Wednesday, November 28, 2007 :)
I'm home! :)/:(
Not which smiley it should be.. Maybe : would be appropriate. Yes, : It is. Hahaha =) Zzz... Ah well. In some ways I'm glad to be back, in other ways I'm not.
I must've been the foolish to think that... Nevermind.
Shall upload photos some other time when I'm free-er. Chionging piano homework now. Highly unproductive, really. Either it's because the passages are superrrrrrrr long or I'm just not focusing. Sigh. I'll just do my best.
Till next time, hello :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:10:00 pm
Friday, November 23, 2007 :)
I love my little godsiblings, they're hilarious. Unintentionally. Little Anna's 6, and little Caleb's 4. And Kai Ma = Godma. Here goes, they got me laughing like mad.
Kai ma: Anna, Mrs ___ said that you and Amber are really talkative in class! You two just go on and on and keep on talking to each other!
Anna: -stares at her mummy- I know!
Hahahaha gosh, would've expected her to justify that accusation or something eh.
So just before dinner today, Caleb prayed and asked little Ryan (his best friend) to pray too.
Caleb: Ryan lets say the preschool prayer together! I promise I'll say! Say it together! -closes eyes tight and clasps hands together while Ryan stares with a grin at us, wide-eyed-
(Eventually he too, shuts his eyes and puts his hands together, occasionally peeking at us with an eye open. Just imagine kids praying, it's all the same =P)
So they pray.
Caleb: Amen!
Caleb: WE DID IT!! -huge smile across his face as he turns to hug Ryan-
We were all trying not to laugh or just laugh silently while they prayed, but when Caleb made his exclamation we collapsed laughing.
I love these kids, really. Love to hug them and hold their hands. Except when Caleb digs his nose, that is. Do all kids dig their noses?! And they're really proud of it... Ah well. They'll grow out of it =P
Spent just about the whole day baking with Kai Ma cos baby Megan was sick and we couldn't go out and she had millions (not really) of apples which were horrible to eat and we had to cook, so we made apple pie and apple tarts :)) Baking "lessons" at Ben's house came in handy aiee :) Thanks Ah Ben! :)
Oh, lovable as the kids are, it's scary watching them play. Seriously. Not cos it's dangerous or anything, it's just... scary. You get the feeling they're playing so hard they'll drop dead or you won't be able to control them or something. Scary.
Ah well, horse-riding with little Anna and Kai Ma tomorrow. We're all really excited. And Anna and I have a lot of similar interests! All our favourite things are the same!
Hearts, flowers, pink, horses, piano, drawing, writing, reading. That's quite a lot, ain't it? :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!3:42:00 pm
Thursday, November 22, 2007 :)
WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:59:00 pm
Thank God You're Here!
Fantastic show, one of the best live shows I've watched on TV. They get comedians to walk into a room with some funny setting and they're supposed to "fit in" with everything. What they say and do, it's just hilarious. Gotta search youtube for videos! :)
All the kias are in church planning for GB camp tomorrow. Ok, not all. Heard from LKY. Gosh, wish I could be there! :( Miss lots of kias, and my darlings from school too :(
But on a lighter note, choir camp/farewell night is on 29/30 Nov! :) YAY!! But 30 is a Saturday. Will probably have to miss FF :( Bleah, we'll see how it goes.
Time to sleep! (No, it's almost 1am over here)
Good night :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:33:00 pm
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 :)
Greetings from Wellington! (gosh, I'm so uncreative...)
It's nice here, the weather's really cold (and no, the kiwis don't think so) the wind's really cold. Nicer than Melbourne cos there're no flies...
Went shopping with Kai Ma today. Dad's flown to Auckland for meetings, was playing with the kids and all. tomorrow's gonna be quite an adventure!
Either horse-riding or trekking (SHIOK! I mean, the horseriding more shiok la =P) Then gonna be doing some crafts thing, but might do it another day so little Anna can come along =) Haha girly stuff, only when Dad's not around. Hmmm.
Love the house, love the kids, love the weather, love the company, love the people, love the food.....
I should just migrate here!
Kidding, I still love Singapore more =D
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:26:00 pm
Sunday, November 18, 2007 :)
Leaving Melbourne tomorrow, gonna miss my 2 crazy, whacky, try-to-speak-chinese, try-to-speak-singlish, sitcom-like, pose-for-camera, jump-in-the-freezing-water cousins. =(
But the past few days with them has been great, esp Kevman. We actually can talk about stuff. Oh and today he was trying to explain that volcanoes do become extinct by becoming mountains. I didn't believe him cos he's always talking nonsense until Darrell came and justified it and said they become dormant and what not.
I shall do my research... hahahah and until next time, SWAT THE FLIES.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!3:37:00 pm
Friday, November 16, 2007 :)
GREETINGS again. Hahahaha. Gosh. So tempting to add "FROM MARS". Haha. Currently staying at Springvale Road, with my dearest cousins :) And aunt and uncle la of course. Ah, they're home.
Take care all :) The weather here rocks. Air con =P
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!6:50:00 pm
Thursday, November 15, 2007 :)
Greetings from Melbourne! Ok, Box Hill seems like Hong Kong. Hahaha my Dad asked "Where are all the Australians!" Amusing. Haha. The flight up (or should I say, down,) was rather interesting, with the stop-by at Perth at all. Sat next to an Indian man who was really nice, a retiree going for his niece's wedding in Perth :)
Gonna head to the Hawkins' after this :) At the OM Australia office waiting for a ride... hahahaha. Ok. Take care y'all! See you soon :)
And today, I realised something.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!2:14:00 pm
Monday, November 12, 2007 :)
I hate it when I feel lost. Like, really lost. And confused. All emotions in a mess, the feeling is really horrid. Internal turmoil. Zzz.... Oh well.
Chem was tricky. Quite a few from TYS, but other really strangeeeeeee questions, Ben will probably agree with me. Haha. Physics was good, not too bad other than the fact that I was extremely distracted, which was really irritating. Couldn't help it la. Really wanted to cry cos I was feeling so crappy. Zzz...
On the brighter side, I made a new friend today! :) Haha, I almost missed the lift, cos I went back to get a book. But caught it, and saw a girl inside, holding some O level book. Found out she's taking the same papers as me, had been staying in the same block for the same number of years as me, same age as me, but somehow never met her before. Haha. Chatted for a while, and it was nice =) Friendly girl! Haha.
Got out of the lift, I turned left, she right, and guess what? We met at the bus stop. Ya, apparently I've been walking the long route. Hahahaha she was at the bus stop way before me. Zzz. But ah well :) Glad to have met her! Haha.
Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this on my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
To save me from this road
I'm on
Jesus take the wheel
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!5:56:00 pm
Thursday, November 08, 2007 :)
Yes, they are cute. Hahahaha. So says Glenn, Jing Ming, and Desiree. WOO HOO!
See la, so excited about this kind of nonsense.
And, SHALL WE DANCE is a SUPER NICE MOVIE! Ok la, maybe cos it's been a decade since I've sat in front of the TV... But yes, it's really really sweet :)
Made me quite happy I signed up for Ballroom dancing as an elective at Synod camp, HAHAHA big joke!
THE GAME PLAN is super nice too. Laughed real hard, cried quite hard also, I must say. Gosh, I should watch movies with Charmaine my darling. Laugh and cry at the same things. Haha. I miss you girl :)
Anyway to all ye reading, TAKE CARE ;)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:44:00 pm
This song made me cry yesterday night.
On the Side of Me - Corrinne May
I'm not the easiest person to love
I'm often the one who lets things go unresolved
Yet you choose to be on the side of me
On the side of me
I'm not too proud of some things
I've done in my life
The skeletons in my closet
Are too big for me to hide
Yet you choose to be on the side of me
On the side of me
Blessed Charity
You're on the side of me
On the side of me
Cos everyone needs a friend to hold
When it's cold outside
And there's no place to go
I remember when nobody cared
But You
I'm not the easiest person to love
But you, you've opened your heart
To show me what I'm worth
'Cause you choose to be on the side of me
On the side of me
What a mystery
You're on the side of me
On the side of me
I remember when nobody cared
Nobody cared
But You.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!5:39:00 pm
Wednesday, November 07, 2007 :)
Audrey/Chong Ping's Wedding Dinner! :) Yes, they're finally married. I'm really really really happy for them =D =D =D Mdm Tan, here we come =P

Yao Qi Man!
Seanster =)

Shaun kia =)

Roy! =P

Neoprint... HAHA

Melissa =D

The other Marianne =)

Ah Soon =) ie Melvin!

Unglam shot hahaha

Glenn/Mary/Xiaobai =P

Evanny! =P

And the lovely mentor :) Amanda!
Roy has lots more. Hahaha get them from him when he's free =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!1:21:00 pm
So these are the 3 kias' birthday photos! =) Sorry ah, only got 3 Lol!

The aftermath of Ben's laughing/weird-concoction-spitting

Kim! Careful! =P

Desire and her wormy-shitty hat. Hahahaha with maggots included zzzzz lol!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!1:10:00 pm
Hmmm, learnt a lot about love during QT today. Kinda made me think a lot. Strange thing was the topic was on "Conflict with others" due to our sinful nature. Haha. Wouldn't have expected the subject of love to have hit me so hard, but it did.
If only the spirit of self-assertion could be replaced by the spirit of self-sacrifice, our conflicts would cease. Self-sacrifice is what the Bible means by 'love'. While sin is possessive, love is expansive. Sin's characteristic is the desire to get; love's characteristic is the desire to give.
And there was a little poem below that section.
Love ever gives,
Forgives, outlives,
And ever stands with open hands,
And while it lives it gives.
For this is love's prerogative,
To give - and give - and give.
Many times, it's easy to become self-centred. Wait, we are by nature, self-centred. Yet the call to love, is the very same call to put aside this self-centredness and put others before ourselves.
Impossible, isn't it? At least it seems so. To give the better to somebody else, to look after them before ourselves, to sacrifice what we would have, so that they would be happier.
And it occurred to me how difficult it is. Even for the people I love most, sometimes I want the best for myself, I want it all to be about me. So, is this really love? Having people love me? Getting the best for myself at the expense of others?
No, that isn't what it's about. Love is about giving. Love comes with sacrifice. Love isn't just a nice word that you say when you're happy. Love comes with responsibility.
Yes, I do want to love. Show true love. Practical love. I want to give, without thinking about what I need, because I know I have my provider. I want to give and bless, as I have been blessed. But I can't do it on my own, I know I'll need His grace and power. But slowly, with His love and power at work in my life, I will love the way He wants me to love :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:55:00 pm
Friday, November 02, 2007 :)
Physics is over! Taking a break (a long one at that) before chionging for Biology and SS. I mean, today.
If my brain's saturated maybe later I'll drop by church and help out with the deco for the wedding.
IT'S FINALLY TIME FOR THE WEDDING =P =P =P =P I bet you Audrey won't be able to sleep tonight =P but then again, neither will Chong Ping la right hahaha. I can't wait :)
Mum got them a SUPER FUNNY wedding present. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it HAHAHA.
Oh ladida. Physics was quite ok today, praise God!
I got Beautiful Seed, it's not too bad! But all piano songs, haha.
And and and Esplanade Library rocks! Gonna spend a whole day there... some day. Hahaha the scores. Woooooo! Bring $500 and photocopy hahahaha!
Been thinking about what makes people happy lately. Material things, intangible stuff too. Mmm... :)
And thinking about a lot of 'What if's too. Not really very good to think about that. But! Anyway :)
Oh oh, on the way home I figured that Bio and Physics DO have a link! Like how wearing black on a cold day actually makes you even colder? Cos black absorbs and radiates heat bla bla bla... Then how come you still keep warm right? HOMEOSTASIS! =P Stimulus, corrective mechanism, negative feedback! =P
Ya, and when I saw a flower yesterday with its stigma and anther drooping out of the petals, I thought, "Wind-pollinated". Cham ah, study too much liao. Wooo but quite shiok I must say. Hahahaha.
Billy Bombers was super fun man :) -hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:07:00 pm