I have come to realise that what adults/parents say to their children/the children under their care is crucial to the child's development as a person. I'm glad I wasn't born 50 years ago because the style of upbringing is so different, so violent, and so irritating! Not that now it's much better. People complain that kids behave badly, I'd blame the parents.
So I was having lunch yesterday with the P1s and 2s. An adorable little P1 girl was sitting next to me. Her name will be ALPG (short for adorable little P1 girl) for now.
ALPG: You know right, if you leave the food inside your mouth; this food, cooked already, inside your mouth and never chew, or you chew very slowly, it will all become worms!
NSCBG: -unconvinced face-
ALPG: Really! It will really become worms then it will go into your tummy then all the worms! -finger wriggling to show how worms wriggle- My mummy tell me one!
Ha ha ha, retarded woman just doesn't want you to take your own sweet time eating, dear innocent girl...PS: NSCBG = not so cute big girl.
So we have parents in this day and age telling their little kids that their food will become worms. So irritating, I feel like knocking some sense into ALPG's mother. Seriously.
Like how my dad was once talking about this lady and her son (he met them at the lift landing). So in the lift, this is what happens...
Auntie: Ha! You want to be naughty somemore!? Wait this uncle catch you and take you to the police station!
My awesome dad: Har?! Excuse me? What did I do wrong?! @#)$*%&#!
Okay I'm just kidding about the expletives. :) But you get my point. Such parents are so irritating. Especially those that scold their kid for falling down/spilling a drink. Come on, even you make mistakes sometimes, forget scolding just cos they do something wrong on accident! Pfft.
Okay, anyway. I also get quite upset with parents who just make their kids do homework 24/7 - the kid gets upset cos he doesn't get to play at the age of 8 - student-care teachers scold him continually because he doesn't want to do his extra homework and blacklist him as a naughty, rebellious boy who "only wants to play", and when he really does do his work, he's scolded in front of the whole group of kids for "always being the slowest". Exasperating.
Who said that being a teacher is a waste of talent? I happen to strongly believe that a teacher/educator plays a crucial role in shaping a child's character and future. Even more so now after my very long 3 days of experience as one :) Hahaha.
Okay. Day 2 brought me 8 little girls holding my hands/arms (yes they had to resort to holding my arms cos I only have 2 hands). Day 3 brought me half of the P1s and 2s who wanted me to sit with them for lunch. Unfortunately, half of them had to be let down. Which was quite difficult for me as well because they really looked so defeated when I told them that I couldn't sit with them. Tsk. What nonsense right. Hahahaha.
Okay so I'm still enjoying my job, although today was only Wednesday and I was hoping that somehow it was already Friday because I was so tired.... Yes. Haha.
Yesterday evening was Chocobo Racing with Khye An, Dom, Alvin, Amos, Koong Jye and Wei Xiang. Yes, I was the only girl there, but somehow I did not feel out of place at all. I'm really thankful for this group of friends (especially KA, Dom and KJ) who always look out for me and make sure I'm home safely, and whom I can totally fit in with :) They are one of the two groups of guys that I can hang out with and not feel strange. The other group is the Kias from the current J2 batch, thanks to weekly Sunday lunches together :) haha.
I've signed up for driving!!!!!!! DRIVING!!!!!! =D =D =D =D YAY!!!!!! hahahaha so freaking exciting. Registration alone cost me $172.50... That's a good 4 days of work. I don't even dare to buy a $20 skirt from cotton on which I actually really like, because the reality is that it takes up half of a day's pay. That's disgusting. Gotta save up for driving and piano lessons... :)
I'm quite happy today. Oh,
www.givesmehope.com is an awesome website. I cry reading the posts... hehe :) Take care :)