Sunday, January 27, 2008 :)
I've been MIA for a while eh. Been really busy! I've gotta go chiong tutorials now but just a little update.
Really thankful to God for blessing me and many of my friends with good results, I'm glad many of us will be staying in/coming to MJC =) MJ WILL WIN THE WAR =P
Went ice-skating twice in 2 days. Rather shiok I must say. One day I'll be as good as Khye An and Glenn =P Ya, KA's gonna pon school for a week to go iceskating hahaha like you have the money ah =P Anyway that guy's getting serious about his work, so proud of him!
And so happy for KJ and Jude too! SURPRISING O LEVEL RESULTS AH =D Really really happy for them and for sooooooo many other people too! =))
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:13:00 pm
Friday, January 18, 2008 :)
Call me retarded, cos I really am.
Ps LKY just smsed me to ask me about Ben's flight details.
And I just realised he's leaving today.
Yeah sure, I knew all the while. But it just hit me.
I'm gonna be missing one of my best friends for a while :( Feel like crying :( Never mind. He'll be back soon :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!4:16:00 pm
Monday, January 14, 2008 :)
A conversation during Math tutorial with Darren and Eugene. These guys are full of nonsense.
Eugene: Eh Marianne, there's this ____ girl in your ____ class right?
Me: Ya! She's quite pretty leh, you interested right =P
-Darren teases Eugene-
Eugene: Eh, what's her name ah!
Me: _________
Darren: Can she like, speak... English?
Me: What!?!?! -amused-
Darren: As in, you know, does she talk, normally?
Me: DUH!!
Eugene: Should give her an English name. I'll call her Roxane!
Darren: Hey! You're Roxane right? No? WELL NOW YOU ARE! -satisfied look-
Almost died laughing. This is entertainment for a quiet class.... Hahaha. And I'm rather amused because Eugene treats me like a boy. Hahaha! Ok, he was in the same class as Ben! From ACSI! Haha =) Ok.
See you guys soon =) Long day tmr. Nighty!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!10:49:00 pm
Sunday, January 13, 2008 :)
Jesus, make me right with You again.
Help me to be able to give it all up to You.
Help me to surrender.
I'm too stubborn.
But Lord, you can take the heart of stone too.
Lord, take it all. Please Jesus, take it all.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!5:52:00 pm
Okay, here are random photos from my handphone! Really really random =)
5 people playing the DDR on Wii. Hahahaha. And still can fail. GG man.
Twister! Hannah and I =P
These 2, always kena twisted until siao. Go Nathan =P
The most difficult Sudoku I've done I think... Haha in Pulau Ubin!
Shaun kia at the airport when we sent off Daphne to China.
Funniest menu in the world. It reads:2 slices Garlic BreadHome made of Fresh Garlic, Strong Garlic Spicy and Smell
The best brother in the world =)
The roses I made in Pulau Ubin while Bryan made a bouquet for his friend. LOOK CHERYL! SO NICE RIGHT =P
Me, Gloria, Charmaine and Emily darlings =)


Constipated Jon Ma eating some weird, bitter vege hahaha.

Ok. On the way to Pulau Ubin, there was this Malay couple in front of Cheryl and I. They had such great fun taking pictures of each others' eye that we decided to try it too. Ok la not bad, quite fun la. Only took one shot though. Felt stupid after that LOL.

Borders at Parkway. Meet the next Donald Trump!
ATLAS 1! Written by Cheryl (not the one above this picture) with curry sauce. Hahaha!
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!5:27:00 pm
Friday, January 11, 2008 :)
I must say, studying in MJC is fun =X Hahaha how crazy right? But I was actually quite happy to receive assignments this week. Learning is fun, it's quite exciting (for now) cos every concept is so new. And I just miss using my brain la.
Was talking to Number 2 =P about how cool terms are now. Like how we HAVE NO HOMEWORK ANYMORE!!! But we have tutorials. And NO MORE LESSONS!!! But lectures and consultations... Hahaha we were highly amused.
Had CCA recruitment the other day, and we were trying to convince the guys who got accepted to join choir. Attempted to teach Darren breathing techniques but he looked super funny doing it. He had to think in order to breathe. Hahaha.
Visited HSC yesterday and saw Mr Tan and Mr Yap. And Mrs Tang who was in class. How anti-climatic. Both Mr Tan and Mrs Tang were in the midst of scolding the class and being angry and they suddenly looked so happy and excited to see us. Then Mrs Tang told us to faster go because she's supposed to be angry. Hahahaha NOW WE KNOW... =P
And Hai Sing is SO HOT compared to MJC. MJC is super ventilated la. Staircases, classrooms, hall, everywhere. Hai Sing ah, we couldn't figure out why it's so hot... Just a lot of walls everywhere I guess.
Met our CT today, Dr Vaz, super cool guy. Was telling us that we should know that we shouldn't do some silly things in class, like hanging and swinging from the fan. Yes, it is fun, but that is something you should not do... I couldn't stop laughing.
CBSI STARTS TONIGHT!! YAY!! Been waiting for super long for it to commence :) Need more spiritual food... :)
I'll trust in You; all my desires are in Your hands.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!3:25:00 pm
Monday, January 07, 2008 :)
First day of lessons! I don't know how to describe them!
Oh, wait, this was a BAD BAD BAD first day of school. Missed the bus and ended up late for school cos there was a massive jam on the TPE. And to make things worse, Dom and KA decided to wait for me, so they were late for school too. I owe them man!
So anyway, so that started bad. Then after the long, excruciating talks, all the HSC people had 2.5h before our lessons began. So we decided we'd pay a visit to Hai Sing, only to get caught on the overhead bridge and all tio meh. :( But they let us off since it's the first time, thankfully =)
Chilled in school with some of my classmates and crashed H2 Lit class (which was exactly the same as H1 Lit class an hour later LOL!) Had Physics which was HILARIOUS, the teacher was teaching us how to use the phone outside the office. Utterly hilarious. Laughed like mad. And when he started talking about the history of Physics, I fell asleep. Wow. Ok la, dozed a little only. Haha.
Chem was cool, a little stressful cos I realised I kinda forgot stuff. Or maybe it's just more complicated in JC. And they were going really fast, so was feeling a little stressed out. But I'll have to get used to this I guess! Maths was kinda stressful too. Talking about polynomials and stuff... Not used to all this fast-paced, mass lectures. Ahhhh! Thank God for first 2 months =X
Ok, so tomorrow's a new day. Just finished all the worship stuff. Yay =) Gonna go study. I'm actually quite thankful I have homework... Kinda missed it -_- and I have to finish a novel by this week. 400 pages only! I'm 1% done :) Yay? Hahaha.
Oh, Darren's funny. Was talking about real numbers during maths, somehow the conversation became nonsensical, what with insane numbers and unreal numbers (which are numbers you can't see). Very dumb. But stress-relief la huh after the SURPRISE QUIZ ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.
Okay! Take care =) And I'll probably join MJChoir, my heart's with choir =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:55:00 pm
Sunday, January 06, 2008 :)
What can I say?
MJC Orientation rocked :)
Why does it hurt? It hurts so bad... It hurts.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!8:03:00 pm
Wednesday, January 02, 2008 :)
The Nicest thought ever:
One day, I won't have to worry about anything.
One day, all problems, pain, suffering will end.
One day, all I'll be doing is worshipping.
Dancing in His presence.
One day, I'll be with my Saviour for eternity, enjoying the streets of gold, the room prepared for me by my Lord.
And one day, I'll get to hug my Saviour, my King, my Lord, and my God, my Jesus. And I'll get to hug Him and never let go. And I know He'll have enough hands to hug anyone else who wants to hug Him.
I think that'll be the nicest hug in the world. The nicest hug ever. And you know what? I just can't wait to have that hug :)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!9:23:00 pm