same old lady was there, still standing, selling her tissue packets. I just stopped and bought tissue from her.
And my feet didn't seem to ache so much anymore.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:04:00 pm
Sunday, August 06, 2006 :)
A major Treat
I got a ride on Roy's motorbike. Shiokamania. I've got the wind =P Really shiok man. Wooooo! Samuel is gonna get a motorbike, and if so, I'll hitch many many many rides nyahaha!
Anyway, Jamie came to sing today; Clown publicity stunt =D wooo! Go clown! xP and 3 American basketball players/evangelists came to church too. Sports ambassadors of height 2.02m. Not tall leh. Block the screen only.
E-learning E-group is a horribly bad idea. All falling asleep listening to some guy talk and talk and not see his face (courtesy of Yao Qi man's computer). Diaoo.
I was quite piggish today. I'm seriously gonna be fat.
Ok Marianne, time for major dieting. Seriously honey, major dieting/exercising spree.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:20:00 pm
My group for church camp 06 - Servanthood! (i actually had to think of our group name...)
From Left: Marianne Lee, Ben the Bimbo King, Me, Melissa, Shin How, Samuel Soon!, Glenn Ong and Edward Poonie! :)
A retarded shot. Look! Samuel's doing the same face as me! Nyahahaha!
Best camp group in the world; retardedest skit ever in history ok.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:44:00 pm
My Godma and her husband + kids in NZ =) Isn't Anna (the girl) so pretty? Miss New Zealand man. And Caleb (the boy) is really really cute. And that little baby, she's my new godsister :)
My new godsister :) Name not thought of yet- might be Sophie though. heh.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:39:00 pm
Saturday, August 05, 2006 :)
I have soooooo much to blog about, but I keep forgetting! Ugh.
PS: Sandra and Jasper, (20years and 10years older than me respectively,) can be so retardedly childish you know! HAIYO. But they're still super fun =P
Anyway, yesterday went for The Rapture which was uber fantastic. Superb performance. Really nice dances, esp those choreographed by the alumni/students. Nyaha. Charmaine didn't answer her calls cos she was at dance -_= diaooo. Wasted. Could've come during intermission la but nvm. So we had 2 empty seats and I'm telling you the foyer stalls rock.
Today was good; didn't go for tuition but still was really tired. Tea reception was kinda cool; wanted to go K box with th cast for the first time (i mean first time to k box) but it was kinda late - 7pm so if I went I'd get home at approx 12am which is retarded. So skip. But spent a great time talking rubbish. And Bryan is retardedly lame. Lame until cannot tahan. Lame haha, not Jon Ma's Lame leave-me-speechless.
Anyway, I really hope we don't screw up on Monday. Please please please may we not screw up.
Ack, Miko can't come again tomorrow, neither can Charmaine. Sigh.
Ack, don't think Marianne, you'll get depressed.
-brain melts- (cannot freeze cos Singapore is toooo hot)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:42:00 pm
Wednesday, August 02, 2006 :)
Long time no blog sia
Okok, Sunday met Jon Yong for dinner then Cheryl joined us. Very funny la. Cheryl was retarded. Gosh. Anyway, the performance was great but left me damn tired especially since I hadn't finished my work =( but still managed to get thru, thank God.
Falling sick, -tissue stuffed up nose-, running nose (as you cant tell), sore throat, headache. sigh. But today was good, the notice board's coming up well. Crap, so many movies to watch leh.
AHHHH anyway I got my NDP partner liao, GO CHERYL =P hopefully our retardedness will not be captured on camera.
God bless you =)
PS: Head down to HAZEL NUT'S link, take a look at the stuff she's made. Really really nice stuff so if you'd like anything, do tell me. 91546569 or you can just leave a tag.
Wah rubbish. My number is 92227789 not 91546569. Diaooo old habits don't die easy!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:59:00 pm