Monday, June 25, 2007 :)
Anyway, I didn't blog about the choir outing. I mean, the graduating few seniors outing. Bleugh. Ok, so Ryan, Stephanie, ZZ and I took the same train without realising it. LOL. Jingaling Ming was a minute late, HA! And Ellis was 20 minutes late. And the King Daryl Bongadong was half an hour late. But he claims he was early cos he said he'd arrive even later. RIGGGGHHTTT. Xp
I tell you, we spend FOREVER just DECIDING what to do/where to go/where to eat/where to cycle/where to sit. Oh my goodness. Makes me wonder how we made decisions as a committee =P But it was super fun nonetheless.
Ellis and his stupid nonsense. Push-cycling =P And we could keep up with darling Jingaling Ming. Nvm, understandable, the poor girl couldn't change gears. HAHAHA. And the Haisingers have made a name for themselves =P WE ARE THE TOP SCORERS OF PHOTOHUNT! Go to Marine Bowl arcade (Fun something actually) AND CHECK OUT THE HIGH SCORES =P Ok la, 7 people playing a 1-player game. No high score something wrong. HAHAHA.
Anyway, first day of school was great. Great great great! =) So happy to see all my friends again. Seriously :) Nice to be back in school. :)
Oh, thank you Roy, Amanda, Melissa, Evan, and my dear Justin for everything :) Thank you guys! :) and of course, thanks to you too :)
And to all the other kias who've been praying, but I don't know about it, thanks :)
Day 2 of school, here I come! =D
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:20:00 pm
Sunday, June 24, 2007 :)
And hey Mel, I saw it :) And I just want you to know I'm praying too (not for me for you I mean)! And thanks, I'm really very very touched. With all honesty, I'm really super touched by you. Thanks for being a friend I can always rely on no matter what :) -hugs-
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:02:00 pm
Ok, so I've been thinking about that a lot these days. Not just the normal love between friends or family, or even the make-your-heart-melt kind of love, but thinking about another kind of love.
And I just realised something while thinking just now. There's this love that takes away all fear. And I mean ALL FEAR.
I don't fear death, because I know a greater life awaits me in Heaven.
I don't fear the future, because I know God has it all planned for me.
I don't fear the dark, because I know I have victory in Christ.
I don't fear rejection, because I know God always loves, and He always provides people to love.
I don't fear hurt, because I know that no matter what I have comfort in Him.
I don't fear failure, because I know my God will pick me up again.
And that's the most beautiful thing ever, just knowing that Jesus died for me just so that I could have a meaningful life.
And He died because He chose to. The nails didn't hold Jesus on the cross. It was love.
And that's enough to make me want to love Him in return, and love everyone else too :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:23:00 pm
Thursday, June 21, 2007 :)
It's always nice to be appreciated isn't it? :) A little goes a long way. Here's an exerpt from Mr Cucumber Lim Tianjun's blog:
I know i have not blogged for like half a month. haha. still not in the mood to blog right now, but i think i should give Marianne a big thank you on my blog xD
Her birthday present came in yesterday as a registered post, and i am really grateful that someone actually took the effort not only to buy the present, but to take the trouble to send it through registered mail since we have very little chances of meeting ( she lives in the east, i live in the west)
Nevertheless, i wish to thank you Marianne my fellow EX- Choir president xD I dare say that she is the first person to buy my present xD But also the last person to actually send the present to me xD. Thanks alot again.
You're most welcome! :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:14:00 am
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 :)
I finally understand what this means.
"In love there is no fear"
There is comfort in Your Name :)
And friends are friends forever, if the Lord is the Lord of them :) Amen!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:34:00 am

Aunty Lay Khing and a whip snake!

Uncle Owen; the SCORPION KING! =P

Uncle Owen; the chameleon eather! =P

Marilyn and a huge stick insect!

Uncle Owen aka Wu Gui! XD

Me and a butterfly =)

Marilyn and I at Bala's Chalet (not where we stayed)

Lovely scenery; tea plantation! =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:29:00 am
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 :)
I shall reply my tags first, since there are so many. Haha what a nice welcome home =D
Bottoms' up!
Prissy: Haha ok I will =D
Emerlyn: Haha cos it's great to see you growing in the Lord! :) And enjoying the fellowship! Haha and yes, surprised indeed!
Jing Ming: Haha I know you're dying girl. It's ok, we shall meet on Friday and kick water at each other. How exciting =P
Eliz: Hello! =D haha thanks girl you take care too! =D
Dezzzzzzzzz: I totally agree with you :)
Duane: Oh hello pachng. I think I've seen you here before =D
sTer: Hahaha hello yeah long time I haven't tagged you either!
Ruth: But 10 is more than 9 right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aiya. You get the idea la. HAHAHA.
y^2: Eh, who are you huh? Ying ying huh! Sorry I don't know! =X and yes, they have the same genes so of course look alike =D
jollyn: Haha sorry I know you missed me! Btw, I doubt I'll DSA. I have no testimonial, and I'll probably die in Choir and TS, so... yup.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:41:00 pm
Thursday, June 14, 2007 :)
You have a number - 1
This 1 stands alone
Then a 0 (zero) comes along, and decides to stand next to 1. And when together, 1 and 0 become 10
Then yet another 0 comes along, and takes his place next to the 0 before him. Now, these 3 numbers together, now become 100
The more 0s come along, the bigger the number gets, until it's 10000000000000000^infinity
But take that very 1 away, and all the 0s lose their value. Without the 1, the 0s are just mere 0s. The 0s are nothing.
Those 0s are us, sinful people.
Who's this 1, then, you may ask.
That 1 is Jesus.
Praise God :)
The Missions Training camp was awesome. I never expected to learn so much :) God works in the most amazing, spectacular, miraculous ways! :)
Thanks to Roy, Ben, Melissa, for praying for me and just helping me to realise that I don't have to be on a missions trip to do missions :) and to Evan, Emerlyn, Desire (and basically all those lovely girls who gave me a huge bear hug!) for, well, the bear hug :) I'm touched! Really! =)
And thank you Andrew WAH! For that very important message you helped so many of us realise :) Thank you, I won't forget it.
And thank you GOD, for the most wonderful experience, and the most powerful messages I've heard in a long time :)
Hallelujah, to You our King!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:40:00 am
Sunday, June 10, 2007 :)
Since I'm nice, I shall say goodbye before making my departure....
Headed for camp, then to Cameron Highland's! Mother nature. Yay. And I'm bringing homework. To camp, not to Malaysia. Ahhh I can't wait =)
To those going for the 4E1 chalet, HAVE FUN! I'll really miss you guys =( really! Nvm, EOY, another one =)
Take care everyone =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:51:00 pm
Tuesday, June 05, 2007 :)
Mmm, lots of birthdays these days. Hahaha. Photos below shall speak of my day, ya while Bryan and Ron shopped for shirts, Cheryl, Desire-e, Samuel and I had better things to do... like posing with toys at the toy section =P
Enjoy! (:
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:15:00 pm

Lol, something random I found in my pictures =P IKEA shopping (or random roaming) is fun! =P

Coming Soon! (with luggage and erm, weird horny hat)

All hail the warriors! =P

Hahaha spastic.

Small kid with bright pink water bottle

Cheruman! =P

Gasp, Ben uprooted a tree!

Walking adverts for Barney Bags XP

Thunder Tea Rice. Cool huh =P

A 1-seater car. Super cool right. YES, IN SINGAPORE! =P

Jollyn!!!! =D
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:09:00 pm
Monday, June 04, 2007 :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DARLING MEI! :) You're one huge blessing you know that? 15 years and many more to go, may God shower His blessings upon you! -hugs- thanks for everything you little angel! :D
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:27:00 pm
I cleared my whole cupboard today. Oh my goodness, bow before Marianne! Nononono kidding really kidding about that. I just feel like I've finally done something fulfilling this holiday. Yay! I'm on my mission to organise my table, cupboard, drawers! (what a mission, huh?) =P
Haha anyway, I'm turning in!
Now now, what if I said I'm getting married? HAHAHA KIDDING. 10 years from 3 June 2007 =P
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:21:00 pm
Saturday, June 02, 2007 :)

go seanster! =D

Sam and I Time Crisising. Haha.

GDOP! :)

Can't you see, we're so fit we're last?
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:02:00 pm
Oh shucks, forgot what I want to blog about, AGAIN.
Oh remembered already.
I'm so happy because Jon Yong AND Emerlyn came for FF today! I was so excited about class discussion la! =P That seems to be my highlight of FF these days. hahahahaha I love the Sec 4s! And we're going to the Night Safari together! (and ben is scared of SY when he does his white-eyes thing in the dark, HAHAHA)
I'm happy too cos I got 2 shirts from Future State for $18!!!!!! Thanks to darling Kim for getting them for me! =) (the shop closed by the time I wanted to buy them hahaha)
Melissa and I were stalked. Zzz! Ya. Rather hilarious now that we look back at it, but at the time, it was not. At all. Hahahahahahahaha ok Mel, that's a memory for keeps =P lets laugh at it when we're 60 years old, haggard, wrinkly, hunched, graying, and nobody wants to stare at us anymore, HAHA!
Ok, I want to DSA into VJC. (I have done my research on Theatre Studies and THAT IS WHAT I WANT TO DO!!!!!) so VJC here I come! =D Try la. Hahahaha. Will see Jon Yong there if I do get in =D
Good night everybody! OH OH OH I REMEMBER WHAT I'M HERE FOR....
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:47:00 pm