Just found this while trying to copy documents into the hard disk before we send the computer for repairs. It's been sounding like a hair dryer/vacuum cleaner for ages now. Feels strange when I come across a silent computer these days. Hmmm.
Anyway, this is 2E1 '05. I miss those days. Look at us man, like kiddos! Seriously! Look at us now, see how we've grown. Another 3 years from now and I'd be repeating myself =) Man, we looked cute last time =)
Can we not grow up? Pleaseeeeeeeeeee? I wanna remain carefree! (not that I am now but I mean last time!) Haha. Oh well. Good thing about growing up --> CAN GET MARRIED!!!! Hahahaha. Desiree/Amanda're probably going "Oh no you're becoming like Justin!" Lol. Oh well. Haha. =D Lalala. Okay. Just thinking of it makes me happy. Lalala. Hahaha. Okay enough!
Since I'm here might as well let you guys catch up with my life right. Lol. Dina's funny! Her laughter's super contagious. Hear her laugh I sure cannot stop. She brought Indo mooncakes today at the command or Mr Chee K.P. LOL! Super nice man. Apparently they're the most expensive ones in her district! =) And she kindly shared it over Physics consultation.
Being the bimbos that we are, or rather, the "Infamous B gang", we kept giggling over stupid stuff. Eventually mooncake came flying out of Yenti's mouth. Hahahaha. So scary. But it was funny =) Mr Chee ended up taking all the mooncakes. Hahahaha.
Lalala. Okay I think this is the longest post in a long time right? =)
AUDREY'S GIVEN BIRTH YIPPEEE YAI YAY!! =D So excited and happy for them! =) Still remember how we used to call her Mdm Tan from Bukit Anak Kambeng or whatever. Lol! I can't wait to see the baby =) School's out on Thursday and Friday so some of us kias may go visit her before CBSI =) So happy!
Siew Kee gave birth too =) 26 Aug, 2 days before me! I have a feeling Thaddeus will be to Megan what Justin is to me =) The best brother anyone could find! =) I'm really blessed!
Anyway, got back on track with God =) Which is probably the best news, isn't it? Life without Him is so empty. I don't ever ever wanna experience turning away from Him again. He's the only one who can give me the peace, comfort, assurance and love that nobody else can give. Reminds me of what the ODJ said the other day, that He is our First Love.
The love that often leaves us doubtful, frustrated, hurt, angry - that's our second love - be it accolades or praises from family, friends, spouses, or teachers. So true isn't it, how human love so often hurts us, although it wasn't intended. I'm thankful that God loves us in His own way, and that man can never meet His perfect standard, His perfect love which completes us =)
I'm glad we can't comprehend fully what God does and how He thinks. If we, in our human wisdom, could understand how God works, that would make us God. Some things are not meant for us to know, and it's up to us to trust God and His sovereign will. That's where faith comes in, I guess. It's strange. That even though I can't see Him (I never have), I know He's real. I know He listens when I talk to Him, I know He cares when I cry. I know He rejoices when I smile, and I know He smiles when I honour Him =)
I'm so thankful =) Thankful for everything that He is to me, everything that He's given. Lalala! =D I'm glad that my joy rests in the hands of my Saviour =)
Okay! That's a long post! Please don't hang on me! Jia you to all of you who're studying for Promos/Prelims/___ Levels! And to everyone else too, do your best and have no regrets =) Realised I should just do my best for Him, not for myself =) I'll be much more easily satisfied that way - by simply doing my best =)
Jesus loves you! And me! =)
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!7:33:00 pm
Monday, September 01, 2008 :)
Marianne needs help.
Marianne is giving up.
Marianne is sinking.
Marianne needs Jesus. Desperately.
What, ho, what, ho, what, ho!12:36:00 pm