my trip to IKEA and many other events =)

Hmmm, where could Sammy be?
Not like I can see him under normal circumstances, but c'mon, with leaves shading a bed, who needs ceilings?
Ok, many other events. So that day was really fun la bought some stuff for my room! Then Dezzie went to watch Westlife live (sian) and I lugged everything back to Punggol myself. Sad case. But some nice lady gave me her seat. Heh, a bit pai sei but at that time I really needed it. With 3 heavy metal boards and a bag full of other stuff. Man.
Saturday we had YLTC which was good. Rushed with Ben to buy Sammy's present, only to realise he was sick. haha. But YLTC was kinda fun, played a board game and did lots and lots of planning! Fun.
Had pizza with the grp but the turnout for movie night after that was depressing. And honestly, the show was kinda lousy. Sigh.
Sunday was good, worship was a little strange for me. I was really touched when we were singing 'When the Tears Fall', and my actions fit the title -_- a bit pai sei ah but it's ok, worshipping God is a blessing =) Had lunch with the highly unintellectual Amanda, Melissa and Desiree who just blabbered nonsensical nonsense about Westlife. =P Then, to make the conversation more interesting, Amanda and Melissa started talking about Justin Timberlake. Whoa-ho.
Studied in church with the rest. Ok, I just chionged all my holiday hw la. Managed to finish most of it =) Woooo! Anyway, I'll start doing work in church man. It really works. I finish in like half the time, and I don't end up falling asleep. A bit hard to with Zhikai singing like some freak next to me =P But it was fun nonetheless.
Took train with Dezzie, Edward and Daryl since I was headed for Queenstown and they, Boonlay. But I was so early I accompanied them a few more stops and took the train back again. Haha. Practice was fun and we were playing some poking game and my stupid KGM Jasper made me laugh so much my back hurt. Seriously.
Ok, I was really tired for Monday and Tuesday. Super tired. But today was great I didn't sleep at all in class woo hoo accomplishment can! Anyway, a few disappointing results.
I'll give it my all for EOY. And I'll try to go on a diet.
PS: forgive me for the uber long post; to make up for all the unposting =P
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:15:00 pm
Does anybody see her? My face looks
R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D. Ok la, not surprising.
See?! He
really lets everything get to his head!
"If Samuel can cook, so can you!" -ok, I'm taking just about all the captions from Dezzie's blog. HEH! =P
Source A: Presenting the most
nonsensical, nonsensy, full of nonsense boy,
SAMUEL! One of my best friends in church,
=D Anyway, he was putting just about everything he saw on his head (
as shown in source)
That's me in the children's section. It actually says 'For the most important people in the world!'
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:44:00 pm
Friday, September 08, 2006 :)
Oh no, sorry for not blogging again!
The Mind Cafe rocked la and it's 12am so I'm lazy to elaborate. The food was awesome, the games rocked, and the company was awfully fun! =D Rachelle and I have great telepathy man. Tweezer... xP
Wasted 3h today going to the immigration centre, only to realise my mum didn't bring my birth cert -_- was kinda upset although I tried not to be angry. What's the point of getting angry anyway? But I still was kinda pissed la. Inevitable right. Waste so much time. Haha.
Just sent out choir-related emails. A day late. Aiya nvm. Slept for 12h the last time I hit the bed =P wooo! First time since June holiday. In fact, the longest I'd slept since the June holiday was only a measley 9h la please. Sad case. Always waking up at 8 is tiring. hahaha. Ok then.
Back to immigration centre tomorrow morning. Sian. Then gym and IKEA! Gonna get my photo mural up very soon! I can't wait =D
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:02:00 am
Monday, September 04, 2006 :)
Oh, I played HOTD 4 with Samuel the other day. Was pressing the trigger like some maniac, until we reached the boss. Then he turned to me and said, "You know you can just hold the trigger?"
Thanks ah, now my reputation in PS is ruined! =P
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:01:00 pm
Yes, Chinese Oral sucked, but it was ok (i hope) guess what William? They asked 'What do you feel about children going to their friends rather than their parents when they have problems?' Dang, they should've asked about IP. heh =P
Anyway, spent some time in Whitesands with Jess Lau and Jollyn before meeting Jocelyn at Popular before meeting Samuel, Cheryl and Edward at TM.
Had a light lunch (ok so it wasn't that light) and played in the arcade so we wouldn't kena appendicitis. Super fun la but both Samuel and I looked like clowns cos he was wearing a coalition of his and Ed's clothes, while I just looked funny wearing my green shirt LOL. So it was fun, bla bla. Crazy taxi tsk tsk disappointing eh Samuel? hahaha.
Walked to Tampines Sports Complex (jee I just realised there's a pool there... -_-) anyway, 2-4pm was 'LADIE'S HOUR' (should be 2 hours right?) and we arrived at like, 2.30pm. -_- so we killed 1.5h watching Cheryl swim, doing SBJ (standing broad jump) and whatever rubbish. super funny la.
So at 4 we went to the gym. Quite nice and spacious ah, I must say. I really liked it. Learnt a bit on how to use the equipment then was randomly picking some. Mainly wanted to get rid of those horrid fats on my thighs whatever la not that there was much but I'm just paranoid nyahaha.
whatever, the feeling of exercising ROCKS. ROCKS ROCKS ROCKS. Shiok! Even Samuel thinks so. Really man, it's like some major achievement. I so wanna go back again.
Went all the way to Changi Village for dinner, shared Sotong Stingray and Kang Kong, everything sambal to the max. Sam and I almost died, stupid Ed no kick la. Almost died but didn't die apparently. Anyway it was super funny on the bus when Samuel was trying to sleep and Ed and I kept whispering stuff that made him laugh nyahaha! Bla bla, got home at 9 so here I am blogging and I'm being slightly antisocial cos of fatigue.
I can apply Bio to this. After all the vigorous muscular contractions, the body has incurred an oxygen debt. Lactic acid builds up in the body, causing fatigue. The body then needs to rest and recover.
WOO HOO. My brain isn't dead yet =P
Good night man! Tomorrow is games day =P MINE'S CAFE OLEH!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:11:00 pm
Sunday, September 03, 2006 :)

There, a clearer photo of the girls. Somehow didn't get uploaded to the comp the other time... Strange.
JOANIE BRAVO! One of my best friends in Pri school kia right =D See? She's one person I can just insult like mad once I see her and still laugh about it. Of course she insults me back la. LOL. =P LOVE YOU JOANIE, although you kinda freaked me out on the bus. heh.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:36:00 pm
Friday, September 01, 2006 :)
I'll let the pictures do the talking for my visit to Tao Nan. I love my ex-classmates. Once a 6Eian, always a 6Eian =) I love you guys and I hope we'll meet again soon! (soon = a year... =P)
Miss Judy Koh!
Best teacher in the WWW ok. Wrote an essay about her in Sec 1 and it got me my very very first A1! =D Inspired ma. Truly an awesome teacher man. Obviously she's the one circled in red :) WE LOVE YOU MISS KOH! See? Half the class came back to see her =P
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!2:14:00 pm

5/11 of the 6E girls! From left in clockwise- Me, Michelle, Jing Yi, Joanie bravo!, Liyun!
Lovely girls man I miss them so much! x)
MIKO! My pri sch
BBF (i.e.
best boy friend) Lol! At least he's
smiling properly here. The rest he looks like rubbish xP Anyway I really missed him cos we were so close in Pri sch la but he missed me
so much more than I missed him he just won't admit it. KPC kias! He's coming on Saturday so better be nice =P

From left- Me, Joan, Sean Yeow (who looks retarded), Benji, Neng Wei (who I called Wei Neng! Pai sei myself only xP)
Funny people unite! Ok, so the three guys don't look very funny but hell they are =P
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!2:01:00 pm
Michelle and I! Can't believe I used to hate her so much in P5 cos I thought
she was arrogant. Like, look who's talking man. Hahaha. Anyway this pretty girl here's
SUPER NICE and fun! Delayed response from Marianne eh? =P
HOPE YOU DON'T STILL HATE ME FOR HATING YOU IN PRI SCH MICHELLE! xD and for making you fall when we were playing pepsi cola... haha.

1/4 of 6E + 1
extra guy =P at PS at 9pm. Late king. But all the same it was damn fun! :D Love all these people who look

Me and
SEXY GLENNY! (who's not really sexy) decided to take a photo with him since he's now
oh-so-mature and so much more decent as compared to Pri 6. Wa lao, he was
damn irritating then la! HAHA like Marcus Lim Jia Chin but I kinda miss both of them now cos they were so fun! Go Sexy Glenny! XP
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!1:49:00 pm
CONTROLLING MYSELF, TRYING NOT TO SWEAR NOW. But in my mind, it's rolling on. ARGH.
Nvm, stop thinking Marianne, Stop thinking.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:18:00 am