I'm feeling really proud of myself cos I completed 6h worth of homework! =) Fine, so I spent 3h doing 10 questions of Trigo for A maths. PS: 10 questions with parts a b and c... but I still finished an English Essay, and 2 History questions! Ok, not a lot. But still, ahem, it's the attitude ah chill la siao!
Anyway, my bro and I were doing really retarded stuff la. I was trying to study and he kept making me laugh and he was trying to sleep so I kept making him laugh. Full of nonsense.
PCK is rather funny this season as compared to the last, which was rather... disappointing. Lame, but hilarious. Rosie is hilarious la! Woot, I love PCK.
Ben and I were talking this afternoon, thought of some really dumb station games/games to kill time. Really really hilarious. You know Ben.
"Ya, so they will laugh at themselves, then we can laugh at them!" said Ben the great. He's a great programmes person la, very enthu and creative. Woot, go Ben! I think we should be called the Hointers or something. We shall come up with a name tomorrow =P
Watched Turning Point just now, really very encouraging. I guess our society's becoming more accepting towards ex-convicts. I would honestly welcome them into our presence. -shows yellow ribbon!- Everyone deserves a second chance :) After all, that's what I was given too. That's what we all are given, just whether we make us of that chance or not.
I think I have contracted Bryan's lameness. Seriously. I was making all kinds of nonsensical/retarded super retarded comments to Charmaine just now. All no link one. Siaoness.
Painting tomorrow, hurrah! Ben and I will wreck the wall! No la we won't. Then gotta programmes meeting. Wee :)
I'm addicted to this song: When Did You Fall by Chris Rice.
Make your way over here, sit down by this fool and let's rewind
Come on let's go back and replay all our scenes
Point out the hints, the clues, the twists and the smiles this time
All the ones that slipped by me
I bet my face is red and you can hear my heart pounding
Well I guess it don't matter now that I realize
Cause baby I missed it then, but I can surely see you now
Right here before my eyes
You're my beautiful surprise
Lovely :)
And to my sampan friend, I'm sorry.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:14:00 pm
I can't stand it when people spoil shows.
Like how they announce the winners of competitions on their blogs.
Like how they tell you in your face who won America's Next Top Model, spoiling all the suspense.
Like how they tell you in your face who won So You Think You Can Dance, eliminating all the excitement.
Like how they tell you how the movie ends just before you start watching it.
Man, get a life, stop spoiling the shows.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:16:00 am
Monday, November 06, 2006 :)
#1 - Choir concert is cancelled :(
#2 - Lots of holiday hw :(
#3 - Desiree can't receive the song I'm crazy about now :(
#4 - KJ can't come for Odyssey :(
#1 - Lots of people can come to watch The Clown! :D
#2 - JM can get a camp date soon! :D
#3 - I just watched SUTUCD and ANTM, which happen to rock :D
#4 - I had a really funny dream :D
#5 - Painting on Wednesday :D
#6 - I came up with 3 new words*! :D
* BLAG - lovely bag
BLOOF - blood type F
SHUSTTUP! - super shuttup!
Told you I was creative =P At least I'll know in the course of my life, there was a point of time when I was innovative...
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:09:00 pm
Sunday, November 05, 2006 :)

What did they do to Ben? The grudge


Me and Claudia! =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:25:00 pm

Haha! Shaun kia.

Me and Desire-E! Wonder what her birthday desire was... =P

Me and E-VAN! =P huhuhahaha..

I tell you ah, my specs very the irritating. But here's kimmy anyway =P

Told you my voice could pierce.

Me and the
minor kia.

Me and Bryan, the
usually handsome guy who is actually
smiling here. HAHA.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:49:00 pm
Saturday, November 04, 2006 :)
The Guardian
Yes, one of the best good-plotted movies I've caught in a long long time. Highly tear-jerking. Very very moving. Suggestion - bring a box of tissue or a pillow to stifle the sobs. Haha.
Rachelle and I came out of the cinema with swollen eyes, think we must've looked rather very retarded. The rest like never really cry one. Pfft.
Anyway, it's an awesome show, go watch go watch! It actually makes sense.
Amanda threw me into laughing fits just now with all her nonsense. Jollyn Amanda and I were trying to hide from Jess Jocelyn Shermine and Rach but they didn't know it. So we were scampering around like idiots. Suddenly dodging behind pillars and dashing into shops. Very retarded. Amanda was squatting in THIS FASHION la. Hilarious.
PS: we were in uniform.
Anyway, we decided to take Courts brochures so we can hold them right in front of our faces when we walked. Like in those dumb Chinese shows, where nobody would suspect them if they did that. I was laughing like mad already la. Then she suggested poking 2 holes for eyes. So I did that in the right proportion. However, Amanda folded the paper into quarters, so the holes were approx 15cm apart. HILARIOUS. I'M STILL LAUGHING ABOUT IT. HAHAHA!
My throat hurt after that. Ack.
Roamed around for a while more before heading home to do work. Yes, I did my homework. Man, HSC is retarded. Really, maniac. On top of the heaps of Holiday hw, they give us more holiday lessons homework. Like, HELLO!?
Man. Nuts.
Prissy: whatever it is girl, be strong, be brave. I have faith in you to do what you need to! =)
JM: i need bloof, and i want my blag!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:39:00 am
Thursday, November 02, 2006 :)
Ever felt horrible?
That's how I felt on the bus today, must be cos I sprinted for the bus approx 150m after breakfast. Sian. Wanted to puke, broke out in cold sweat and was shivering. Siao liao. Was gonna get off at Jocelyn's bus stop cos I figured it wasn't very nice to vomit on the bus when suddenly the weird feeling disappeared and was replaced by numbness. Must be cos I prayed :)
Anyway, Jocelyn got on the bus and we headed to school together. Had a splitting headache after that, but better than the above. Sorry for being rather antisocial dearie, I wasn't feeling all that great. I even thought I diarrhoea-ed my skirt cos when I got off the bus the seat was like splattered with brown stuff but my skirt was squeak clean so I presume it was there already.
VERY important conclusion: I do not diarrhoea-fy myself even under the worst circumstances. -curtsies-
School was fine, I actually pretty enjoyed SS bridging. MR Tay gave us some really cool insights eh. Hehe. Oh no, what has MOE done to me! -grabs hair-
Headed to BK for lunch, must say the game on the Crown is rather very retarded. Super retarded. Super retarded. More retarded than Bryan.
No, that's not possible.
Anyway, choir was not too bad la. I think we're practising for recording tomorrow, are we? =X Hmmm. Who am I. Shiokadility song only. Woot!
Ok, Prisonbreak ROCKED. Ahhhhhhhhhh crap, I need my dose of Prisonbreak! I really look forward to Thursday nights la please. AHHHHHHH. My heart was beating so fast and then, advertisement. ARGH. The feeling just sucks doesn't it? I don't know how Alvin can remain unexcited with all the stuff happening. Ahhh I can't wait for the next episode. AHHHH. Hw day tomorrow, mark my words =P
Ok, I'll be nice and post a few pictures maybe, once I finish my game proposal and come up with a date for training.
Till then, toodles =)
All the best to those taking A level Chinese tomorrow, though none of you are reading this. Haha, you shouldn't be anyway.
I just realised something. In all my pain on the bus, I still brought myself to mumble a prayer for those taking their GP paper while passing MJC. At least I haven't forgotten God in my life :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:26:00 pm
Headed to Ben's house to celebrate his/Dezzie's birthday. Rather fun I must say. All the make up/gothic/halloween nonsense. Not very halloweenish, just gothic. hahaha. All the nonsense, the photos will do the talking eh.
So after everyone left, we played fast Scrabble and watched Just My Luck before everyone went to sleep while some watched Rob-B-Hood. Wahahaha. Fun. Had a little trouble sleeping for reasons thou shalt not state. But then again, it was shiok to have a mattress to sleep on.
Woke up at 6.30am to head to school with Melissa. Wait, she headed to hers, I headed to mine. Had breakfast on the way cos we were both superrrrrr early. Bla bla. Shall not talk about school, it was noneventful.
Did some Maths homework today, YAY!!!! ACcomplishment aiee.
Prisonbreak tomorrow, YAY!
Massive (Sentosa Recee) massive (Birthday party) photo upload coming your way! Hooray!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:05:00 am