Tuesday, October 30, 2007 :)
Pretty excited about a lot of things. About tomorrow, cos the kias are celebrating Des's, Ben's and Matthias's birthday over dinner! :) How nice. Hahaha and gonna be studying at the city with Evan, Ben, and later Mel and Des too :) Not sure why I'm excited about that. Esplanade library does sound nice :) Good change of environment!
Really excited about Audrey's wedding too! First time I'll be helping out in a wedding, hence the excitement! But honestly, it's quite silly. It's not even my wedding -_- LOL! But ah well, it's something to look forward to! :)
And the last thing I'm excited about... Secret! I'm DYING to tell somebody ok, but I can't! Zzzzzzzz... Think secrets are the most difficult to keep when you're the only person who knows about them. But this one, I will keep. Confirm =P
All the best to those taking Chinese tomorrow! And higher chinese too! :) I'll be keeping you guys in prayer :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!5:57:00 pm
Saturday, October 27, 2007 :)
Part 2 of the story...
So I went to school and took the History exam. Yes, I was a little nervous before it began. Was praying real hard, and pretty much had a lot of peace, but I guess the nerves never disappear.
But once I saw the essay questions, I could only be in awe, and yes, I did go "Wow". And thank God before starting. First question was on my favourite chapter on early China. Second was on the stupid Pearl Harbour and Japan, the essay on which I'd spent 3h working on with Dom. Third was the fall of Communism in Russia.
I was SO relieved. All that I studied came out! So wrote on the third. SBQ was quite ok too, and I managed to finish the paper 1min before time was up, so I added a sentence to my L5 answer.
I just kept thanking God. I guess when you give your best, He really does honour that :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:31:00 am
Friday, October 26, 2007 :)
Woke up today feeling really anxious and afraid of, of all things, the History paper which is in an hour an a half. It seems to me that I'm most afraid for the papers I'm most prepared for. Which is weird, but I was just woke up feeling really afraid. Quite a scary feeling. Was really really exhausted too, and was feeling quite burnt out. When I woke up. LOL.
Went to do QT and was just really refreshed. Don't have any real devotional material so decided to use the book I got from Baptism Class, Basic Christianity. It's a really good book, a really good study about the character of Christ and the essence of Christianity, which is Christ. So was really refreshed after that, and was once again filled with peace :)
And interestingly, an sms from Jasmine had an effect on me. Turned my phone on after doing QT and got an sms from her. She said, "God bless you during your History paper!" And that kinda made things so much better =) Cos I realised that, yeah, God will bless me during my History paper. He's gonna see me through it, and He's gonna go before me and lead the way, so why should I be afraid?
I've done my best. That, I can safely say. I've given my best to prepare for this paper, so I'm just gonna go in and do my best :) And whether or not the result is good, I'll leave that to God to decide :)
But the giant's calling out my name
And he laughs at me
Reminding me of all the times
I've tried before and failed
The giant keeps on telling me
Time and time again, "Boy, You'll never win!"
"You'll never win!"
But the Voice of Truth tells me a different story
The Voice of Truth says, "Do not be afraid!"
And the Voice of Truth says, "This is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of Truth
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:51:00 pm
Brain is currently filled with History, E Maths, and now, English.
Lalala productive day, I guess =) Shall sleep early and wake up early.
When obedience is difficult, will you still choose to obey?
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:06:00 am
Wednesday, October 24, 2007 :)
Think I'll be going to school in slippers today. Don't fancy sitting through almost 2h in soaked socks in soaked shoes. God please help it not to rain :(
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:35:00 pm
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 :)
I must say, I'm really disappointed now :(
Because of this! I REALLY wanted to go audition (thanks to Bong who convinced me, no, the nokia multi media designer thingy didn't do it for me...) and also because this is the kind of thing i LOVE! I REALLY LOVE. As in seriously, this is what I love. Musicals, performing. That really is what I love doing.
Was getting really excited and all, until they said "Selected participants must be committed to workshops from 4-16 Dec 2007"
Wa, crushed sia. Seriously. Argh.... what horrid timing. Never mind, I shall recover in 1h 54 min for my A Maths paper 2! =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:33:00 pm
Thursday, October 18, 2007 :)
I'm happy!
Managed to catch up with Rabbit (aka Rebecca) who was in my NET Group at Teenstreet last year! =) She's not going this year though :( So sad. AND! Wah respect man, she was the only one from her church who chose to be put with people from other churches for the NET Groups! SO BRAVE =P
Managed to do all I wanted to do today, and more! And Chem tuition was super productive, so was studying in church. I'll probably go again tomorrow hahahaha :) Hopefully Justin will book out earlier so I can meet up with him. Really missing him very badly now :(
And I'm happy cos you're happy! =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:52:00 pm
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 :)
Was discussing the SOP with Duane just now. And for some reason both of us slipped into this laughing fit and just couldn't stop. Cos we suddenly realised how corny the SOP was!
Worship Leader
- Lead Singspiration!
Support Singers
- Sing into the mike during Singspiration!
- Make music during Singspiration!
- Change slides during Singspiration!
SUPER corny right? I'm still laughing now. Really super funny. Hahahahahahaha the stupid things we say without realising it. HAHA I still can't believe I typed all that for the SOP.
I can't believe I'm that corny man. HAHAHA.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:00:00 pm
Monday, October 15, 2007 :)

Hahahaha that's Donovan standing tall!


Joc was sick of waiting for Jess to take the photo. Caught this unglam shot while Amanda wisely covers her face =P

wahaha I love this photo! XD

Darlings! :)

My dear Sai Kangs. And KC. Donno why Dom sweat until like that. Lol! And KJ can't smile for the camera...

Unless there's Jocelyn =P

The best class ever, love you always 4e1ers :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!5:12:00 pm
Taking a break from studying :) Been taking a pretty long break but I guess I need it. Done a lot to day and my brain's tired.
Having a stupid nick makes people talk to you. Hahaha. People who know me have come to tell me their names, how polite. And now Khairuddin's trying to convince me NOT to go to MJC and head down to VJC or RJ, which is, according to him, "17 MRT STOPS AND 3 BUS STOPS AWAY!" (he checked online) haha!
Anyway, I think a study break's good. Shiok. Hahaha. Next post's dedicated to my darling 4E1! =) Just a few photos that make me =D
And my dad just sang Beautiful Girl. That's super weird.
Hahaha anyway study hard and take care all =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!5:04:00 pm
Sunday, October 14, 2007 :)
You're the one who gives me shelter
You're the light that leads me home
You're the love that gave forever
Lord You're all that I know
And all that I am
Unto You I surrender
Lord there is none like You
And I know that I stand
In the arms of forever
Lord there is none like You
And I will stand
And I will worship You forever
For all You are
And I will stand
And all to You I will surrender
I'll worship You forever
I just want to cry now.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:21:00 pm
Friday, October 05, 2007 :)
Today's been a funny day. Hahahahaha.
Oh, MJC here I come! =P
Anyway, something really funny happened at 10.17pm today. Somebody called me, a good old friend. Was pretty surprised, so I answered with an excited "Hello!" Only to be greeted with some weird sound, followed by singing =P HAHAHA. Apparently he'd called by accident. I'm sure ah =P Oh, and I had no intention of blogging about it until he reminded me not to do it. So being the kind friend I am, I shall censor the name and not say that that person is actually -gasp- Shall spare you the humiliation my friend =P
And now Bryan is being retarded.
Little Miss Giggles:
Bryan (fat):
Little Miss Giggles:
for "all" do you need me to play the extra part?
Bryan (fat):
Little Miss Giggles:
(apparently, he couldn't find me because Marianne became Little Miss Giggles...)
i so nice leh
change my name so u wont be lost
Bryan (fat):
this one friend this one friend
..... Then he asks me what key "Glory" is in.
hahahahahaha ok la
eh... glory ah.
i mm zai leh
Bryan (fat):
you millimeter zai?
shuddup la i go check la haha
Bryan (fat):
this is count sister
This kind of kias, how not to enjoy fellowship right? Hahaha thank God for count brother ah. 456.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:31:00 pm