Friday, December 28, 2007 :)
Weee! Back from Pulau Ubin :) A pretty eventful past few days, I must say... Haha.
It was meaningful getting confirmed on Christmas Day. Wey and Yee Hern didn't come cos Yee Hern was sick, and Shermine overslept. Haha. But okay... It was nice giving away the presents and seeing people happy :) Sam was extremely excited about the helicopter. Amazingly it didn't break although it probably crashed about 500 times in the 10 minutes the kias played with it. Hardy toy, worth the money. Hahaha.
Headed to Mama's house and played with the cousins. It was nice not having to worry about work and just play after so long :) Hope I'll have time next year to catch up with them! Headed to Tanya's at night and had a lil party. Wee wee choo.... Hahahaha every year la. Haha.
Headed to Pulau Ubin the next day with Cheryl, Xian Shaun, Bryan, Mum and Dad. Marilyn joined us later. Cycling was extremely enjoyable! Fantastic exercise after so long. Dirt treks and slopes and all, super shiokamania. Tiring but shiokamania. And muddy. Shiok =P Thank goodness I was wearing slippers. Haha. Poor Cheryl got her shoes soaked in mud... And she was super funny la. Everytime she had to go through mud she'd be screaming. Hahahahaha. Extremely amusing.
Mum, Dad and I deduced that she's ok if she's screaming, only when she's silent means we'd have to stop. Hahahaha. Amusing...
Talked to Shaun while cycling with Bryan and Cheryl OBVIOUSLY eavesdropping... Hahahaha quite funny also ah.
Some pretty nice views and stuff, played cards and had dinner together. Played more cards before Cheryl and Xian Shaun had to take the last ferry back to Marina. Made 2 roses with the crepe paper Bryan got to make more roses for his friend. Then played more cards with Mum and Marilyn.
Woke up at an unearthly hour the next morning and cycled in the dark to the village to take the bump boat with Bryan and Dad. 2 dogs were really friendly and ran with us all the way! :) Anyway, took a cab from Changi Village to MJC. Er Hao was right behind me! Went in and checked out the groupings and waited for Khye An before going up.
Lo and behold, Bao Xian was in my group!! Bao Xian's my kindergarten bestie :) Talked to her a little but hopefully will catch up more with her soon! Sitting next to me was a scholar from India, Ishlee. Super cool!
Was really tired so dozed off a lil during the talks. But I'm really excited cos I chose a combi that's quite cool... Decided to be garang for the 1st 2 months and go for it. So I chose 4 H2 subjects. Haha. Phy Chem Lit Maths. Hopefully I'll get it :)
Had lunch with classmates, headed to Joc's house to fill in the online application and headed back to Pulau Ubin! Bla bla bla... Ok nothing much else happening. Oh, Jadon wants to be my dad's godpa. Hahahaha!
Ok. That's all... See you guys!
Why do I have to let myself be SO EASILY AFFECTED!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!3:10:00 pm
All right, here's some photos from the last few days just for you! Sorry, you may wanna start at the bottom... Heh. :) Enjoy!

Cyclists by day, gamblers by night... Right. Nice cards, Cheryl. A pity I didn't see them earlier =P

Beautiful Feet! =D
Stuck in the mud! Look at Mum's face =P And Cheryl attempting to stop... hahaha.

Bus stop!?
Mum, Bryan, Xian Shaun (is this gonna be a permanent name?), Marilyn, Marianne and Cheryl! Chek Jawa's watch tower (or something along that line)

Heh =P The Hui Siblings and the Sabo-techniques =P Oh, that's kimmy =P

My lovely family - Justin, Me, Mum and Dad (duh!?!)

Gan Ma! =)

before entering MJC.
Justin, Amanda, Jonathan, Zhi Kai,
and Kimberly
after leaving MJC...

Out at Taka with my darlings and we met Jollyn the birthday girl =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!2:09:00 pm
Monday, December 24, 2007 :)
Yesterday was a good day :)
Wasn't really feeling close to God in church yesterday, and for some reason felt distant from Him. But towards the end of the sermon, Ps Tim said something that really touched me and moved me to tears. The story about the little girl and her father did it for me, because I'm just like that little girl.
In a way. I just keep reaching out for His hand, keep trying to impress, keep trying to be better. Keep forgetting that I'm saved by grace, not by my own talents (and thank goodness I'm not saved by my own talents, if not I wouldn't be saved). And all the while I'm so caught up with my own desires that I lose focus on the big picture.
That God's the one holding out His hand, and He's just waiting for me to take it. So that He holds me and I hold Him too, and when I fall, He'll make me stand again, back on my feet, knowing full well that He'll never let me go.
Even the thought of it now, again, moves me. Our God is an awesome God :)
Stayed back in church and learnt to fold the roses after a few failed attempts. They turned out pretty nicely after that :) Left at 2 and zhun zhun met my friend in the train on the exact same carriage at the exact same door. Quite cool. Chionged to S.A.M. and got tickets to watch the Wild Empire :) It was great!
Was talking nonsense the whole time in between the songs while the choir walked on and off the stage. And before the performances too. Total nonsense. Laugh until stomach ache only. Hahaha.
Chatted with Wan Rong and Miss Ong for a lil bit and headed to buy more Christmas presents. :) Quite touched by the kias; how they'd go out of their way to buy presents they know their friends will like. :) Not referring to me ah. Haha.
Had dinner with Kat, Willie, Wey Zi and Sam at some posh restaurant at Clarke Quay. Thank goodness we had a 30% discount cos Kat and Willie work there if not... wouldn't have enough money to pay. Haha. Wey Zi seemed to get worried everytime we arrowed him to pay. Lol. Kiam siap =P hahaha kidding.
Spent a long time walking to find somewhere for dessert cos someone didn't know the way =P Settled somewhere and they told us all the desserts were half price! SHIOK! So. shiok la :)
Got home near 12am, knocked out at 2am and woke up at 12.30pm. Super shiokamania ok. 10.5h seems really really long and I figured I deserved the sleep since I've been sleeping 7h a night since I got back TS. Somehow 10.5h seems really long, though in the past it'd be short cos 13h is long LOL. Ah well.
I'm glad I'm staying home today. Just slack and write cards. Ok, that's not really slack. But aiya, I'm just glad to stay home today after being out every single day. Ridiculous... But aiee.
Merry Christmas Eve! :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!2:18:00 pm
Saturday, December 22, 2007 :)
:) Today's been cool. Met Amanda and Jess and watched National Treasure which was shiokkkkkkk. Really nice :) Met Shermine and headed to Peninsula Plaza and got my skinny jeans. It's nuts there man.
Oh oh, thanks Alan for being so patient with me over the phone and slowly guiding me there =) Really appreciate it! :) It's pretty nuts down there man. Mega competition mania. You have a guy standing another shop asking people to go to his shop to buy skinny jeans. Hahahaha I was rather amused...
Got a black pair, and Shermine was at another shop trying on a green pair, much to our... disgust. Hahaha and she was so happy that hers were 10 cents cheaper than mine. Hahaha that made me oh-so-jealous =P But in the end she didn't get it la. Hahaha.
Amanda left, and we waiting for Jocelyn for really long to eat dinner at Pepper Lunch. Got pretty seh waiting. Hahaha oh we met Jollyn the birthday girl at Takashimaya =) Looking really pretty in her pretty black dress! Hahaha.
Was a pig. Finished my meal and ate the leftovers from Joc. Then had ice cream. Tsk tsk tsk... Headed to watch Rachelle's play, which was a great show =) Nice costumes and all, a pity the mikes were a little too soft. But it was good =) Quite funny too! =) And met Ryan the long-lost-kindergarten-friend who's Rachelle's good friend. Hahaha. :)
Anyway, today's a good day cos I managed to confide in one of the kias about something I've been struggling with for the past few days. And I was reminded of what I should be doing. It's true - you know the answers, but you just don't see it until somebody tells you.
God really provides the way out. He's so gracious. Everytime I'm caught in a tough situation, He provides a friend who's caught in a similar situation and we help each other out, encouraging and praying for one another.
That's the power of love and grace :)
I'm thankful :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:34:00 am
Friday, December 21, 2007 :)

Emily darling! :)

This was the MV for Sexyback, seriously, they just show nonsense for videos they don't have... Quite funny.

Glor, Em, Maine, Mari

Colin looking _____.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:52:00 am
Emily's back :) Met up with her, Maine, Alan, Jeremy, Michelle, Gloria and Colin. It was actually rather enjoyable :) We were gonna go Iceskating and I was really excited about it but in the end they had no size 7 skates and the rink was really crowded so we settled for Kbox instead :( / :) I don't know which smiley it should be.
So Kbox was quite all right, pretty fun. But it was daylight robbery man. $25 for 3h of singing. Madness nonsense. Apparently one TINY bowl of "snacks" was $6. Nuts. (meaning both crazy and that the snacks contained nuts) we didn't even know; we thought they were on the house so we didn't finish it. -_-"
Went to PS with Alan, Gloria and Maine after that to get Emily's rings and had dinner at Carl's Jr. Walked around PS for a while and headed home.
Did something "productive" AGAIN. And while I was about to do somebody's Christmas present, all the emotions I'd been concealing for the day came rushing back, triggered by the thought of Jon Ma's junior's death. Just cried it out to God.
Advice: If you really need to cry but can't seem to cry, listen to When The Tears Fall, sure cry...
So yeah. And I don't like the lyrics of Jay Chou's songs. SO DEPRESSING. -_- Tune is nice, but the lyrics (if I understood them right...) are really sad :(
Ah well. Going out again tomorrow. Will try to get my skinny jeans from Peninsula Plaza! :) Yayyyy. And Christmas shopping is done, so sad :( Ok, technically I have 2 more important presents to get. But I'm done with all the rest, just gotta do the cards. CHIONG AH =P
Good night darlings :) Photos up in a jiffy!
When you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:18:00 am
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 :)
I'm back from Synod camp and Teenstreet! Have been back for a while, actually, but ain't got time to blog. Seems like I'm going out every day, not too sure why.
I could blog now, but I don't have the mood too, sorry guys. Check back soon enough.
When inside you're a mess, and you try not to seem it.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!11:44:00 pm
Tuesday, December 04, 2007 :)

Ellis the joker/entertainer =P

Daryl Bong! and the draft lol :)

Jude and JJ, VP and ex-VP/P =D

The Sec 4s! All this was after Farewell night, btw. After we got chased out of school. Lol

And this was at the BBQ the next day! W Pris, JM, Adele, Kai Wei and Yan Hua =D Lovely ladies!

Ok. This photo marks the start of EXTREMELY UNGLAM shots. You have been warned... Ya, my camera lens cracked after Ellis took this photo of himself. LOL.

Not unglam. Yet. GIRLS' SHOT! =P

Say hello to fats... Adele spoiler la smile until so nice =P And KW has no double chin LOL.

Retarded smile - 2006

Retarded smile - 2007. Retards remain as retards la hor. But retards make good entertainers so... =P

Think this photo is hilarious. Elsen was trying to um, shoot JM with, um, H2O.
So we headed downtown to the arcade after the BBQ and there were quite a few funny shots to take while waiting to play TC3.

Hey choir guys can play world combat ok... I tried to get a shot where Ryan closed his mouth but I think it's a conditioned reflex action to open his mouth when he holds a gun, lol.

Pinyi playing TC4 and Melvin... tries to help him. XP

Melvin attacks Judeeee

And tries then to use 4 guns at a go. Hahaha super retarded... Say hello to the next choir joker/entertainer! =P
Ok, gotta run now. Meeting Shermine and Jess and later Jollyn and Joc to eat Yukiyaki, almost fainted when they told me how much the meal costs. Zzz... Never mind. Haven't been out with these darlings in ages! :)
Synod camp and Teenstreet start tomorrow, oleh! Excited :)
But just found out yesterday that Jess is going to study in Australia. Quite sad. Especially when Clara'd just left. I hope I'll see her again, though I doubt I will. Oh well.
Time to go, blog about my trip erm, after Teenstreet. Till then, take care! I won't be blogging, that's for sure :) so take care, y'all! :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!3:55:00 pm
Saturday, December 01, 2007 :)
The past 2 days in school have been awesome :) First time I can go to school and not worry about homework/studying :)
On Thursday we have Farewell night, and yesterday the Sec 4s crashed the BBQ and most of us managed to evade getting drenched. Ya, I was smart enough to wear white so they could NOT wet me =P Hahaha no la, I just didn't think I was gonna play so I didn't wear a dark colour. I guess that was wise anyway =P
But anyway, not much time to blog now, gotta chiong to Tao Nan for the Myopia Project and then to piano and then we're having a sequel to the camp! I'm really excited cos Shermine's coming!! =D
I'll blog about farewell and the BBQ soon, with pictures and all. But before that, I just wanna thank the committee again:
Thank you for putting so much time and effort into the preparation, it really shows how much effort you guys put in, for the food, the games, the performances, the com skit, the video. Doesn't matter if there were mistakes here or there, the point is you guys gave it your best, and it really shows. So thank you for all your sincerity and effort, and for making the night such a memorable one :)
You guys have really shown that we didn't make a mistake selecting you guys for the com, and I'm glad you've pulled through one tough year. Things will get better next year, and as you grow as leaders I'm sure you'll grow as singers too :) So keep persevering! And like Daryl and I sang in the song, we'll always be here to support you as you grow! Just call us when you need help and we'll come down gladly to help you guys :) Mai pai sei ah!
And choir, you guys will be a Gold with Honours choir to all of us. Attitude, spirit, and entertaining. That's what it's about, the passion to sing. And you guys have it, so never let that passion die :) Don't let external factors demoralise you or get you down, cos you guys are strong enough to stand against that. So always give your best! :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:10:00 am