Wednesday, July 25, 2007 :)
IF I died tomorrow...
There'll be many more things I would be doing today. Things I'd hold off for a few years, or things I've only wanted to do when I'm all big and grown up. I would do it today.
I'd want to meet so many people just to tell them how much I love them, and how much they've meant to me. People whom I've known a lifetime, people who've made an impact, and people who've stood by me no matter what's happened.
I'd want to visit Africa and make a difference. Even the smallest difference. Even if I could just be an encouragement to some people there, or just let them know that God loves them.
I would tell all those I love of God's saving grace, and how much He loves them way more than I do.
So many things I would do today, so many things I would say today, if I died tomorrow. But I don't know when I'm going to die, so I'd better start doing those things today.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!5:56:00 pm
Sunday, July 22, 2007 :)
I love the Sec 4 kias! =)
Settlers was super fun, with all the nonsense. Really, the games weren't great, but the people made them so =P I have an awesome time man. Doubt I've had so much laughter with the Sec 4 group before, thanks for all the fun guys! =)
Oh, and Dawn has our photo. Gotta get it from her... somehow. Heh =)
Till next time, have an awesome week everyone!
Glorify God :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:43:00 pm

Isn't this beautiful? Yes it is, and I've been showing everyone this photo. Hahaha =D

Wonderful Jocelyn vandalised my handbook. Sigh. Darling can you at least praise me and not yourself, in MY handbook =P

Wonderful Jessica vandalised my handbook too. Sigh. Hahahahahaha =P but it's ok cos they both make my handbook look more... colourful. Hahaha.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:38:00 pm
Friday, July 20, 2007 :)
Bleah, haven't been blogging in a while. Just a short post for you before I take a nap so I won't die in the middle of CBSI tonight! =)
I realised that love really is the most beautiful and painful thing. And I'm sure everyone knows that la. Diao.
Interesting how when the people I love are hurt, I feel their pain as well. And when they're happy, I really do share in their joy.
Oh well, I guess that's part of what love is all about :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!4:38:00 pm
Monday, July 09, 2007 :)
Hello there, long time no see! =)
I can't believe my life is so hectic I don't even have time to come online and blog. Sigh! That's pretty ironic. Hahaha.
Anyway, shall blog about some things I don't wish to forget! =)
Glad to have handed down my responsibilities, like hello, finally! But then again, it wasn't a very pleasant handover. And to all choir members reading this, this goes out to you guys.
It doesn't matter who tries to put us down, or what tries to hold us back. They can criticise all they want, they can try to stop us from singing, they can even take away our conductor. But no matter what, DON'T LET THEM WIN. Don't let that choir spirit we've all grown to have just disappear like that! For all it's worth, for the amount we've grown this year, we CANNOT GIVE UP NO MATTER WHAT! Don't let it all go to waste, and don't dampen your own spirits. I have faith that you guys, every single one of you, have the strength to pull through this! Don't let anything that happens around you ever, ever kill your love for singing. Passion isn't supposed to die! :) Even though I've stepped down, I'll always be there to lend support and encourage :) Thanks for making my life in choir such a memorable one, I'll never forget all the joy, fun, laughter, and even tears we went had together. I love you guys! :)
My 2 cents worth. I'll miss talking to the choir manzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Hahaha. Now it's Jing Jie's turn, and I know he's gonna be a good president :) And daryl, I'll be super happy if he does better than me as a president too =D
Ok, off I go to do my work! Oh but before that, we've got a new guy in class! (in church, I mean) Emerlyn brought him - CJ! =) Hahaha I hope he stays =)
And and and, I'm becoming like Jess! Oh no! =P Amanda Ong Kai Qi PLEASE STOP ME! If not... I'll become THE WHINER #2 LOL LOL. MY BRAIN! MY BRAIN! =P (sees Jess laughing until die) But man, I'm loving school thanks to those 2 lovely jokesters next to me =) Thanks Jess and Amandong! =D -hugs-
Oh, and here's a random fact that I doubt you don't know anyway...
Marianne's in love! :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!5:19:00 pm
Sunday, July 01, 2007 :)
Word of the Day:
sweegalangapiapia - meaning undefined.
Courtesy of Bryan Lee
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:26:00 pm
God has finally broken my heart for what breaks His too.
When the laughter fails to comfort
When my heart aches, Lord are You there
When confusion is all around me
And the darkness is my closest friend
Still I'll praise You
Jesus praise You
When all around is fading
And nothing seems to last
When each day is filled with sorrow
Still I know with all my heart
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
I fear no evil, for You are with me
Strong to deliver, mighty to save
He's got the whole world in His hands
Your voice has stilled the raging storms
The wind and waves bow down before
Your still small voice brings hope to all
Who wait on You, we'll wait for You
To lead us to the place where You'll restore our souls
And all our earthly strivings come to cease
Take from our souls the strain and stress
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of Your peace
The beauty of Your peace
Thanks to you, for listening, praying, and caring. Thank you :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:32:00 pm